Lesson From Hanwha CEO > 영어토론방

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Society Lesson From Hanwha CEO

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,106회 작성일 07-06-18 00:22


0011.jpgIt’s Time to Ensure Rule of Law, Build New Corporate Culture

The detention of Hanwha Group Chairman Kim Seung-youn demonstrates that gang-style violence cannot be tolerated no matter who the lawbreaker is. He has become the first top chaebol owner in South Korea to be arrested on suspicion of ``lynching’’ bar workers in revenge for their attack on his son. The case will serve as a hallmark of the justice system, which has long come under criticism for being too lenient toward lawbreaking business tycoons, politicians and bureaucrats because of their money and power.

It is quite regrettable that Kim is suspected of being directly involved in the criminal act of ``an eye for an eye’’ retaliation. People ask the question: How could he orchestrate such a mafia-like revenge drama, no matter how much he loves his 22-year-old student son? The answer is simple _ the 55-year-old chairman of the nation’s ninth-largest conglomerate has apparently put money and power ahead of the rule of law which is the basic principle of a democratic society.

Kim must remember that he was once arrested in 1993 on charges of buying a luxury house in the United States by smuggling out foreign currency. And he was slammed for fleeing to the U.S. one day before he was banned from traveling abroad in 2004, on suspicion of offering illegal campaign funds to political parties in the 2002 presidential race.

Kim seems to have believed not only that money rules the world, but also that he can do anything he wants by totally ignoring the justice system. According to police investigations, Kim allegedly beat the bar employees and even used steel pipes and a taser after kidnapping some of the victims with the help of about a dozen bodyguards and security guards. He is even suspected of hiring gangsters.

It is quite disappointing that until his arrest on Friday Kim refused to admit that he was directly involved in the March 8 violence which was belatedly made public on April 25. He must no longer seek any excuse for his act. It’s time for him to fully cooperate in the police investigation to shed light on the unprecedented case, before it’s too late. He should realize that his arrest is a disgrace not only for himself, but also for his group with more than 20,000 employees. The police action against him also dealt a blow to Korea Inc. because businessmen like Kim should not waste time when there is fierce competition with international enterprises in the globalized world.

Kim’s case teaches a valuable lesson to both owners of family-controlled chaebol and law enforcement officials. Chaebol operators ought to drop their unfair and illicit business practices and build a new corporate culture based on ``noblesse oblige,’’ or moral integrity. Police, prosecutors and judges must make all-out efforts to ensure that all men are equal before the law

1. Have you ever heard about this case, charman Kim's violence?
How did you feel?
2. What do you think his fierce violence like gangster's comes from? What made him can do that?
Do you think normal people who is not chabol can do that?
3. What do you think about our justice system which has come under criticism for being too lenient toward lawbreaking chaebol, politicians because of their money and power?
4. How could we build a new corporate culture based on ``noblesse oblige,’’ or moral integrity?

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