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페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 9건 조회 14,255회 작성일 06-12-25 00:22


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영자신문 용어

10,000 won-denominated bills : 만원권

100-meter dash : 100미터 달리기 경기

AA : Al-Anon : Alcoholics Anonymous : 미 알콜중독자협회

AAMA : The American Automobile Manufacturer's Association

AAT : Academic Aptitude Test : 수학능력 평가, 수능시험

ABC weapon : Atomic Biological & Chemicalal ; 화학,생물,방사능 무기

ABN : Asian Business News : 아시아 비즈니스 뉴스(방송국)

ABS : Anti-lock Brake System : ABS브레이크

ACDPU : Advisory Council on Democratic and Peaceful Unification

ACDPU : 평통자문회의

ADB : Asia Development Bank : 아시아개발은행

ADD : Agency for Defense Development : 국방과학기술연구소

AED : Automated External Defibrillator:인공 체외 세동제거기

AFDC : Aid to Families with Dependent Children ; 아동부양세대 보조

AFKN : American Forces Korea Network : 주한미군방송

AFL-CIO : 미 노동총연맹 산업별회의

AFMC :Agricultural Fisheries Marketting Corporation:농수산물판매공사

AFP : Agency France-Presse ;프랑스통신사

AIDS : Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome : 후천성 면역 결핍증

AMF : Asian Monetary Fund : 아시아 통화기금

APEC : Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation ; 아태경제협력기구

APII : Asia Pacific Information Infrastructure : 아시아 태평양 정보망

ARS : Audio Response System : 자동응답기

ASEM : Asia-Europe Meeting : 아시아 - 유럽 정상회담

ASIC : Application-Specific Integrated Circuit : 주문형반도체

ATM : Automated Teller Machines : 무인 은행 지점

ATO : Agricultural Trade Office : 농산물교역담당관

AWACS: Airborne Warning And Control System;항공경보관제(시스템)

AWOL : Absent WithOut Leave : 무단이탈(군인), 무단 결근

Additional Punishment Law on Specific Crimes : 특정범죄가중처벌법

Administration for Military Personnel Management : 병무청

Air Force Academy : 공군사관학교

Al-Anon : Alcoholics Anonymous : 미국 알코올 중독자 자주치료 협회

Alcoholics Anonymous : 미국 알코올 중독자 자주치료 협회

Alzheimer's disease: 알자이머병, 노인치매병

AmCham : American Chamber of Commerce in Korea: 주한미상공회의소

Amerasian : 아시아계 미국인, 아시아계 혼혈인

American Affairs Bureau : 미주국

American Automobile Manufacturer's Association : 미 자동차 제조협회

American Museum of Natural History 미국 자연사박물관

Amnesty International : 국제사면위원회

Anglican Church : 성공회

Anthrax 탄저균

Anti-Prostitution Law : 윤락방지법

Apline slopes : 알프스 기슭, 높은 산 기슭

Armistice Agreement : 정전협정

Army Hall : 육군회관

Asia-Pacific Int'l Trade Exhibition : 아태국제무역박람회

Asuncion : 아순시온(파라과이의 수도)

Aunty : aunt의 애칭.

BAI : Board of Audit and Inspection : 감사원

BIS :Bank for International Settlements: 국제 결제은행

BOK : Bank of Korea : 한국은행

BOQ :Bachelor Officers' Quaters; 독신장교숙소

BSI : Business Survey Index : 경제조사지수

BTC : business travel card ; 기업여행카드

Banwol Industrial Complex : 반월공단

Beaujolais Nouveau : 불란서 적포도주

Belize : 벨리즈, 카리브해의 독립국(British Honduras)

Biblical : 성경의, 성서의

Big Brother(BB): 고아, 불량소년을 선도하기 위해 형이 되는 남자.

Big Sister(BS) : 고아, 불량소녀를 선도하기 위해 언니가 되는 여자.

Blair House : 백악관영빈관

Blue Light-Emitting Diode : 청색발광소자

Book of Revelation: 신약성서의 요한계시록

Braille : printing with raised round marks 점자.

Brownie points : 웃 사람에게 환심을 사서 얻은 신용(총애).

Buddha's Birthday festivities : 석가탄일

Byzantine : 비잔틴, 동로마제국; 미로같이 복잡한, 권모술수의

CA : current account : 경상수지

CAK : Construction Association of Korea : 한국건설협회

CB : convertible bond : 전환 사채

CBK : The Commercial Bank of Korea : 상업은행

CBR : chemical, biological and radiological : 화생방

CCEJ : Citizens' Coalition for Economic Justice : 경제정의 시민연대

CDC : Centers for Disease Control : (미)질병통제소

CDMA : Code Division Multiple Access;코드분할 다중접속(이동통신방식)

CEMC : Central Election Management Committee : 중앙선거관리 위원회

CEO : Chief Executive Officer : 최고 경영권자, 재벌회장

CFC : Combined Forces Command : (한미)연합군사령부

CFIDS: Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome: 만성피로

CFIDS: 만성피로와 면역이상 증후군.

CFIEA :China Foreign Investment Enterprise Association :중국 해외투자기업 연합

CGC : Capital Garrison Command : 수도경비사령부,수경사

CI : corporate Identity : 기업이미지 통합

CIA : Central Intelligence Agency : 미중앙정보국

CID : Criminal Investigation Department : 범죄수사단

CIS : Commonwealth of Independent States : 독립국가연합

CMIC : Citizen's Movement Information Center : 시민운동정보센터

CNG : Compressed Natural Gas ; 압축천연가스

COCOM : Coordinating Committee for Export Control to Communist Area

COCOM : 대공산권 수출통제 위원회

CPA : Certified Public Accountant : 공인회계사

CPR : Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: 심폐 소생술.

CPU : Central Processing Unit : 중앙 처리 장치

CT-2 : Cordless Telephone - 2 : 발신전용휴대전화

CTBT : Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty : 포괄 핵실험 금지 조약

CVR : Cockpit Voice Record : 조종실 음성 녹음기

Cabinet ministerial level : 장관급

Capitol : 미국회의사당

Caucasian : 백색인종의. 카프카스 지방의. 백인종

Central Labor Dispute Arbitration Committee : 중앙노동분쟁중재위원회

Central Military Commission : 중앙군사위원회

Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff : 합참의장

Chapter House: 성당 참사회 집회소. 지부회관.

