Kids Say Learning English Stressful > 영어토론방

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Education Kids Say Learning English Stressful

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작성자 토론실
댓글 4건 조회 4,381회 작성일 07-07-21 11:57


00110.jpgOne out of five elementary school students have experienced there own dose of ``bullying'' simply because they are not as good at English as their friends, a poll revealed. The survey conducted on 471 elementary school students also showed that nearly 18 percent feel stressed because of English and often worry about their language exams.

``Parents are worried too, often pressuring their children to learn proper English and the stress seems to be transferred to their children,'' said Lee Cheol-yong, CEO of Tong Class, a private English education institute which conducted the survey. ``And the stress or the obsession seems to cause problems between peers in class.''

Forty-seven percent of the students said the main motive to start learning English was the encouragement or enforcement by their parents. Despite the stress, 66 percent said they wanted to keep learning English and 51 percent said English is necessary to survive.It seems that the obsession in learning English at early ages is largely attributed to worries by parents who do not want their children to lose a competition with their peers.

``Every parent struggles to let their kids have good English education and you can't help but joining them if you don't want to see your children lose a competition with others,'' Jang Kyung-mi, a mother of two children in Gyeonggi Province, said. Her daughter and son have taken English classes at several private institutes, paying 300,000 won a month, but Jang said she is still worried that she may need to do something more for them.

Experts say English classes at elementary schools should first neutralize feelings of anxiety felt by parents and their children from being obsessed with English education. Currently, an elementary school offers one or two classes a week, which they find is insufficient.

``Poor school curriculum in English classes may be largely attributed to the worries that parents have,'' said Lee Won-key, professor of the English education department at Seoul National University of Education. ``More classes by properly trained teachers are the solution to ease the worries and stress of parents and children.''

1. When did you start to learn English? Did you like to learn English? Why? Or why not?
2. What do you think is the most important factor or motivation to start learning English?
3. These days every parent struggles to let their children have good English education.
What do you think about that? When you have your children, how will you educate your children?
4. What can we do to ease the worries and stress of parents and children about English?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



Sunny님의 댓글

Sunny 작성일

When I entered the middle school, I started to learn English. At that time, I liked to learn it. because I was interested in a new language.Unfortunately, I am not now. These day I feel very stressed because of English and worry about toeic tests.
I think that the most important thing is whether we really want to learn it.


둥근네모님의 댓글

둥근네모 작성일

When I was in elementary school, I learned English from teacher. But I don't like to learn English. It was very difficult for me. So I didn't care studing English. But after Millitary service, I had to study English to get a job.
I know that English is world language. However, I have a feeling that society is forcing to learn English to me. It's just my thought.


다래님의 댓글

다래 작성일

oh my god..


리버에코님의 댓글

리버에코 작성일

When I was 6 years old, I started studying English...
Since then, I'm still learning English.
I say I quite Enjoyed it. May be it was because the academy I went to when I was 6 was playful.
The teachers are really funny and there were not some kind of studying mood. There is just play mood.
And when I was in England, I realized that I love English. I felt like I'm some sort of upper class person when I speak totally in English with foreigner.(<-- What a silly think)

So, to tell the essence, I think today's kids are getting stress about learning English since they are studying English not feel the English. When it comes to language, you just not study, but you should enjoy that language. You have to feel like you are great guy when you enjoy that language.
So in my opinion, kids should have some fun with English. Not just study really hard.

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