New beginning of English toronsil > 영어토론방

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Notice New beginning of English toronsil

페이지 정보

작성자 파랑새
댓글 57건 조회 59,269회 작성일 07-04-21 06:24


6546456.jpgGreetings, everyone.
Welcome to English Toronsil.
안녕하세요 여러분
영어토론방에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

Although the number of visitors has been fairely high, there hasn't been much debate in English Toronsil. We'd like to have a new beginning. I'd really appreciate your support and encouragement
비록 낮지않은 방문자 숫자에도 불구하고 영어토론실에서 그다지 토론이라고 할만한 토론이 많치 않았습니다. 그래서 다시 새로운 출발을 맞고자 하니 많은 관심과 참여 부탁하겠습니다.

Here in English Toronsil you can learn to debate and to properly express your opinions in English. Do not be intiminated because of your poor English.
여기 영어 토론방에서는 토론하는 방법과 영어로 자신의 의견을 표현하는 법을 배울 수 있습니다. 만약 영어에 서투르다 하시더라도 전혀 기죽거나 고민할 필요가 없습니다.

As written in the introduction of Toronsil, regardless of age or academic background, this website is open for everyone.
토론실 소개란에 써있는 것 처럼, 토론실은 나이나 학력에 관련없이 누구에게나 개방되어 있습니다.

Not to mention we will do our best to help you get used to English debating, reading people's ideas and learning new expressions will help you to properly express your ideas in English.
영어 토론에 적응하는데까지 저로서도 최선을 다할 것이라는 것은 두말할 필요도 없이, 사람들의 의견을 읽으며 새로운 표현들을 익힌다면, 영어로 자신의 의견을 표현하는것에 많은 도움이 될 것이라 믿습니다.

74564554.jpgIf you are already good at those, it's fantastic. We will have a lot of fun debating, which is also educational.
이미 영어 토론에 자신이 있으시다면 재미있고 또 유익한 토론이 많이 나올 것이라 생각합니다.
I hope that English Toronsil will be the place where Korean netizens discuss and correct the misunderstandings of foreigners in English websites, whenever Korea is misrepresented.
저는 이 영어 토론실이 후에는 한국 네티즌들이 외국인들의 한국에 대한 오해가 있을경우 같이 토론하고 고칠 수 있는 장소가 되기를 바랍니다.

And we would really appreciate it, if you could help other people who have trouble writing in English.
또 영어로 표현이 힘든 다른 사람들을 도와주신다면 감사하겠습니다.

If you are a foreginer or if you live in a foreign country, you are 'very' welcomed as well. If you have any opinion or suggestion or anything to say about Korea, this is the right place.

Because we are a civil and voluntary organization, our opinions are disinterested and unbiased.

Also, your views are highly valuable to us. So, please do not hesitate if you have anything to say or ask.

Thank you for reading.
읽어주셔서 감사합니다.



Eternity님의 댓글

Eternity 작성일

a I want to write a disscusion in english but... poor english read and writing skill..


Agei님의 댓글

Agei 작성일

I wonder why they just read article but don't write down their thoughts


파랑새님의 댓글의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

It's fine. Just write anything you can. Then we will correct the mistakes.


나는소님의 댓글

나는소 작성일

I think one of the reason why this room isn't that popular in discussing issues is that the topics listed here aren't broad enough. Most of the topics are about either English related or the world related. If there are more topics that are asimilar to what people in other rooms are talking about, then I'm sure a lot more people will come and write something about it. For instance, I would love to speak loud, however, although I've read many of the articles in this room, I could not find any interesting issue to talk about. I guess you guys need more marketing strategy. Remember~ this place isn't ESL class. :)


파랑새님의 댓글의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

Thank you for your suggestion. We are currently working on how to improve English Toronsil. For example we are planning to invite some foreign people to come and share their opinion but first we need some structural modifications, before we actually start inviting. So, if you have any suggestion, please don't hesitate.