Chemical Weapons Convention : 화학무기회의

Chief Cabinet Secretary : (일본)관방장관

Chief Executive : 대통령, 국가수반

Chief of Presidential Secretary : 비서실장

Chief of ROK Naval Operations : 해군참모총장

China's People's Liberation Army : 중국인민해방군

Chinese characters : 한자

Chinese-registered : 중국국적의

Chogye order : 조계종

Chonggae Elevated Road : 청계 고가도로

Chonggye Elevated Motorway : 청계고가도로

Christian Federation : 기독교 연맹

Civil Act : 민법

Civil Act : 민법조항 <---> Criminal Act : 형법조항

Civilian Control Line : 민통선

Commander-in-Chief : 총사령관

Commission on Youth Protection :청소년 선도위원회

Committee for the promotion of savings : 저축추진위원회

Commonwealths : 영국 연방

Confederate: belonging to a confederacy; The 11 southern states: 남군의.

Confucian : 공자의, 유교의; 유생

Confucian nationalism : 유교주의 사상

Confucian tradition : 유교적 전통

Confucian-oriented tradition : 유교식 전통

Confucian: of or relating to the Chinese philosopher Confucius:유교적

Confucianists : 유림

Constitutional Day : 제헌절

Construction and Transportation Ministry : 건설교통부

Cos. : companies ; 기업들

Court Protection For Debt Repayment Rescheduling : 화의(和議)

Cpl : corporal : 상병

Criminal Act : 형법조항 <---> Civil Act : 민법조항

Criminal Investigation Department : CID, 범죄수사단

Cultural Properties Protection Act.: 문화재 보호법

Cultural figure for July : 7월의 문화인물

Culture-Sports Ministry : 문화체육부

Customer Pupil Recognition Cash Machine : 고객동공인식현금지급기

DIA : Defense Intelligence Agency : (미)국방정보본부

DLP : Democratic Liberal Party : 민주자유당, 민자당

DMZ : Demilitarized Zone ; 비무장지대

DOI : Declaration of Intent : 의향서

DPA : Defense Procurement Agency : 국방조달본부

DPRK :Democratic People's Republic of Korea :조선민주주의인민공화국

DR : Depository Receipts : 예탁증서

DRAM : Dynamic Random Access Memory ; 동적 막 기억장치

DSC : Defense Security Command : 국군보안사령부, 보안사

DWI : Driving While Intoxicate : 음주운전

Daehan Oil Pipeline Corp : 대한 송유관공사

Damocle's Sword : 신변에 항상 따라다니는 위험

Dear John (letter) : 절교장, 파혼선언

Defense Min. : Defense Minister :국방부장관

Defense Ministry : 국방부

Democratic Justice Party : 민주정의당, 민정당

Department of Motor Vehicles : 면허시험소

Depression : 미국의 경제공황기(1929년부터 시작된)

DoD : Department of Defense : 미국방성

Down syndrome : 다운 증후군

Draconian : very harsh : 매우 가혹한

Duke of Cornwall : 콘월 공작

Dutch : of Holland :네델란드의

E-coli : Escherichia coli : 대장균

E-mail voice dispatching service : 음성 전자우편 발신 서비스

EDCF : External Development and Cooperation Fund ; 해외개발협력기금

EEZ : Exclusive Economic Zone : 배타적 경제수역

ERA : Earned Run Average : 방어율

ESCAP : Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

ESCAP : 아시아태평양 경제사회협력위원회

ESPN : Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ; 유료방송

ET : The Ectra- Terrestrial : 외계인, 우주인

ETS : the Educational Testing Service : 미교육평가원

EUSA :Eighth United States Army; 미8군사령부

EVSL: Early Voluntarily Sectorial Liberalization : 분야별 조기자유화

Easter:Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life:

Ebola : 에볼라바이러스(고열과 내출혈을 일으킴)

Economic Coordination Meeting : 경제정책조정회의

Economic Planning Board : 경제기획원

Education Ministry : 교육부

El Nino Current : 엘리뇨현상

Election Committee : 선관위

Election Fund : 선거기금

Electronic Commerce Act : 전자상거래법령

Emergency Economic Planning Committee : 경제비상대책위원회

Employment Insurance Fund : 고용보험기금

Equinox : 주야 평분시, 춘분, 추분

Exodus : 출애급

FAO : Food Agriculture Organization : 식량농업기구

FBI : The Federal Bureau of Investigation ; 미연방수사국

FDA : Food and Drug Administration : 미 식품의약국

FDR : Flight Data Record : 비행정보기록

FIFA : Federation Internationale de Football Association: 국제축구연맹

FKI : Federation of Korean Industries; 전국경제인 연합회;전경련

FKTU : The Federation of Korean Trade Union ;한국노총

FSB : The Financial Supervisory Board :금융감독원

FSC : Financial Supervisory committee :금융감독위원회

FTC : Fair Trade Commission : 공정거래위원회

FX Transaction : 외환거래

FX dealer : Foreign Exchange dealer; 외환 딜러

Family Registration Law : 호적법

February : the 2nd month of the year : 2월.

Fed : Federal; 미 연방정부의 약어

Federal : 미 연방정부

Filipino : Philippine : 필리핀의

Financial Supervisory Board : 금융감독원

Financial Supervisory Committee : 금융감독위원회

Finnish : 핀란드(사람)의, 핀란드 말

Food and Agriculture Organization : 식량농업기구

Foreign Affairs-Trade Ministry : 외교 통상부

Foreign Capital Talks : 외국자본 유치 회의

Foreign Exchange Control Law : 외환관리법

Foreign Ministry : 외무부

Foreign Oil Firms : 외국계 정유회사

Foundation Day : 개천절

Founding Fathers : 미국 헌법 제정자들, (제도, 운동)의 창시자

GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade : 관세 무역 일반 협정

GDP : Gross Domestic Product ;국내총생산

GI : Government Issue : 미군

GMO : genetically-modified organism : 유전자조작유기물

GMT : Greenwich Mean Time : 그린위치 표준시간

GNP : Grand National Party : 한나라당

GNP : Gross National Product ;국민총생산

GO Talks : General Officers Talks : 장성급 회담

GOP : Grand Old Party :미공화당

GP.: General Practitioner : 일반 진료의

GPT :General Preference Tariff : 일반특혜관세

GTC : General Trading Company : 종합무역상사

Garter : The British medal of the highest grade : 영국 최고의 훈장

Georgian : 그루지아의

Girl Friday : (일 잘하여 여러가지 일을 처리하는)여비서, 여사무원

God willing: 신의 뜻이 그렇다면. 사정이 허락한다면.

