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Society Hope for Youths

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작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 3,957회 작성일 07-12-15 11:48


65085.JPG[Times Editorial] Hope for Youths
Job Creation Is More Important Than Any Other Things

Presidential candidates are promising to create more jobs for younger voters to garner their support. However, college students and other young people remain unconvinced by the campaign pledges. They were disappointed with the Roh Moo-hyun administration, which failed to keep its promise to create 400,000 jobs each month, of which a significant number were meant to be for young people. They have found it difficult to find jobs as less than 300,000 jobs were created per month.

The problem of the jobless rate of young people has deteriorated since the 1997-98 Asian financial crisis. The nation cannot solve this issue without taking radical measures. Coupled with the rapid increase in the number of old people, the decreasing number of jobs for young people is posing a grave threat to the nation's growth potential. In this situation, more and more young people are losing hope for the future. This is also a great loss for the country as its future depends on the new generations.

According to the National Statistical Office (NSO), the number of workers aged 20 to 29 was estimated at 4.35 million when President Roh took office in February 2003. However, the figure declined 8.4 percent to 3.98 million in October this year. On the heels of the rapid aging of the population and the shrinking birthrates, the population of those in their 20s fell 7.2 percent from 7.2 million to 6.66 million over the same period. The nation is predicted to suffer from an acute shortage of young workers in coming decades due to the accelerating aging population.

Young people will also be forced to shoulder skyrocketing financial burdens to support the older generation. Currently, eight workers support one elderly citizen. In 2020, 4.6 workers are expected to support one senior citizen. The country needs to take long-term measures to prevent a potential demographic catastrophe. The Roh government has been taking various steps to cope with the aging population and low birthrates, but it has failed to produce tangible results.

It is heart-wrenching to see many high school and college graduates only working part-time and getting paid a mere 800,000 won per month, or 50-60 percent of full-time workers' salaries. It is regrettable that businesses are reluctant to offer more job opportunities to the younger people, while preferring experienced workers or temporary workers. Corporations should realize that job creation for young people is an investment in those who will lead the country in the near future.

1. What do you think the problem of the jobless rate of young people?
2. Do you think you can't get a job easily right after you graduate the university?
   Then what's the problem?
3. Young people will be forced to financial burdens to support the older generation.
   Talk about this problem related to the jobless rate of young people.
4. How can we solve these problems like we have discussed?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



크눌프님의 댓글

크눌프 작성일

I appreciated the passage with fully enjoyed mind. I had a great time to further my background knowledge. Thank you. AND I'd like to present another view on the answer of the question No.1. Of course there are several reasons why so many young, promising people can't find their job, as you mentioned above. But, I firmly claim that the young can't completely ascribe this problem to the Noh-administration and other causes. Although the administration failed to accomplish the number of occupations it pledged, anyway, there have been created quite many ones. But the enterprises, excpet some large ones, still suffer from the lack of the labor. That's because the young intentionally avoid a majority of jobs provided, insisting the better condition. Small and middle enterprises can't accord to such all demands, thus they employ labors from Southeast Asian nations, who could work in the relatively inferior condition. Then the number of the available jobs decreases continually. The youth should bear it in mind that they face the predicaments squarely if they really want to overcome this hard time.

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