Can Identification System Stop Cyber Bullying? > 영어토론방

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Society Can Identification System Stop Cyber Bullying?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,293회 작성일 07-05-27 12:49


54544545.jpgHostile comments on the Internet have become a social issue in Korea. The comments have been dubbed “cyber bullying”, and the netizens who produce them are often referred to as “keyboard warriors”.

Last month, Yuni, a 26-year-old pop singer, hanged herself at her house. Her mother said in a press conference that Yuni was depressed and her depression had resulted in her death. The actress's agency claimed she was hurt by comments posted on her blog and other Web sites and these comments had caused her depression. Even after she died, Yuni could not avoid cyber attacks. Under articles about her death posted on major portal sites, there were notes such as “I am so happy to hear that she is dead" and "Now I don't need to see her on TV anymore".

Ahn Myoung-ock of the main opposition Grand National Party(GNP) said the number of cyber crimes is increasing, citing a report from the National Police Agency.
Cyber crimes is a broad term that includes defamation, libel and sexual harassment on the Internet. "Cyber bullying is like a malignant virus that contaminates our minds and discredits our society,'' she told The Korea Times. "To make the Internet a place for sound discussions, every member of society should make an effort to eradicate those comments.''

On Dec. 22, the National Assembly passed a revision on the usage of communication networks and information protection. The revision makes it mandatory for Internet users to identify themselves to post on these sites, an official on the Information and Communication Ethics Committee told The Korea Times.
"Through the introduction of the system, we expect to reduce cyber crimes such as verbal abuse," Kang Sin-ook, deputy director of the committee's Internet safety team, said "I believe the system will make Internet users think about what they write one more time before posting it," a netizen said. ``The system should be adopted as soon as possible to prevent tragedies like Yuni's death.''

On the other hand, 21 percent of respondents said they were skeptical of the system. "The government doesn't seem to fully understand what the Internet is like. I think it's like a running river, so the government cannot interrupt it,'' a 25-year-old college student told The Korea Times on condition of anonymity. "Hasty enforcement of the system will cause other problems such an illegal use of other people's names instead. "A professor said the plan could reduce malicious postings but would not end them.

"The administration thinks that the anonymity of the Internet has triggered those comments, but the reality is different,'' Min Kyung-bae, a professor of Kyung Hee Cyber University, said in an article contributed to a local newspaper on Feb. 1. "Major portal sites and Web sites of well-known media where evil words are spread out are actually a place for identified people.'' Min said people write their opinions after agreeing to disclose their real name or identify themselves through other means. In fact, most scandals related to vicious comments have taken place on sites that adopted the identification system,'' the professor said. "It means that those cyber crimes are not connected with anonymity and the system is not effective in reducing them."

1. Have you ever posted "cyber bullying"? When then, what caused you to have a "cyber bullying"?
2. What do you think about permitting only identified people to post their opinions?
3. Let's talk about other ways of stopping the cyber bullying.
4. When you are posting your opinion, what kinds of things do you think we must have in our mind?

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