나는소님의 댓글

나는소 작성일

Another point that I've noticed is the way the opening article in this English room has adopted. At the every end of the articles, the author asks a set of questions. It is likely that a lot of people wouldn't want to stick on those few points which narrow down the whole issues, but would probably want to speak more freely about his/her thought. Although there is no strict rules that the participants must only answer the question, presenting such questions at the end psychologically intimidates those who have more free opinions about the topic. Remember~ this isn't where we study GRE Analytical Writing Section. ^^*


파랑새님의 댓글의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

I completely agree with you. The questions are just a guideline not a rule.


파랑새님의 댓글의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

Oh, if you thought it was a formant, it's not. You don't have to ask questions either when you post anything.


방황하는맹태님의 댓글

방황하는맹태 작성일

Although I've got kind of poor writing skill with english, I promise I'll participate in English Debate.
And I wish I can work out great debate with people who want to deal with controversial issues.
In the end, I'm really expecting that English Debate will be improved much better than before.
I bet the writings which were written by 'I am cow' could be correct diagnosis and opnion.


이회장님의 댓글

이회장 작성일

this is first time to visit here. i want to approve my english skill but nowadays i'm worried about that. i'm glad that i can use this site and i can devate with people. i will participate in this.


goodjob님의 댓글

goodjob 작성일

i will visit this website from now on because i read this article. i d'like to learn english debate through this site as well.


OF쿠르트님의 댓글

OF쿠르트 작성일

I read the book named "Global leader, debating is the answer(글로벌 인재, 토론이 답이다)" yesterday.
(It is quite good book, so I recommend you to read it when you have spare time)
After that, I realized the importance of debating.
Fortunately, I found this awesome site and now I'm writting this comment.
I would appericiate you for helping and debating with me. Thank you.


loafery님의 댓글

loafery 작성일

The reason why people just read the articles and just go out is that the articles themselves are too stiff. We need articles that are more related to us. Also there are many of us who can barely read english let alone write something logical about what they have read. The only ones that seem to put anyting up are students from foreign language high schools. The people who read the articles should not be afraid of replying to it, even if they're not interested in that article they should leave a little comment behind. Every little helps as they say.


maxwell님의 댓글

maxwell 작성일

The most important thing when we write down something in english is that not intimidate using english.
I mean we have to have a confidence when using english. Don't feel burden, don't afraid whether your
grammer is right or wrong. In my case, i know that my english is not good enough to write down something
in english on board like this. And i also know that we are not foreigner, so it's certain that we have trouble
when we use english. So i want everyone who in this website have confidence and improve their english
through this website.


인연님의 댓글

인연 작성일

I thinks that this space needs to something that helps people to read easily. That is, it is tool like online dictionary that can search a word in real-time. It's a pity that i have a meager vocabulary. If i had a rich voca, i could express in detail. I wish English Toronsil advanced and sometimes i drop by here.


stella님의 댓글

stella 작성일

practice makes perfect. writing or reading articles on this homepage may improve your english skills.
however, if someone wishes to talk about something, his of her subject should be easy one.
If the subject is very heavy, people might feel it difficult to disscuss.


세미나님의 댓글

세미나 작성일

I think we have to discuss a something popular firstly, and then many people will be able to participate in this discussion. most people want to improve their Enlgish skill. if we reinvigorate this English discussion room, this room will be a good way to good English debater.


ErwinRommel님의 댓글

ErwinRommel 작성일

이런말 하기가 그런데 영어토론방이라 사람들은 읽고 바로 나가는군요...
왜 그럴까요?


stella님의 댓글

stella 작성일

작문과 해석은 다른 차원에 존재하거든요


아리랑님의 댓글의 댓글

아리랑 작성일



PaulyWolly님의 댓글

PaulyWolly 작성일



달콤살벌girl님의 댓글의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

That's my question. Oh, and I must say, WHY ISN'T ANYBODY


도톰이님의 댓글

도톰이 작성일

와@! 해석까지 해주셨네요. 감사 추천하고 갑니다.


