Excessive Zeal for TOEFL > 영어토론방

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Education Excessive Zeal for TOEFL

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 3,036회 작성일 07-06-18 00:39


0013.jpgYoung Koreans have been thrown into further confusion over the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as its agency is doing a poor job of administering the tests to applicants.

The Educational Testing Service (ETS), a U.S.-based English proficiency test service firm, has come under criticism for taking stopgap measures to fix the continuing inconvenience Korean students are suffering in the process of taking TOEFL tests. The row over the tests started in September 2006 when ETS began to introduce the Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) in South Korea, one year after it applied the new type of tests in other countries to evaluate applicants’ English speaking abilities.

However, ETS has difficulties in conducting the iBT tests here apparently because of a lack of preparation. Test experts as well as students are accusing ETS of failing to predict the rapidly surging number of applicants. Students became angry over the opening as ETS has continued to post the announcement on its Web site that applicants will be banned from taking the iBT test in South Korea in July.

However, students still raise doubts whether the ETS steps will really help them have easy access to iBT tests here in Korea. Many of them slammed ETS for paying lip service only to appease angry applicants.

First of all, ETS will have to sincerely take more radical measures to prevent the repetition of such an incident as it is entirely responsible for the inconvenience and confusion it caused Korean students. However, some professors, teachers and parents believe that the problem lies not in ETS’ poor management but in the excess demand for TOEFL tests in Korea.

The annual number of Korean students taking TOEFL tests accounts for 20 percent of a total 550,000 test takers throughout the world. About half of the Korean applicants are presumed to be students attending primary, middle and high schools. Even, some elementary students in third or fourth grade rush to take the world-recognized English proficiency test to make early preparation for entrance examinations for high schools specializing in foreign language education which could help them get admission to prestigious universities at home and abroad.

In addition, many college graduates preparing for company recruitment exams are taking TOEFL tests to get better job opportunities. And salaried workers are trying to get high scores from the test that could bring them promotion and pay raises. It is regrettable that young Korean students as well as company employees are all preoccupied with the TOEFL test although it is designed to measure the English ability of college students who want to study in the United States or Canada.

Some professors and policymakers have suggested that the country should foster a government-accredited English proficiency test in a desperate move to reduce the excessive dependence on TOEFL. But, it is a pity that we still don’t have any revolutionary measures to replace TOEFL unless South Korea’s obsessive zeal for the test dies down.


1. Have you ever tried to take the TOEFL test? If so, how did you feel?
(If your answer is 'no') Have you ever heard about the difficulty for applying the TOEFL test?

2. Even though Korea is the largest market of TOEFL, comparing to other countries like United States, China, Germany and so on, we have to pay more money for taking the test. However, the service is terrible so many test taker is complaining about that. What do you think about this?

3. Now days, as well as college student, many young students even elementary students also rush to take the test to make early preparation for entrance examinations for high schools specializing in foreign language education which could help them get admission to prestigious universities at home and abroad. What do you think about that?

4. Comparing to these countries Japan, China and Taiwan who made their own English test that is accepted in United states, Canada and Australia, many professors and experts in Korea have claimed that we also have to make our own test for entrance examination or entrance a company. However others maintain that it's bad to put aside the TOEFL in an entrance examination without any other alternative. So, what do you think about that?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



리버에코님의 댓글

리버에코 작성일

Me, as a 3rd grade of middle school, I had taken 7 TOEFL tests. 4 of them were taken in Busan, and rest of them were in Incheon. I live in Incheon, so to go to Busan to take a 'test' was not so easy. every time I went there costed 3000 dollars. Since I am just little middle school student, I was so sorry to my parents to spend all the way amount of money like that for me.

I was so frustrating about the fact that my familly spend like a fortune to just a tiny little "TEST". I just cannot believe it.

And in the month of June, ETS which called 개TS by TOEFLers closed the Korean server so all of the test takers were worried. And that's what we all 토플대란.

Also and even more, last Aug. 25th,  I was taking the test in 'BUSAN'. But the problem was that ETS's server was not good and it's very very slow to connect. Every time I check in, there was an error. 3 or 4 of test takers couldn't take the test until 8.(Test was started at 7)  And Some takers in Seoul even couldn't touch the mouse which means that they couldn't take the test.

Besides, ETS didn't pay for the transportation fees. when the server is not good, then they have to pay for the so called 차비. It's NOT NOTHING to come all the way back to Seoul from Busan.

May be Korea is the biggest market of TOEFL. However, ETS's service is so not good. It is terrible. I think It should be fixed quickly.

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