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Culture Star DJ Files for Divorce

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작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 3,996회 작성일 07-10-21 19:56


00122.jpgStar couple Park Chul and Ok So-ri are divorcing after 11 years of marriage. Park filed for divorce on Oct. 9, shocking many who considered them the "perfect couple.'' Park, who was one of the heartthrobs of the 1990's, and Ok met and fell in love on the set of the 1994 drama "Yeongung Ilgi (Hero Diary).'' They married in December 1996, and have been one of the most beloved couples in Korean entertainment. They have an 8-year old daughter.

Considering the couple's popularity, Ok's mini-home page also became the subject of public scrutiny. She closed the photo section, which used to be filled with her family photos, and replaced it with an image of a bouquet of flowers. Only the message board is open to the public. Park has been quoted as saying the divorce should not affect his broadcast activities, and will continue his work on cable TV and radio.

The Serious Problem of Divorce Rate

As sharp increasing divorce rates become a social problem, the reality is much more serious than what we hear in the second marriage consulting field. As we see the survey result by the supreme court that following the highest divorce rate, there are increasing honeymoon, what we have been worrying comes into reality. Divorcees at twenty four-five join the second marriage members, our families break up blitz tactics.

Why the couples in this country are shaken so easily? To cover the high divorce rates as a personal matter our society has been suffering from its aftermath too much. Divorce gives the second biggest stress next to death. It gives direct and indirect stress not only to the person and his or her children but also his or her relatives, therefore the happiness rate of the society overall goes down a lot. The biggest reason of the sharp increase in divorce rate above all is the lack of experience and education.

1. Do you know this news? What do you think about frequent divorce of entertainers?
2. What meaning do you think the marriage has in your life?

   Can you divorce if your spouse isn't suitable with you later?
3. Do you think the increasing divorce rate is undesirable?
   And the saying that people could find a new life after the divorce is right? And why?
4. Problems of money, disbelief and so on, the reasons for divorce actually have since long existed in our daily lives.
   How can we lead well these problems?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



Sesillia님의 댓글

Sesillia 작성일

I think include entertainers 's divorce is not bad. If they don't like their marriage life they can divorce.
They are entertainers. But before, they are human. Human has a right to divorce if they like to divorce.
Marriage is the new starting point of life. The rest time of life is determined by marriage.
And I think I can divorce. If my husband always hit me and curse and damn to me, I'll divorce. Because lif-e is only one time. And I want to enjoy the life.
People could find a new life after the divorce is right. They can start at the beginning!
Before marry, we should have a long relationship. And consider about all the thing.


England님의 댓글

England 작성일

But, you know entertainer can't exist without attention of public. So, they have to be serious and considered.
You're right partially. Everyone is able to divorce in case they would like to do but cheating on someone definitely has to be criticised though they are public people. We wouldn't ne concerned whether they divorce easily or do somthings unless we know them and thery are famous.


joseph님의 댓글

joseph 작성일

i think divorce is not good when they have children. especailly they have children who is at poverty. of corse, my life is so important. but my children's life is so important, too. if someone divorce when their children is at poverty, they will give unforgetalbe wound to their children. it isn't that i don't agree with divorce. simply we have to consider our children and we have to take the responsibility. we can divorce after other children become adult, too. i think bodily injury can soon heals, but emotional injuty takes much longer. this is just my thinking so please don't blame me.

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