도톰이님의 댓글

도톰이 작성일

New beginning of English toronsil very good!


도톰이님의 댓글

도톰이 작성일

Although success are very great


도톰이님의 댓글

도톰이 작성일

NOt really


캬컁..님의 댓글

캬컁.. 작성일

해석이 있어서 좋네요^^


사과향나무님의 댓글

사과향나무 작성일

I think so too. It is very hard for us to discussion in English. so I was afraid of write this sentents. but I will do my best  discussion in  English to other.


가을바람님의 댓글

가을바람 작성일

I hope this category will get more active so people who discuss their opinions with other people in Korean Toronsil can actually come here and debate. Also learning English in here will be so great!


구제세종대왕님의 댓글

구제세종대왕 작성일

Me too..I hope that it's gonna be a helpful catagory to the others. Nowadays, I think I'm losing my Eng. ability and I'm also losing my confidence of that. This is so good to express my opinion.


가라사데님의 댓글

가라사데 작성일

There is a good website whatever I see. I can't speak english fluently. But, if we discuss modernal topic or isseue, We can improve english skill. It just my thinking. Thank you. I want come often this website.


김연용님의 댓글

김연용 작성일

Well....I think the reason why many people don't participate in this part is that even though they have a good ability in English, they are in fear of making a mistake. What is more, it is somewhat tired to read and understand whole contents because it is not a Korean. But, from now, I'm going to make an effort to have an interest in this part. :)


토론쟁이님의 댓글

토론쟁이 작성일

I want toronsil to be advanced. I hope that torosil have many active members.


으네님의 댓글

으네 작성일

I want to debate in English toronsil. but I am not good at English speaking like other some peple.
so I will try to lean English debating in this room.
I think that this discussion helps me.


마밴백댄서님의 댓글

마밴백댄서 작성일

I'll try my best to improve my english skill.
Thank you :)


선이론후실천님의 댓글

선이론후실천 작성일

I think this site is very good~


kimmie님의 댓글

kimmie 작성일

I'm glad that I have found this debating site! This place is truly awesome^^

But, my concern is in order to fully activate debating in this English room,
there should be a system or something that can allow people to be engaged in feedback or refute.

What do you think about participating in making a room for English debate in 채팅토론방?? XD


Angelina님의 댓글

Angelina 작성일

I'm pleased to know this website. I will tell to my friend about this website. Although my English is so poor, but I want to discuss!! If I practice everyday, I think my English will be developed. I will study more!


Mike_Jung님의 댓글

Mike_Jung 작성일

Wow!!! I am a first time visiting here. I was really supried. all of the visitors are using Englisn for theirs opinion. I will often visit here and write for my opinions.


soyoung님의 댓글

soyoung 작성일

This time is my second visit here today ,
and I think I will visit everyday cus..these days I practicing writing and debate in English
Let's make useful debate altogrther
and please fix twhat I miswrite


cw00614님의 댓글

cw00614 작성일

What an awesome site! I've been visiting this site, Toronsil, few times, yet I've never noticed that Englihs section was up. feels awkward to write in English as I'm used to speak and write in Korean(Well, this is a tragedy I have to face withㅜㅜ) Although I cannot actively participate...I wish this section may prosper^^


문의현님의 댓글

문의현 작성일

My English ability is not good as ohter people, but I want to make an effort to make this site better than now.
If I make some mistakes, please advise me.
I'm sure that Toronsil site will be developed much better


천공님의 댓글

천공 작성일

Thankyou for ur making like this place


비상님의 댓글

비상 작성일

Good Idea. Though I have poor English skill, I want to write down my thought. so I improve my English Writing Skill. But Were it not for your help, I shouldn't have been encouraged.


White님의 댓글

White 작성일

I guess we must open up two different debate rooms: one for English-learners and the other for the actual English-speakers. Fluent speaker/writers do not want to be lagged behind by poor English. I am not trying to be an elite or aristocrat, but I am just telling the truth. Some come here learn English while the others come to have a real debate. Though where you go will depend on your self-choice, such action will improve the quality of this debate room to a certain extent.