Golden Rule : 황금률 ; "Do to others as you would be done"

Good Samaritan : (신약성경에 나오는)선량한 사마리아인, 착한 이웃

Gospel: story of Christ's life and teachings : 복음서, 복음, 기쁜 소식

Governor-General : 총독

Grain Self-sufficiency : 곡물자급도

Great Depression : (1929년 미국에서 시작한) 대공황

Great Man-Made River : 리비아의 인공 대수로

Great Spirit : 북아메리카 인디언의 부족 주신(主神)

Ground Self Defense Forces : 일본육상자위대

H&CB : The Housing and Commercial Bank of Korea ; 한국주택은행

HDTV : High Definition TV : 고선명(고화질) TV

HEI : Hyundai Electronic Industry 현대전자

HIV : Human Immunodeficiency Virus ;후천성면역결핍증, 에이즈병

HIV positive : 에이즈 양성반응

HMMC : Hyundai Merchant Marine Co.; 현대상선(주)

HUFS : Hankuk University of Foreign Studies : 한국외국어대학

Halla Junior College : 한라전문대학

Hankuk Fidelity & Surety : 한국보증보험

Health Promotion Law : 건강증진법

Health-Welfare Ministry : 보건복지부

Heavenly Father : 하늘에 계신 아버지

Heimilich maneuver : 하임리크 구명법. ( 목에 이물질이 걸린 사람을 뒤

Hispanic : an American whose first language was Spanish

History of Three States : 삼국지

Holocaust : 대학살, 나치의 유태인 대학살

Holy Scripture : 성경책

Humanitarian Affairs Bureau : (통일부)인도지원국

Huntington's disease : 헌팅톤 무도병(희귀한 유전병)

IAA : International Advertising Association : 국제광고협회

IAEA : International Atomic Energy Agency : 국제원자력기구

IATA : International Air Transport Association : 국제 항공 운송 협회

IBC : International Broadcasting Center : 국제방송센터

IBK : The Industrial Bank of Korea ; 한국산업은행

IBRD : International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

IBRD : 국제 개발은행

IC : Integrated Circuit : 집적회로

ICAO : International Civil Aviation Organization : 국제 민간 항공 기구

ICCA:International Council for Commercial Arbitration:국제상업중재위원회

ID card : Identification card : 신분증

IFANS : Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security

IFANS : 외교안보연구원

IIAC : Inchon International Airport Corp : 인천국제공항 관리공단

IIE : Internet in Education : 인터넷을 이용한 학습

IISS : International Institute of Strategic Studies : 국제 전략연구소

ILO : International Labor Organization ; 국제노동기구

IMD : International Institute for Management & Development:"경영개발원

IMD : The International Institute for Management & Development

IMF : International Monetary Fund : 국제통화기금

IMF cold wave : IMF 한파

IOU : I Owe You : 약식차용증서

IPR : Intellectual Property Rights : 지적재산권

IPR-Piracy : Intellectual Property Right - Piracy 지적재산권-해적판

IRA : Irish Republican Army : 아일랜드 공화군

ISDN : Integrated Services Digital Network : 통합디지탈망

ITA : international technology agreement : 국제 정보기술 협정

ITS : Intelligent Transport System : 교통정보시스템

IUPAC : International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

Ilsong Pavilion : 일송정

Immigration Law : 출입국관리법

Immigration Office : 출입국관리소, 이민국

Immigration and Naturalization Service : 미국 이민국

Imperial Japanese Army : 일본제국육군

Indian summer : (늦가을의)봄날같은 화창한 날씨

Industrial Advancement Administration : 공업진흥청

Industrial Revolution : 산업혁명

Info Ethics Committee : 정보 윤리위원회

Info-Com. Minister : 정보통신부 장관

Information and Communication Ministry : 정보통신부

Insolvency Postponement Agreement : 부도유예협약

Int. Arbitration Court : 국제 중재재판소

Inter-subsidiary loan quarantee: 계열사간 채무 보증

International Parliamentary Union : IPU :국제의원연맹

Interpol : International Police : 인터폴국제경찰

JAK : Journalists Association of Korea ; 한국언론인협회

JCS : Joint Chief of Staffs : 합동참모회의, 합참

JSA : Joint Security Area : 공동경비구역

Jack Frost : 엄동, 동장군

Jaguar : 영국제 고급 승용차

Janus-faced : 야누스 얼굴의; 얼굴이 둘인, 표리가 다른, 속이는

Japanese Maritime Safety Agency : 일본 해상보안청

Japanese Ministry of Finance (MOF) : 일본 대장성(大藏省)

Japaneseterm : 일본용어

Jetro : Japan External Trade Organization : 일본 대외무역기구

Jewish : of people living where Christ was born : 유태인의.

