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Society Teenagers’ Offense

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 6,848회 작성일 07-05-27 13:06


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Sex Crimes by Youngsters Get Serious

The number of sex crimes committed by teenagers is increasing at an alarming rate. Worrisome is the fact that the number of teenage sex crimes has tripled while the age of culprits has fallen over the last eight years. The rising tide of assault among the teenagers has created a wave of fear among the parents of young students. A recent story of a gang rape by secondary school students has put parents on alert.

Actually, crimes related to sex have long existed, but were mostly committed by adults. Now youngsters are committing them at an alarming rate. Earlier this month, people were surprised to hear that the gang rape was committed in the compound of a middle school. Even more shocking was the fact that the victim and assailants had been classmates for some years and the girl was raped repeatedly over eight months. That makes us wonder what leads young men to commit such deeds. It may be that sexual violence by adolescents transcends the boundaries of common sense. Such attacks are now increasingly common across the nation here. It is a truism to say that rape is an act of violence, not of sex. But young students may not know the seriousness of the crime.

In that sense, the teachers at the school share responsibility for letting the female to be victimized for such a long time. It is deplorable that the students, though young, have no sense of morality or ethics. Experts say that easy access of students to pornography or other adult materials through the Internet stimulates their curiosity about sex at a time when they aren’t fully responsible.
It is time for all adults to pay attention to the matter. The sex crime by teenagers seems to have drifted beyond the tolerable. We should remember that the consequences of the crime are life-long and can sometimes drive the victims to commit suicide. The impact of the offense on young girls is so dreadful as to shadow their whole lives.

Experts say that the role of parents is most important in the formation of youngsters’ character. Everything starts at home. Some say that kids learn about sexuality by watching loving parents. But husbands’ violence against their wives can end up influencing children badly. That apparently leads children to confuse sex and violence. It is home violence that nurture the notion of the children that it is acceptable to victimize women. What parents should know is that wayward children who commit sex crimes often come from problematic homes.

1. Recently, There are many articles about sex crimes by youngsters in broadcast.
Then have you heard about it through broadcast or any other way? And how did you feel?
2. Today, criminals are getting younger but the crime is getting cruel and dangerous.
What do you think is the main reason of this phenomenon?
3. Now, in Korea teenager under fourteen go unpunished(criminal punishment).
What do you think about this?
4. To prevent these kinds of teenager crimes including sex crime, what kind of efforts are needed?

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