47% of Job Seekers Feel Suicide Impulse > 영어토론방

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Society 47% of Job Seekers Feel Suicide Impulse

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작성자 토론실
댓글 3건 조회 4,384회 작성일 07-07-21 12:02


00111.jpgGetting a job is stressful, sometimes too stressful prompting some to feel the urge to commit suicide. According to a survey of 1,082 jobseekers in their 20s by online recruiting company JobKorea, 47.3 percent of respondents said they had felt a strong impulse to kill themselves. About 52.7 percent of the pollees said they had never felt the urge to commit suicide, whereas 21.9 percent answered they felt the impulse often; 17.8 percent once; 5.5 percent very often; and 2.1 percent periodically.

Some people push themselves a step further and put the impulse into action. A 23-year-old named Kim was found dead Monday on the rooftop of a building in Gwangjin-gu, Seoul. The university senior was said to have had a row with her mother when she was scolded for not being active in her job searching. The police said that the stress of having to get an occupation must have driven her to commit suicide.

Twenty-five-year old Seo also killed herself last Sunday when she failed her entrance examination for a pharmaceutical department at college. She had already graduated from a university majoring in humanities, but since she couldn't get a job, she tried to switch her school to be a chemist, only to fail. Another jobseeker identified as Bae also killed herself on the same day leaving a note, saying that she should have applied for the public servant examination not corporations.

To the survivors, the reality of having to prepare or search for jobs is difficult. About 93.4 percent said that they are severely stressed. Seong, a 27 year-old jobseeker who is preparing to be a teacher, said that she often feels depressed. ``I thought, at this time of my life, I would get a steady job and make career plans. But just look at me; sitting in the library all day long memorizing stuff fearing I might fail,'' she said.

Prof. Lee Hong-shik of Yonsei University said that for jobseekers, courage is needed not a sense of failure. Repetition of failure can result in depression that leads to suicide and that the jobseekers' whole family should deal with it. `Getting a good job is not everything in one's life and you shouldn't just linger on that one issue, but use diverse perspectives in self evaluation,'' Prof. Choi Jun-ho of Hanyang University Medical Center said.

1. What do you want to be? What kinds of jobs do you want to get?
2. Are you preparing something for your dream? If so, what and how?
3. What do you think about youth unemployment?
4. To solve this problem, what can individuals, companies, government do?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



b-mania#15님의 댓글

b-mania#15 작성일

seeker is very serious  iam grade 3rd university student


sadist님의 댓글

sadist 작성일

I want to be a professional on a financial field. so I am studying English and Economics and so on.
I think that youth unemployment is very serious problem in Korea. We have to solve the problem .
We need to develop ourselves ability. and the companies have to hire many people who fit for the work.
In addition, the government have to support many jobseekers and firms.


이회장님의 댓글

이회장 작성일

i agree with sadist. we have lots of problems now. but to young people seeking a good job is one of the most serious problem. some people said at first time just join a middle company and later you can change from there to big company. but i and most people think it is almost impossible. so most people are seeking a good job at first. me, too. after millitary service i feel my parents expecting is big and i have to response. nowadays oil price is increasing but a dollar's value is decreasing. some expert said if a dollar' value decline under 900 won, our country will go bankrupt. this is causing that most company is cutting down hiring recruits. i think if goverment will remove restriction for investing and bank will cut down the rate of interest and company will invest more and more, our hiring market wiil better.

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