Jilin Prefecture : 중국 길림성

Joint Chiefs of Staff : 합동참모본부, 합참

Joint Security Area : 공동경비구역

Journalistic Photo Exhibition : 언론보도 사진전시회

Jupiter : 목성

Jupiter orbit : 목성궤도

Justice Ministry : 법무부

K-Operation : K - 공작

KAA : Korea Airports Authority : 한국공항관리공단

KAIST : Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology:과기원

KAMCO : Korea Asset Management Corp. ; 성업공사

KAPS : Korea Animal Protection Society : 한국 동물보호협회

KASA : Korean Air Stewardess Alumni: 전직대한항공스튜어디스 동우회

KATUSA : Korean Augmentation to the U.S. Army : 카츄사

KBA: Korea Bar Association : 대한변호사회

KBO : Korea Baseball Organization; 대한야구협회

KCNA : (North)Korean Central News Agency: 북한중앙통신

KCPB : Korea Consumer Protection Board : 한국소비자보호원

KCTU : Korean Confederation of Trade Unions : 민주노총

KDB : Korea Development Bank : 한국산업은행

KDI : Korea Development Institute ; 한국산업개발연구원

KEDO:K. Peninsula Energy Development Organization:한반도에너지기구

KEF : Korea Employers Federation : 경영자총연맹, 경총

KEPCO : Korea Electric Power Corporation : 한국전력주식회사, 한전

KFB : Korea Federation of Banks : 은행회관

KFB : Korea First Bank : 제일은행

KFDA : Korean Food and Drug Administration;식품의약품안전관리본부

KFSB : Korean Federation of Small Business : 중소기업 협동조합

KFTA : Korea Foreign Trade Association : 무역협회

KFTA : Korean Federation of Teachers' Associations:한국교원단체총연합회, 교총

KHIC : Korea Heavy Industry and Construction : 한국중공업

KHRC : K. High-speed Rail Construction Authorities:고속철도건설공단

KIET : Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade:산업연구원

KIMM : Korean Institute for Machinery and Metals : 한국기계금속연구

KISC : Korea Investment Service Center : 외국인투자지원 센터

KIST : Korea Institute of Science and Technology : 한국과학기술원

KITA: Korea International Traders Association : 한국무역협회

KLB : Korea Long Term Credit Bank ; 한국장기신용은행

KMA : Korea Management Association : 한국 능률 협회

KMA : Korea Military Academy : 한국육군사관학교

KMA : Korean Meteorological Administration : 기상청

KNPA : Korea National Park Authority : 국립공원관리당국

KNR : Korean National Railroad : 철도청

KNRC : Korean National Red Cross : 대한 적십자사

KNTO : Korea National Tourist Organization : 한국관광공사

KOBA: Korea International Broadcast & Audio Equipment Show

KOCHAM : The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry :상공회의소

KODC : Korea Oil Development Corp. : 석유개발공사

KOEX : Korea Exhibition Center : 한국전시관

KOFEX : Korea Futures Exchange : 한국선물거래소

KOICA : Korea International Cooperation Agency ; 국제협력협회

KOMSEP : Korea Mint and Security Printing Corp : 한국조폐인쇄공사

KOSDAQ : Korea Securities Dealers Automated Quotation : 코스닥

KOSPI : Korean Composite Stock Price Index : 한국종합주가지수

KOTRA:K. Trade-Investment Promotion Agency;한국무역투자진흥공사

KOWACO : The Korea Water Resources Corporation; 수자원공사

KOWOC :Korea World Cup Organizing Committee한국월드컵조직위원회

KPA : Korean Pharmaceutical Association : 대한 약사회

KPAPA :Korean Pet Animal Protection Association :한국 애완동물보호협회

KPC : Korea Productivity Center ; 한국 생산성 본부

KPPEC : Korea Public Performance Ethics Committee : 공연윤리위원회

KSE : Korea Security Exchange : 한국증권거래소

KST : Korean Standard Time ; 한국표준시간

KT&G: Korea Tobacco & Ginseng Corp : 한국담배인삼공사

KTU :Korean Teachers and Educational Workers Union:전국교직원노조, 전교조

KUTW :Korean Union of Teaching and Educational Workers: 한국교직원노조, 한교조

Keysian prescription: 케인즈식 처방 (거시경제에서 정부재정지출을 늘려

Korea Air Force Academy : 한국공군사관학교

Korea Assets Management Corporation : 성업공사

Korea Cast Iron Pipe Ind. Co. ; 한국주철관주식회사

Korea Coal Corp : 한국석탄공사

Korea Cold Storage : 한국냉장

Korea Defense Industries Association : 방위산업협의회,방산협회

Korea Development Bank : 한국산업은행

Korea Education Development Institute : 한국교육개발원

Korea Federation of Bank and Financial Union : 한국금융노련

Korea Federation of Livestock Cooperatives : 축산 협동조합, 축협

Korea Federation of Teachers' Associations :

Korea Football Federation : 대한축구협회

Korea Guarantee Insurance : 대한보증보험

Korea Industrial Technology Promotion Association:한국산업기술진흥회

Korea International Broadcasting Foundation : 한국 국제 방송교류재단

Korea International Traders Association : 한국무역협회

Korea Iron & Steel Association : 한국철강협회

Korea Local Author : 한국지방자치단체 국제화재단

Korea Local Authorities Foundation for International Relations:

Korea Military Academy : 한국육군사관학교

Korea Mint and Security Printing Corp. : 한국조폐공사

Korea Naval Academy : 한국해군사관학교

Korea Patriots and Veterans Corporation : 재향군인회

Korea Research Institute of Comparative Linguistics : 비교언어연구원

Korea Resources Corp : 한국자원공사

Korea Tourism Research Institute : 한국관광연구원

Korea Water Resources Management Corp : 한국수자원공사

Korean Advanced Institute od Science and Technology : 한국과학기술원

Korean Confederation of Trade Unions : 민주노총

Korean Maritime Police : 한국 해양경찰

Korean Meteorological Administration : 기상청

Korean National Railroad : 철도청

Korean Novelists Association : 한국소설가 협회

Korean Proficiency Test : 한국어능력시험

Korean noblemen : 한국 양반

Koreasat : 무궁화위성

L/C : Letter of credit ; 신용장

LCD : Liquid crystal display : 액정표시기

LDP : Liberal Democratic Party : 일본자민당

LG Precision : LG 정밀 주식회사

LG Securities Co. : LG 증권

LGIC : LG Information & Communications : LG정보통신

LNG : liquefied natural gas : 액화 천연 가스

LOU : Letter Of Understanding : 양해각서

LPG : liquefied petroleum gas : 액화석유가스

LPGA : Ladies Professional Golf Association ; 여자프로골프협회

LWR : Light Water Reactor : 경수원자로

Law on Punishment of Violent Acts : 폭력행위처벌법

Legislation-Judiciary Committee : 법사위원회

Leukemia : 백혈병

Local Autonomy Law : 지방자치법

Lou Gehrig's disease : 루게릭병, 근 위축성 측색 경화증

Lunar New Year's Holiday : 구정연휴

M&A : Merger and Acquisition : 기업합병

M1: 기본통화공급량(현금+요구불 은행예금)

