Students Expected to Spend $5.4 Bil. Overseas in 2008 > 영어토론방

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Education Students Expected to Spend $5.4 Bil. Overseas in 2008

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작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 3,366회 작성일 07-11-11 16:03


00123.jpgKoreans are spending billions of dollars to educate their kids overseas and their expenditure is snowballing every year, while incoming foreign students and travelers are showing no signs of any marked growth. Koreans are expected to spend nearly 5 trillion won ($5.4 billion) on overseas education this year. This is more than 13 percent of the government's 36 trillion won education budget for next year.

Since the 1997 Asian financial crisis, they have spent over $20 billion studying abroad or taking language training courses overseas. According to the Bank of Korea (BOK), spending on overseas education and training recorded $3.5 billion in the first eight months of this year, marking a 17.3 percent year-on-year growth. If spending continues to increase at this pace, it would surpass 4.8 trillion won this year, the central bank said.

Backed up by Koreans' enthusiastic interest in education and the obsession that one should speak English to get a decent job, overseas education spending is soaring each year _ the central bank estimated spending will reach $6 billion in 2008. While Koreans are heading overseas to study and get language training, local schools don't seem to be a very attractive option for foreign students. The BOK said Koreans spent $590 million overseas to cover expenses in studying and training in August alone, whereas foreign students here spent only $7.2 million.

The burden of educational expenses is huge here. According to a number of studies, the private education market is estimated to be 33.5 trillion won in size, which exceeds the 31 trillion won education budget for 2007. The high cost involves sacrifices made by parents. According to a PCA Life survey, 43 percent of Koreans are willing to spend more on children's education instead of preparing for their post-retirement life.

1. What do you think the burden of educational expenses, especially about studying abroad?
2. Do you think studying abroad is helpful to your study?

   Do you want to spend money on it in the future?
3. Related to last paragragh, are you willing to spend more on children's education

   instead of preparing for your post-retirement life? If not, why do you think that?
4. How can we reduce the burden of educational expenses?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



Smith님의 댓글

Smith 작성일

In my opinion, it is necessary for job searcher who want to have a decent job to have ability to speak English
Becasue Most compay in korea have a business connected with foreign company to sell product more
so, the company want a employeer who speak english very well.
but, Our education is not suitable for learning English and is focused on Grammar and Reading
the Real ablilty is not for exam, but for speaking with Foreigner.
so, they will go abord to get launge training. to stop spending expenditure about lanuage,
The gorvenment should prepare special system that make korean speak english very well
I think if we have a speaking skill in English only by studying English in school
The korean will develope more and more, because the student can easily understand English book
and their knowlege will be larger.

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