Men join beauty boom > 영어토론방

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Culture Men join beauty boom

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 5,242회 작성일 07-07-08 20:57


0017.jpgA Kim, 48, managing director of a large company in Seoul, recently had surgery to remove black spots on his face. He had always worried the spots would make him look older. Cho, a 53-year-old retiree, had laser skin resurfacing surgery before going to an interview. Kim and Cho, who wished to be identified only by their last names, are among a growing number of Korean men having cosmetic surgery.

``I lost a lot of my confidence when I retired. Thanks to the surgery, I have regained my confidence. I am ready to interview with a new company and to start the second part of my life,’’ Cho said. ``Having a young look is considered one of the most important things in an increasingly competitive society. Cosmetic surgery is no longer something only familiar to women.’’

According to the Anacli Center, one of the most popular cosmetic surgery hospitals in southern Seoul, the number of the middle-aged men having cosmetic surgery in January increased 20 percent from a year ago. The season for personnel shakeups is approaching. ``A lot of men in their 40s and 50s who are high-ranking executives at large companies and state-funded organizations think a young look is important to be seen as a competent and energetic man. Also, those who face retirement are busy improving their looks in order to get another job,’’ said Jang Yoo-sok, a cosmetic surgeon at Anacli Center. ``The cosmetic surgeries that are most popular with men are liposuction and facelifts.’’

Plastic surgeons say men and women approach cosmetic surgery differently. Unlike women, who tend to want to peel off the years by eliminating every wrinkle, doctors say, men want to appear more energetic while preserving their faces' unique characteristics. ``While women want to look youthful and beautiful, men want to look energetic. Most male clients here want to look refreshed but don't necessarily want to look different, which contrasts with women clients, who want to look different and bring pictures of celebrities to ask doctors to make them look like that,’’ said Kim Sung-wan, a doctor at Skin Laser Clinic in southern Seoul. ``Men want to look like themselves, only better.’’

To refer to the increasing number of middle-aged men focusing on their looks, the term ``nomujok’’ has been coined, which translates directly into the English _``NO More Uncle.’’ `Nomujok are likely to play a more and more important role in the cosmetic and leisure-related market this year,’’ said Kim Jeong-hee, a social trend consultant.

1. What do you think about the plastic surgery?
Which side do you support to get a plastic surgery or preserve one's own face that their parents took over?

2. A few weeks ago, Hwan-hee who is a famous singer in Fly to the sky confess that he got a plastic surgery for changing his image and many people are shocked to it. Like this, even though the number of men who got a plastic surgery is increasing, it's unfamiliar to us yet than womens'. So, what do you think about the men's plastic surgery? Bonus! Which guy do you prefer? Handsome guy who got much plastic surgery or normal guy who didn't get a plastic surgery.

3. These days, appearance is considered as a big part of personal ability. Practically, looking good is an important factor in job interview. What do you think about that?

4. As our society is getting crazy about "beauty" more and more, various kind of appearance related industry is increasing such as fatness clinic, skin care shop, nail care shop and cosmetic surgery. So what do you think about this phenomenon?

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Sunny님의 댓글

Sunny 작성일

I don't think that the plastic surgery is bad. In man case is same. but I'd rather to preserve my own face that my parents took over.
and.. If I have to choose between the handsome guy who got much plastic surgery and normal guy who didn't get a plastic surgery, I would like to choose normal guy.
I don't like that our society's beauty syndrome. I think that It is more important to develop our ability than our appearance.


Jinny님의 댓글

Jinny 작성일

I agree with you Sunny. But our society still thinks that appearance is important.
Let's suppose this situation.
An ugly person & a handsome person apply same company And they have similar ability.
The company needs only one person. If you were an interviewer, what shall you do?
Do you choose ugly person or handsome?

First of all, We have to chage our society. It'll be very difficult but we have to! ^^

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