M2: M1에 각종 금융기관의 정기성예금을 더한 한 나라의 통화 공급량

MAC : Military Armistice Commission ; 군사정전위원회

MAF : Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry : 농림부

MASH : Mobile Army Surgical Hospital : 육군 이동 외과 병원

MBA : Master Business Administration : 경영 관리학 석사

MCM : Military Committee Meeting : 한미군사위원회회의

MDL : Military Demarcation Line : 군사분계선

MFN : The Most Favored Nation ; (무역)최혜국

MIA : Missing In Action ; 전쟁실종자

MIT : Massachusetts Institute of Technology : MIT공대

MLM : Multi Level Marketing 다단계판매, 다단계영업

MOCIE: the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy : 산업자원부

MOFA : Ministry of Foreign Affairs ; 외무부

MOFE : The Ministry of Finance-Economy : 재정경제부

MOFE : The Ministry of Finance-Economy : 재정경제원(김영삼정부까지)

MOMAF : Ministry of Marine and Fishery : 해양수산부

MOTIE : The Ministry of Trade Industry and Energy; 통상산업부

MOU : Memorandum Of Understanding : 양해각서

MTCR : Missile Technology Control Regime : 미사일기술통제체제

Machiavellian : marked by craftiness and duplicity : 권모술수적

Maeil Dairy Products : 매일유업

Majang-dong Slaughter House : 마장동도살장

Managerial Workshop for Women : 여성 경영자 워크숍

Manchurian Incident : 만주사변

Marfan's syndrome : 마판증후군 ( 사지가 비정상적으로 길어짐.)

Maritime-Fisheries Affairs Ministry : 해양수산부

Maritime: relating to, or bordering on the sea, 해양의, 바다의

Mars : 화성

Marshal : a general officer of the highest military rank : 원수

Master of Science : 이학석사

McCarthyist : 극단적인 반공주의자

McLuhanian stance : 맥루언의 매스커뮤니케이션 이론

Medicaid : a federal health plan for the poor : 의료보조 제도

Medicare : a state medical aid program for the aged : 의료보장

Mediterranean : 지중해

Mediterranean trade zone : 지중해 무역지대

Memorial Day : 현충일

Mercosur : 남미공동시장

Mesozoic era : 중생대 시대

Meteorology and Geophysics Agency : 기상 및 지구물리학청

Methodist : 감리교도

Middle East and African Affairs Bureau : 중동아주국

Military Secrets Protection Law : 군사기밀보호법

Milky Way : 은하수

Millenium Bug : 컴퓨터의 2000년 인식 문제

Ministry of Culture and Tourism : 문화 관광부

Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: 통상산업부

Minor Offensive Law : 경범죄

Minor Protection Law : 미성년자 보호법

Miranda Principle : 미란다 규정(피의자 구속시 피의자의 권리의 통고)

Mom and apple pie : 가장 미국적인

Moonie bride : 문선명의 통일교 추종자 신부

Mr. Right : 나에게 맞는 남자

Myongdong Cathedral : 명동성당

N-waste site : 핵 폐기장

NACF : National Agricultural Cooperative Federation : 농업협동조합, 농협

NAFTA : North Atlantic Free Trade Area : 북대서양자유무역지역

NASA : National Aeronautical and Space Administration : 미 항공우주국

NATO : North Atlantic Treaty Organization : 나토, 북대서양조약기구

NBC : Nuclear, biological, and chemical ; 화생방

NCNP : National Congress for New Politics : 새정치국민회의

NCO : Non Commission Officer : 하사관

NFA : National Forestry Administration : 산림청

NFFC : National Federation of Fisheries Cooperatives : 수산협동조합, 수협

NFSB : National Federation of Small Businesses : 전국 중소기업 연합

NGO : Non Government Organization : 비정부조직, 민간단체

NICMC : National Information Culture Movement Conference

NIE : Newspaper in Education : 신문을 이용한 학습

NIER : National Institute of Environmental Research : 국립환경연구원

NIH : National Institute of Health : 국립보건원

NIMBY : not in my back yard ; 내 마당에서 안된다는 무사안일주의

NIS : National Intelligence Service : 국가정보원

NKP : New Korea Party : 신한국당

NLCF : National Livestock Cooperative Federation : 축산협동조합, 축협

NLL : North Limit Line : 북방 한계선

NMC : National Military Commission : 북한 국방위원회

NOCA: National Online PC Communications Association: PC통신협회

NOD : News On Demand : 사용자 주문 뉴스

NPA : National Police Agency : 국립경찰청

NPC : National Pension Corp : 국민연금관리공단

NPP : New Party by the People : 국민신당

NRI : Nomura Research Institues : 노무라 연구소

NSC : National Security Council : 국가 안보회의

NSO : The National Statistical Office ; 통계청

NSP : National Security Planning : 국가안전기획부, 안기부

NTE : National Trade Estimate ; 국가별 무역평가서

NTSB : National Transportation Safety Board : 미국립교통안전국

National Anthem : 애국가

National Assembly Building : 국회의사당 건물

National Assembly Defense Committee : 국회국방위원회

National Assembly speaker : 국회의장

National Assembly vice speaker : 국회부의장

National Assembly's Intelligence Committee : 국회정보위원회

National Assembly's public hearing : 국회청문회

National Committee Meeting : 전국위원회

National Congress for New Politics : 새정치국민회의

National Defense Committee : 국방위원회

National Health Promotion Law : 국민건강증진법

National Institute for Scientific Investigation : 국립과학수사연구소

National Institute of Korean Language : 한국어연구원(?)

National Liberation Day : 광복절

National People's Congress : 전국 인민 대표 회의(全人大)

National Plant Quarantine Service : 국립식물검역소

National Security Council : 국가안보회의

National Security Law : 국가보안법

National Sports Meet : 전국체전

National Unification Ministry : 통일원

National Unification: 통일부

Native American : 아메리카 인디언.

New Year's greetings : 신년하례

No.1 : number one ;selfish : 제 1급의 것. 자기. 자기이해.