사과머리다다님의 댓글

사과머리다다 작성일

i visit this site today. i expect great experience. Though my english writting skill is auful, i try to improve that.
Thank you for you to give a this chance to debate on question.


조민영님의 댓글

조민영 작성일

can you write down what i write? i don't know about english.why? why! because i hate english for 4 years. that's too bad myself. i found this page today. my heart is coong cyung! oh, well. sorry.
i eating icecream now. woooooooooooooowwwwwwwww!


밝은미래님의 댓글

밝은미래 작성일

i don't well speak english. but i try try try very hard every day. although it is very simple sentence, i don't regret at my standing point. many people don't like english for they do not well. but you always use english, someday you will have perfect skill and ability.


명품마동님의 댓글

명품마동 작성일

Nice to meet you..I agree that this space is very usual and I'll study enghlish speaking, writing.
In one month, I'll write corporation resumes and then I try try try.... this site.....


2011님의 댓글

2011 작성일

This is my first time to interface this English Debate Section. Although I have poor english writing skills, so I want you to correct what is missing or incorrect. Through this section, I hope my english writing skills improve.


Applebox님의 댓글

Applebox 작성일

Well, I was pretty glad to kind this kind of website,(debating website), since I was being annoyed with my debating skill currently. I hope this will help me with my background knowledge and with my mind structuring skills.
 One thing I want to suggest is this. How about making real debating room?? I mean real 'live' debating room. Ones can connect their computer with microphones and have talk about topics freely. I think  coming into this 토론방 and going out would just improve our reading and writing skills but not speaking.


별이반짝님의 댓글

별이반짝 작성일

these days i wanted to improve my english skills.
and i found this website.and i think this website will be good help to my english .
i want to suggest one.what about making a live chatting room so that the people can talk to each other.
because the system right now is typing in my answer and opinion .we cannot talk to each other and feel the feeling of the actual(real)talking competition.i think it will be much more better if this website implement this system.i`m agreeing to the opinion of applebox.


anzm님의 댓글

anzm 작성일

i'm first time visit toronsil so very unfaliliar in addition to write my onpion in english difficult.
i will try to share opinion this board


작은사람님의 댓글

작은사람 작성일

ha ha;; there's no opinion in down article. It's very confused.;why don't we write our opinion to different article?


성후니당님의 댓글

성후니당 작성일

until now,i'm not have come here because of my less confidence about english,but from now on  whenever i have time, i will come to this catagory, and join dabate. So make here full of passion place. thank you


assimilate님의 댓글

assimilate 작성일

I think this site is so useful. it could improve my english and discussion skill. and i hope this site to be more famous, so the discussion could be more active.


등고자비님의 댓글

등고자비 작성일

wow It's good chances to discuss our opinions useing english :)

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2022년 11월 28일(월) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
2022년 11월 22일(화) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
2022년 11월 17일(목) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
2022년 11월 12일(토) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
2022년 11월 7일(월) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 회…
2022년 11월 4일(금) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 회…
2022년 10월 17일(월) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
2022년 10월 10일(월) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 …
(토론실 사이트 펌글)IDS X KIDA Korea 2…
2022년 9월 24일(토), 25일(일) 일기(다이어…
(토론실 사이트 펌글)IDS X KIDA Korea 2…
2022년 9월 21일(수), 22일(목), 23일(금…
2022년 9월 20일(화) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 회…
2022년 9월 19일(월) 일기(다이어트, 청취력 회…
(토론실 사이트 펌글)IDS X KIDA Korea 2…
2022년 9월 17일(토), 18일(일) 일기
2022년 9월 18일(일) 일기(체중변화 기록, 20…
(토론실 사이트 펌글)IDS X KIDA Korea 2…
2022년 9월 15일(목), 16일(금) 일기
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