Non-whites face discrimination in English job market > 영어토론방

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Education Non-whites face discrimination in English job market

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작성자 토론실
댓글 5건 조회 3,858회 작성일 07-06-18 00:52


0015.jpgA 32-year-old American college graduate was refused a job as an English teacher in a private institute in Apkujong-dong, southern Seoul, last week, allegedly for her mixed race heritage. Her resume (minus photo) was accepted on the first round but she failed her interview. She said she was told by the interviewer, ``I’m sorry but we only want to have white people. We want a native speaker that parents approve of.’’

It was the fifth time that she had been turned down from private language institutes as well as public schools because of her skin color. ``I was just speechless. Korean people are just afraid of skin color. What is yellow gonna do to you? What is white gonna do to you? What is black gonna do to you?’’ she asked The Korea Times.

``What was even more degrading was that this person even told me that Korea is a racist country and always will be so. I shouldn't take it personal, and not feel bad because the blacks have it worse here,’’ she said on condition of anonymity.

Another 34-year-old black American male college graduate encountered the same embarrassment. He had more than 10 interviews for English teacher positions in language institutes and schools, only to hear that he could not be hired because he is not white. ``I was told repeatedly by recruiters that the schools would not hire black people. It’s always the same story. I'm not prejudiced but it's the parents, it's the directors. Not only are they racist, but they lie about it and deny it, which I think is worse,’’ he said, wanting to remain anonymous.

``There's a sad amount of racism all over Korea. And if you're wondering why there aren't many black people teaching English, it's because many schools refuse to hire people with dark skins,” he said. ``In addition, there are non-white people who do get jobs here, who won't be coming back again because of the poor treatment they received when they were here.’’

Despite rising demand for native English instructors, qualified non-whites face open discrimination here in the English education job market. Many hagwon recruitment notices on the Internet say that they have only white native-English teachers.

When parents and students come to hagwon for inquiry or consultations, hagwon owners deliberately seat white teachers beside their consultants at the front counters of their institutes, to show off that they have white people.


1. What do you think about this problem?
What do you think is the reason that many private institute prefer to white people than non-whites?
2. Despite rising demand for native English instructors,
actually many of them are not qualified so what do you think about that?
3. Have you ever taken the native speaker's class in school or institute?
How did you feel? What do you think is the advantage or disadvantage for studying English from native speaker?
4. What kinds of efforts are needed to solve this problem?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



woon님의 댓글

woon 작성일

1. I have seen that rich countries ignore poor countries and poor countries blame those kinds of discriminations.
Meanwhile, poor countries respect or want to resemble rich countries. That is a point.
In Korea, many people have a very narrow view of the world. For example, if Korean see white foreigners, usually
Korean think they are American. Therefore, Korean would think white people equal to American and they are rich!
Futhermore, Korean usually think American English is the most common English in the world. It might be true, but we
don't need to admire only American English!
However, especially Korean parents do not want their children to learn English from colored people! They might badly
influence on children in a view of fact that they are poor!!!
Fundamentally, we must respect to all mankind and try to appreciate them.
And then, we have got to learn many sorts of cultures in school.

2. Before I went to Canada to study English, I attended an English conversation class. At that time, my teacher was a
Canadian, so I was sort of disappointed. Because she's not an American. I was very bad and had a very narrow of the
world. For the same reason, so many korean do not want to learn English from colored people. Hence, many native
colored speakers mostly cannot work in Korea, and they do not want to stay in Korea, even if they were hired. It may be
natural, because so many people are discriminated in Korea and they can easily have bad memories about Korea.

3. As I described it before, I attended an English converation class in Korea. At that time, my Canadian teacher was very passionate, so I learned a lot of things and conversation skills, but there was a limitation that I could not completely understand English grammars. May be I was accustomed to Korean style of English. I guess it is good for people who want to study speaking skill, but not very good for people who want to study grammars.


파랑새님의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

1. I think the reason why parents don't like 'yellow' people to teach English to their children is quite obvious. People still have the idea that native English speakers are mostly white. Actually, it is true to some extent, and especially in an asian country, it is reasonable for people to assume that a yellow person that they see around them isn't likely to be a native English speaker because they have been living practically surrounded by same yellow people. This logic also applies to other cases. For example, people from the middle east are actually much less  likely to be native English speakers than white people or at least that is what average korean parents think. Of course, there should be some racial discrimination involved, but I think that the main reason is as simple as that. Parents want native English speakers and white people are more likely to be native English speakers than any other race. Therefore, parents are making a reasonable or rather convinient decision by favoring white people.

3. I think you learn live English when you learn from a native speaker. You get to learn the right pronounciations and English accent. One disadvantage is that a native speaker does not usually know what people need as opposed to Korean teachers. Korean teachers have gone through the same trouble so they tend to know what and how to teach better than native speakers. But experienced native speakers have no trouble with that, so it really depends on how experienced a native speaker is.

4. Although I said that parents are making seemingly reasonable decision, I don't think that it is very rational. It is not like parents refuse other races because they hate them. They are only being practical. So, it's really nobody's fault. I think the only way to solve this problem is by proving that asian or black native speakers are more competent than white people. I feel sorry that this is not fair but if they are just as competent as white people, parents will still prefer white people becuase it is a safer choice. But if black and and asian native English speakers make an extra effort, soon people will realize that they have been wrong and they will change the way they see asian and black native speakers. So in my opinion the way to solve this problem is to make an extra effort. Although this is unfair, sadly this is reality.


Agei님의 댓글

Agei 작성일

I just wanna say something that korean racism is stupid. who is ignored by other countries? that is asian but
koreans are raicst to black or half-black people.. isnt that stupid? actually even in states there is only few racist to black
what I wanna say is there is no way certain race can be inferior .. white teacher, black teacher that means nothing even if they are black they have way better english skill that koreans dont have


CKluvz님의 댓글

CKluvz 작성일

man dis article is shit. its so fucking simple that why koreans prefer whites than other races. my STRAIGHT ANSWER? cuz koreans are fucking racist. even da article says that too. srsly, if dis koreans' stupid sterotypical ideas (luv whites, hate blak and browns) go on, i can fucking guarantee dat our country's social morality gona b like infants in the third world country.


Kevin..님의 댓글

Kevin.. 작성일

Hey man.. plesase put your ugly fingers away..
Cann't you see that they're tring to make the situation better..
Be positive.. Our society will must be better because our small effort which likes these debate topics
and their mind.. could make it
By the way.. in my opinon u should be much more polite..
your way of express your mind is just suck.. flat suck..
Do not say those kind of coarse words.. otherwise Korean gonna kick your FUCKING ASSHOLE..
anyway thank you for reading my poor English

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