Nobel Peace Prize : 노벨평화상

Non-Aligned Movement : 비동맹운동

Non-Performing Loan : 미상환 대출금

Non-Permanent UNSC Seat : 유엔 비상임이사국

Nonsan Training Center : 논산훈련소

North Korea's People's Army : 북한 인민군 육군

North Korean Workers' Party : 북한 노동당

North Pole : the most northern point on the surface of the earth. 북극.

Noryangjin Fisheries Market : 노량진수산시장

OECD : Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECD : 경제 협력 개발 기구, 경제선진국

ONTA : Office of National Tax Administration : 국세청

OPIC: US Overseas Private Investment Corporation :미 해외투자보증공사

OS : operating system : 운영체계

OTC : Over The Counter : 창구판매 : 의사의 처방전없이 판매되는 약

Occupation Stabilization Law : 직업안정법

Office of Bank Supervision and Examination : 은행감독원

Office of Budget : 예산청

Operation Dear Abby '95 : 95년도 Dear Abby 장병위문편지 보내기 행사

Overeaters Anonymous : 미 "과식자 구제협회

Overseas Contractors Association : 해외건설협회

Overseas Korean Securities : 해외한국채권

P.E : Physical Education : 체육.

PBC : The Planning and Budget Commission : 기획예산위원회

PC on-line business : PC통신 사업

PCS : Personal Communication Service : 개인휴대통신

PDA : Personal Digital Assistant : 개인휴대정보단말기

PECC : Pacific Economy Cooperation Council : 태평양경제협력위원회

PEDCO : Korea Petroleum Development Corp. : 한국 석유개발공사

PIMBY : Please In My Back Yard ;내 마당에서 꼭 해야한다는 이기주의

PIN: Personal Identification Number: 비밀 번호. 개인별 식별 번호

PKO : Peace Keeping Operation; 평화유지군

PM : Prime Minister : 수상, 국무총리

PNG : Papua New Guinea : 파푸아 뉴기니아

POW :Prisoners of War : 전쟁포로

PPFK : The Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea : 대한가족계획협회

PPP : purchasing power parity : 구매력평가

PSPD : People's Solidarity for Participatory Democracy : 참여민주주의 시민연합

PTA : Parent Teacher Association : 사친회

PX : Post Exchange : 군대매점

Pacific Ocean : 태평양

Pacific Rim leaders : 태평양 연안국 정상들

Pacific theater : 태평양전구(戰區)

Pacific-rim : 환태평양의

Parkinson's disease : a kind of paralysis. 파킨슨병.

Parkinson's disease : 파킨슨병(진전마비)

Partisan Forces : 빨찌산 군

Passover : 유월절(유태인의 종교절기)

Pax Americana : 미국의 지배에 의한 평화

Pegasus : 천마, 날개달린 말

People's Assembly : 인민회의

People's Daily : (중국)인민일보

Peruvian : 페루인

Pfc : Private First Class : 일병, 일등병

Ph.D. : 박사 학위

Plenary Session Due Today to Elect House Speaker

Presbyterian : 장로교

Presidential Press Secretary : 대통령공보비서관

Presidential Secretary for Administration : 청와대 행정수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Agriculture : 청와대 농업수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Economy : 청와대 경제수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Foreign Affairs : 청와대 외교수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Petition : 청와대 민정수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Policy Planning : 청와대 정책기획수석비서관

Presidential Secretary for Social-Welfare : 청와대 사회복지수석비서관

Presidential Security Service : 대통령경호실

Presidential decree : 대통령령

Prince Charming :a suitor who fulfills the dreams of his beloved :백마탄왕자

Protestant : 개신교

Proverbs : 잠언(구약 성경)

Psalmist : 찬송가 작가. 시편작가.

Public Hygiene Law : 공중 위생법

Public Sanitation Law : 공중위생법

Pusan Transportation Complex : 부산 교통 공단

R&D : Research and Development : 연구개발

R.N. : Registered Nurse : 공인간호사

RADAR : RAdio Detecting And Ranging; 레이다, 전파탐지기

RCGC : Research Center on Gender Culture ; 성문화연구센터

ROK-US Combined Forces Command : 한미연합군사령부

ROK-US Free Trade Area Agreement : 한-미 자유 무역지대 협정

ROKAF Academy : Korea Air Force Academy :공군사관학교

RSAA : Refugee Status Appeal Authority : 난민지위 소청본부

RSVP : "Respondez S'il Vous Plait," : Please response : 응답요망

RV : Recreation Vehicle : 야외 캠핑을 할 수 있는 차량

Ramsar site : 물새 서식지로서의 습지

Real-Name Financial Transaction System : 금융실명제

Red Crescent Societies : 적신월사(赤新月社: 회교국의 적십자사...)

Renminbi : 인민폐(人民幣), 중국내 통용화폐

Revolutionary War : 독립전쟁

Richter scale : a scale of measuring the quakes : 리히터지진계

Royal Standard : 왕기(王旗)

Russian roulette : 러시안 룰렛(목숨을 건 6연발의 총의 도박)

