Seven Keys to Becoming Successful Career Woman > 영어토론방

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Culture Seven Keys to Becoming Successful Career Woman

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,348회 작성일 07-11-11 16:18


00125.jpgBy Jane Han
Staff Reporter

Despite the much-improved work atmosphere for women,
a local economic think tank tells ladies to take things into their own hands
if still faced with unfriendliness and barriers that obstruct their path to success.

Some examples of discrimination include salary gaps and sexual harassment in the office,
with a recent online recruiter Career survey showing that the average paycheck gap
between men and women has reached 22.8 million won, up 8 million from 2001.
And another survey of 1,404 women by recruiter Find Job said more than four out of 10 respondents
experienced some form of sexual harassment at work.

Among many approaches to dealing with the varying situations, the LG Economic Research Institute (LGERI) suggests starting with the following seven.

1. Have a pioneering mindset and be optimistic.
Acknowledge that there may be no one walking you through
the process and you just have to grin and bare with it and cope with problems that arise.
If tossed with any sexist comments, don't fret over it,
but casually laugh it off and show confidence through work instead, the report says.

2. Show professionalism.
People commonly think that women prioritize their family and personal life ahead of work.
Prove them wrong by delivering top output and study extra to be ready to tackle any tough questions.
Professionalism encompasses not simply work performance,
but personal image as well. If you want to be taken seriously, dress like you mean business, says LGERI.

3. Don't be too modest.
Learning how to self-promote is a valued skill in today's competitive corporate world.
No matter how great an assignment is completed, if you don't get any credit for it, what good is it?
Learn how to express your thoughts in an eloquent and assertive way,
the institute advises, adding that women should be sure to mark their presence.

4. Befriend men.
In order to be competitive, women should learn to build friendships with male coworkers.
Instead of shying away, show leadership and cooperative skills so that they can acknowledge your abilities.
The write up suggests women to find common ground and maintain stable ties with male peers, subordinates and superiors.

5. Find a mentor.
Regardless of how much talent you have, corporate politics may affect your career in a multitude of ways.
Observe who the centers of power are and try to build relationships with them, LGERI says,
adding that forming alliances within an organization is crucial to survive and succeed.

6. Take off the superwoman cape.
If you really want to be successful, give up being a superwoman.
Being a full-time homemaker and excel as a career woman at the same time is simply too difficult.
Become a little thick-skinned and admit that you can get by with doing a little less around the house, says the report,
advising women to find support from their husband and children.

7. Don't be afraid to quit.
If you think that there is no growth potential in the current organization,
what are you waiting for? Go find other opportunities.
The think tank says if your direct boss is a male chauvinist and chances of improvements are slim to none,
then it's better to be sorry now than to be sorrier later.

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