Excessive Diet Leads to Anorexia > 영어토론방

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Wellbeing Excessive Diet Leads to Anorexia

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 4건 조회 11,659회 작성일 06-12-10 14:01


women170.jpgWhen Madrid fashion week announced last month that it would not hire models who are too skinny, many people said the fashion industry has finally realized the effect that heavy dieting was having on the world. However, many women in Korea don’t seem to care much about the increasing number of voices that are labeling curvy women as healthy and beautiful. Last week, actress Kim Ok-bin confessed at a press conference that she ate a meal a day while shooting the TV drama "Over the Rainbow."

The 21-year-old beauty icon’s confession frightened many people. Netizens have pasted related articles to their blogs and online communities reminded themselves that losing weight can be extraordinarily difficult, even for the beautiful young actress.

"I think being fat is a sin," said a 24-year-old university student who refused to give her name. ``We all know that a slim body shape looks best, and that people are aware of the fact but fail to control their eating habits. That is bad, you know?’’ She said she might not go on an extreme diet, but she firmly believes that keeping herself slim is the right thing to do.

The size 44 craze swept the country a few months ago, and the media was in a frenzy about this new trend, which was welcomed by the fashion industry as well as by diet-related companies. Women who were attracted by the concept of starving to be skinny have made posts dominating many Web pages.

If you type the word ``anorexia,’’ into the search engine Daum, you will be amazed that ``How to get anorexic,’’ pops up as a frequently searched-for entry. In online communities, people crave being skinny like Kate Moss or Kim Min-hee, an actress famous for her diminutive size. ``Skinny looks well-dressed, and they look better in all kinds of clothes,’’ a Kangnam-based fashion designer admitted, adding that she hires skinny models and that she has tried every way to maintain her lean figure.

"Actually, I was a bit stressed when I read that article," Lee Eun-young, a 27-year-old art instructor, said. "I think I understand people with anorexia. If I cannot lose weight by eating less, I might as well think about not eating at some point." Lee confessed that she tried to skip meals but failed because of her active appetite.

Anorexia is not a widely accepted disease in Korea. Many women try to skip meals for beauty, and staying thin is a silent virtue. However, the National Health Insurance Corporation reported that the number of teenagers under treatment for eating disorders has risen dramatically in recent years. ``There aren’t many people coming because they do not eat food,’’ Dr. Bae Kyung-do of the Yeol-lin Neuropsychiatric Clinic said.

An estimated 1 to 2 percent of the population is suffering from serious or light anorexia, but there aren’t many people accepting the fact seriously, he said. Bae said people suffering from anorexia feel no need to eat because their nervous systems do not properly carrying signals from their brains. These days, however, women with negative perceptions of their bodies suffer from this disease, he said. Bae explained that when people suffering from anorexia look in the mirror, they see themselves as overweight. The patients are treated with pharmaceutical, mental and physical therapies, but it is not easy to get over the disease. ``Sometimes people come and get treatment, but once they go back into their normal lives and see other boney girls, they simply begin again,’’ he said.

He said that the media and the whole society needed to change their view on beauty. ``That is the only way possible, though it is hardly likely to be realized,’’ he said. Girls with the fantasy of being extra skinny should be aware that eating disorders can have serious side effects, such as an early onset of menopause, hair loss and dry skin, as well as a weakened immune system and depression.

1. Have you ever went on a diet? Why did you go on a diet? Tell us some diet method.
2. What do you think about slim people? Are you satisfied on yourself?
3. Does Slim and Beauty mean equal? What is the real Beauty?
4. From your body, tell us three parts that you like.

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로망님의 댓글

로망 작성일

I had dieted since I was 16. Now I'm 18, and 40kg. But my body and spirit is so ruined. I always thought about calories and fat whatever I eat, and my health went bad too. I'm not against to diets, but too early diets are very bed to our body and growth.


Kespher님의 댓글

Kespher 작성일

1.Never intended to go on a diet, but eventually the result turned out to be like that.
Run for 40 mins at least 6 times in a week. Eat small but for many times. Never eat anything late.
2. Inner beauty is the best. I am satisfied that I gained some weight.
3.Slim doesn't mean a beauty. Real beauty is someone who has a warming heart and lovely smile.
4.I love my face, my hands, and.....just everything. I learned that you become beautiful when you
began to love yourself.


Luck.H님의 댓글

Luck.H 작성일

1. No, I had went on a diet cause my body so slim.
2. The slim are so unlucky (except to belong the 'think about slim is valuable in woman')
I think so unlucky too, it's disadvance to study hard cause my strength have not enough to study
when I have exam so had got a faint but i pride on myself
3. I agree a little we're society is changing to Lookism that comes slim body superb than nomal body.
real beauty is come capacity that have he/she although being the most beautiful woman she have not any ability is made how much foolish she is therefore I think about the question my best value is ablity.
4. it made embarrase me, I like being in present (not part of my body but me!)
hu.....although my opinion isn't understood to you don't ignore it T_T


K.hyo님의 댓글

K.hyo 작성일

many korean women are concerned about their weight including me. Actually when I was staying in US I didn't think I am fat but I came to korea my friend always said you are so fat! and you immediately need to work out. I think it is a kind of social practice that most Koreans consider their appearance important in their life. It is no wonder because as you are aware, It is not unique that people choose good-looking person when they get a chace to pick up just one person. I think it is not wrong people make theirs appearance good but If it is too much, It must get wrong.

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