S&P(Standard and Poor's) : 미 신용평가기관

SAM : Surface to Air Missile : 지대공 미사일

SAT : Scholastic Aptitude Test : 대학진학적성검사

SBA : Small Business Administration : 중소기업청

SBS : Seoul Broadcasting System : 서울 방송

SCM : Security Consultative Meeting : 한미국방안보협의회의

SDC : Seoul District Court : 서울 지방법원

SDCC : Seoul District Criminal Court : 서울 지방 형사법원

SDP : Social Democratic Party : (일본)사회민주당

SDPO : Seoul District Prosecutor's Office : 서울지방검찰청

SFC : Special Warfare Command : 특수전 사령부, 특전사

SI: System Integration : 시스템 통합

SMA : Seoul Medical Association : 서울 의사 협회

SMC : Small and Medium-sized Company ; 중소기업

SMT : Seoul Mobile Telecom : 서울 이동 통신

SNU : Seoul National University 서울대학

SOC : social overhead capital:사회간접자본(도로,항만, 통신등),사회기반시설

SOFA : Status Of Forces Agreement : 미군주둔군 지위협정

SPPO : Supreme Public Prosecutor's Office : 대검찰청 중앙수사부, 대검중수부

SSB : Securities Supervisory Board ; 증권감독원

SSC : Seoul Subway Corporation : 서울지하철공사

START-2 : Strategic Arms Reduction Talks - 2 :전략무기 감축회담 -2

SWAT : Special Weapons Attack Team ; 특별기동대

Salvation Army : 구세군

Samaritan : a person who voluntarily offers help in times of trouble : 선행자

Samsung Aerospace Industries : 삼성항공

Saturday shift system : 토요일 전일근무제, 격주 휴무제

Scriptures : 성경

Scrooge : 소설 A Christmas Carol의 주인공, 수전노

Secretariat : 공산당서기국, (국제조직의)사무국

Securities Supervisory Board : 증권감독원

Senate Appropriations Committee : 미상원 세출위원회

Senate Judiciary Committee : 상원법사위

Seoul Education Committee : 서울시 교육위원회

Seoul Education Office : 서울교육청

Seoul Metropolitan Government (SMG) : 서울시

Seoul Subway Corporation : 서울 지하철 공사

Seoulite : a person who resident in Seoul : 서울시민

Seoulite : 서울시민

Sgt : sergeant : 병장, 하사

Shake off the dust from your feet : 너희발의 먼지를 떨어버리라.

Shin Poong Pharmaceuticals : 신풍제약

Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering : 선박해양공학

Sisyphusian endeavor : 끝없는 헛고생

Small Business Administration : 중소기업청

Social Security : 미국민에게 절대적인 영향력을 미치는 세금&복지제도

Social Security Ministry : 북한 사회안전부

Social Security Office : 미국세무신고사무소

Social Security number : 미국의 주민등록번호.

Special Committee for National Security Measures : 국보위

Special Culture Zone : 특별문화지구

Special Tourism Zone : 특별관광지구

Ssangyong Information and Communications : 쌍용정보통신

St. Valentine Day : 발렌타인 데이 - 연인에게 쵸코렛 선물하는 절기

State Budget and Planning Commission : 기회예산위원회

State-Funded Institutions : 정부출연기관, 정부출연연구소

Stock-Index Options Market : 주가지수 옵션 시장

Sunbelt: an area with warm and sunny weather: 따뜻한 맑은날씨지역

Supervisory Commission : 중립국 감시위원단

Supplemental Security Income : 사회보장연금

Supplementary classes : 보충수업

Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army: 북한인민군 총사령관

Supreme Court : 대법원

Supreme People's Assembly : 북한 최고 인민회의

Suwon District Prosecutor Office: 수원 지검

TFT-LCD : Thin Film Transistor-Liquid Crystal Display;초박막액정표시

TFT-LED : Thin Film Transistor-Light Emit Diod; 초박막발광소자

TIFDL : Time Phased Force Deployment List: 시차별 병력배치명단

TOEFL : Test of English as a Foreign Language ;토플

TRS : Trunked Radio System : 주파수공용통신

Taenung Entrance Subway Station : 지하철 태능역 입구

Tears of the Dragon : 용의 눈물

Ten Commandment : 10계명

Thanksgiving Day : 추수 감사절.

The Electronics Industries Association of Korea : 한국전자공업진흥회

The Joint Chiefs of Staff Headquarters : 합동참모본부

The Korea Institute of Finance : 한국금융연구원

The Korea Land Development Corporation : 한국토지개발공사

The Korea Rural Economic Institute : 농업경제연구원

The Ministry of Agriculture-Forestry : 농림부

The Ministry of Construction-Transportation : 건설교통부

The Ministry of Culture-Sports : 문화체육부

The Ministry of Culture-Tourism: 문화 관광부

The Ministry of Defense : 국방부

The Ministry of Education : 교육부

The Ministry of Environment : 환경부

The Ministry of Finance-Economy : 재정경제원

The Ministry of Finance-Economy: 재정 경제부

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs : 외무부

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Trade: 외교 통상부

The Ministry of Gov't Adm.-Local Autonomy: 행정자치부

The Ministry of Government Administration : 총무처

The Ministry of Health-Welfare: 보건복지부

The Ministry of Home Affairs : 내무부

The Ministry of Industry-Energy: 산업 자원부

The Ministry of Information : 공보처

The Ministry of Information-Communication : 정보통신부

The Ministry of Justice : 법무부

The Ministry of Labor Affairs : 노동부

The Ministry of Maritime-Fisheries: 해양수산부

The Ministry of National Unification: 통일부

The Ministry of Office of Legislation : 법제처

The Ministry of Patriots-Veterans : 보훈처

The Ministry of Political Affairs : 정무장관실

The Ministry of Science-Technology: 과학 기술부

The Ministry of Trade-Industry-Energy : 통상산업부

The Office of National Taxation : 국세청

The Pioneer : 선구자

The Planning and Budget Committee : 기획예산위원회

The Third Wave : 제 3의 물결

Tongyang Confectionary Corp : 동양제과

Tourism Promotion and Development Fund Law : 관광진흥개발기금법

Treasury securities : 미 재무성 유가증권

Trigem Computer : 삼보컴퓨터

Tripartite Consultative Committee : 노사정(勞使政)위원회

U.S.-South Korea Combined Forces : 한미 연합군

UCLA : University of California at Los Angeles

UFO : Unidentified Flying Objective ; 미확인 비행물체

UHF : Ultra High Frequency : 극초단파

UL : Underwriters Laboratories Inc.) : 보험업자 연구소

ULD : United Liberal Democrats : 자민련

UN High Commissioner for Refugees : 유엔난민고등판무관

UNCMAC : UNC Military Armistice Commission ; 유엔군사정전위원회

UNCTAD : UN Conference on Trade and Development ; 유엔무역개발회의

UNDHA : UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs:유엔인도주의사무국

UNEP : UN Environment Program: 유엔환경프로그램

UNESCO :UN Education, Scientific, and Cultural Org.:유네스코

UNHCR : UN High Commissioner for Refugees : 유엔 난민고등 판무관

UNIDO : UN Industrial Development Organization :유엔산업개발기구

UNMOGIP : UN Military Observation Group in India and Pakistan

UNSC : UN Security Council : 유엔 안보리

US Trade Representative : 미무역대표부

USFK : United States Forces in Korea ; 주한미군

USIS : United States Information Service : 미 공보원

USTR : US Trade Representatives; 미 무역대표부

Unesco,UNESCO : UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Unicef : United Nations Children Funds : 유엔 아동 기금

Unification Advisory council : 통일자문회의

Unification Observatory : 통일전망대

United Liberal Democrats : 자민련

Uranus : 천왕성

VAT : value added tax : 부가가치세

VDT : Video Display Terminal : 비디오 화면 단말기, 영상 단말기

VHF : Very High Frequency : 초단파

VIP : Very Important Person : 귀빈

VOD : Video On Demand ; 주문형비디오

Veterans Day : 재향군인의 날.

