Worst Oil Spill > 영어토론방

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Environment Worst Oil Spill

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 4,873회 작성일 07-12-15 12:01


002.jpgLast week's oil spill shows how such disasters wreak havoc on the environment. It took place Friday morning when the Hong Kong-registered Hebei Spirit, a 146,000-ton tanker, collided with an 11,800-ton barge off Taean, South Chungcheong Province. The collision caused about 10,500 tons of oil to leak into the waters of the West Sea.

Experts came up with a rough estimate of 300 billion won ($330 million) in damage to the oil tanker, tourist businesses and oyster and abalone farming in the ecologically pristine Taean County, in which there are 5,600 hectares of fish farms. The figure could rise further if the oil slick reaches more areas and the cleanup and damage control work is subject to delay. More than 90 vessels and six helicopters were dispatched to the affected areas and over 6,650 soldiers and police are working to block the spread of oil.

Fishermen, vendors, environmentalists and residents harshly criticize the authorities for the disaster, claiming that the accident could have been prevented if they had taken appropriate steps. Outdated disaster control measures are also to blame for damage to beaches and fish farms. Many fishermen complain that their farms were totally destroyed by the oil slick, while store and restaurant owners are concerned about the loss of business due to the blackened beaches.

It is regrettable that the accident occurred apparently due to communication problems between the oil tanker, the barge and the regional maritime affairs and fisheries office. The office tried to make radio contact with the barge carrying the crane twice, just two hours before the accident, to warn that it was too close to the tanker. But it failed to do so. The office and Samsung Heavy Industries Co., the owner of the barge, blamed each other for the failure.

Another problem is that the authorities have failed to take timely and appropriate action to prevent the spread of the leaked oil. Thus, disaster control officials could not prevent oil from reaching beaches and fish farms. One day after the accident, the central government declared a state of disaster in the affected areas. It could take more than a decade to restore the destroyed areas.

1. Have you ever heard about this article? How did you feel?
2. What is the problem of before and after this accident?
3. Through this case, we can realize the significance of environment.
What problems do we have about environment international or national?
4. How can we keep our environment? (Talk about freely in the aspect of country, business, and an individual)

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



ck0426님의 댓글

ck0426 작성일

Pardon me for disregarding those content questions but I believe the most responsible company for the oil spill disaster is Sam Sung.

I'm just totally curious about WHAT THE HELL they are actually trying to do at the moment and HOW THE HELL they are going to improve the situation. Are they actually taking any serious consideration or action about the oil clean-up? or are they just damn too irresponsible and corrupted to pull out some of their money from OVERLOADING stockpile and use it FOR GOODNESS' SAKE? Every single man is out there calling Sam Sung a MIGHTY MIGHTY EMPIRE. SERIOUSLY, WHERE THE HELL IS THE MONEY?

God I am just so totally FUxKING pissed at them. ANY DISAGREEMENT?


Jina님의 댓글

Jina 작성일

This oil spill is totally the worst disaster in Korean history. The leaked oil destroied not only environment also human's life, especially the fishers'. In my opinion, still many of Korean companies are more care about money than environment.
However, the global trend goes most sucessful companies take social resposibility. They've already known the 'noblesse oblige'. Also, the goverment would give the eco-friendly companies more incentives if they meet the standard. Personally, I'll buy the environmet-friendly products so that my small habit can keep our environment.

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