Viagra : Impotence-Fighting Viagra :발기부전치료제 비아그라

WCO : World Customs Organization ; 세계 관세 기구

WEF : World Economic Forum : 세계경제포럼

WFP : World Food Program; 세계식량계획기구

WHO : World Health Organization : 세계보건기구

WTF : World Taekwondo Federation : 세계 태권도 연맹

WTO : World Trade Organization; 세계무역기구

WWF : World Wide Fund for Nature ; 세계자연보호기금

Wag the Dog tactics : 관심을 돌리기 위한 연막작전 전술

Weltanschauung : a comprehensive view of the world and human life

Workers' Party : 노동당

World Junior Soccer Championships : 세계 청소년 축구대회

Y2K : year of 2000 : 2000년; 컴퓨터의 2000년 인식 문제

YMCA :Young Men's Christian Association. :기독청년연합회

YTN : Yonhap Television News : 연합통신

YWCA : Young Women's Christian Association : 여성기독인 연합회

Yi clan family : 이씨 종친회

Yom Kippur: (유대교의) 속죄일 (일을 쉬고 단식함)

a drop in the bucket : relatively a small amount :창해일속(滄海一粟), 새 발의 피

a flood of: a lot of; plenty of; 아주 많은

a great deal : 많은. 상당히.

a host of : a large number of : 다수의

a slew of : 수많은

a sort of : 일종의, ..같은 것

a string of : a set of : 일련의

abandon : give up, yield : 포기하다, 기권하다

abandon : to give up : 포기하다, 버리다

abandon : to leave completely and for ever; desert : 버리다.

abandon: careless freedom, as when one gives way to impulses 방종

abandon: throw away; give up; 버리다, 포기하다

abate : soften, become conciliatory: 누그러지다

abate: make less in amount or intensity: lessen; decrease 누그러뜨리다

abbey : monastery, convent, an abbey church : 수도원, 사원

abbreviated : shortened, curtailed : 생략된

abbreviated : to make shorter. 축소형으로 된.

abbreviation : a shortened form of a word or phrase : 약어, 약자

abdicate : to give up or renounce : 포기하다

abdication : stepping down : 사직, 포기, 기권

abdomen : belly : 배, 복부

abduct : to take away (a person) by force : kidnap : 납치하다

abduct : carry off or kidnap : 유괴,납치

abduction : kidnapping : 납치

abductor : kidnapper : 납치자, 유괴자

aberrant : changed from what is usual or right : 상도를 벋어난

abet : assist or encourage, usually in some wrongdoing : 교사, 사주

abet : incite or help : 선동, 교사하다

abeyance : a condition of suspended activity : 중지, 정지, 미결상태

abhorrence : abhorrence, loathing, detestation : 혐오, 증오, 질색

abide : dwell, live : 살다

abide : put up with, remain : 준수하다. (약속을) 지키다.

abide by : remain faithful to, obey : 준수하다, 지키다

abide by : to be faithful to; obey.~을 지키다.

abide by: (규칙 따위를) 준수하다.

abject : low in spirit or hope : 비천한, 비열한

abnormal : different from what is ordinary or expected; 비정상적인

abnormality: something that is not normal; 비정상

abolish : to do away with : 폐지하다

abolition : the act of abolishing : 폐지

abominable : causing great dislike, hateful : 혐오스러운

abort : terminate before completion : 유산하다, 실패하다

abortion : termination of pregnancy : 임신중절

abortion : the act of giving birth, so that the child cannot live.낙태.

abortively: unsuccessfully: 미수로 끝난

abound : to be plentiful, teem, to be fully supplied : 풍부한, 무성한

abound: to exist in very large numbers or quantities: 많이 있다. 충만

above all : 무엇보다도.

abrasive : causing irritation: 귀에 거슬리는, 마찰을 일으키기 쉬운

abrasive : tending to annoy; rough. 신경을 거스르는.

abroad : to or in another country ; over a wide area ; widely : 해외로.

abrupt : broken or as if broken off : 뜻밖의, 갑작스런

abruptly : suddenly : 갑자기, 느닷없이

absence :the state of being away or if not being present :不在. 결석.

absent : not present; not in existence; lacking : 부재의, 없는, 결여된.

absentee vote : 부재자투표

absolute authority : 절대적 권위

absolute power : 절대권력, 절대권한

absolutely : completely: : perfectly : 절대적으로, 완전하게

absolutely :completely; certainly : 절대적으로.

absorb : to consume (income, time, resources, etc) :(비용을)부담하다

absorb : to suck up or take in the manner of a sponge : 흡수하다

absorbed unification : 흡수 통일

absorption : the absorbing of one cultural group with another : 흡수

abstain : withhold; keep back : 삼가다, 보류하다,

abstinence : the act of keeping oneself from doing something : 절제.

absurd : ridiculous, unreasonable : 비정상적인, 우스꽝스러운

absurdity: something that is absurd; 불 합리, 터무니없는 일

abundance : copiousness : 풍부함

abundant : present in great quantity : 풍부한

abuse : treat badly : insult : 악용하다; 욕설, 도전, 비행

abuse :to say unkind, cruel, or rude things to (someone) : 학대하다.

abuse: improper or excessive use or treatment; 학대, 괴롭힘, 남용

abuse: to handle without care; treat badly학대 (하다)

abuser : a person who abuses : 학대자 .남용자.

abusive : using or containing unkind, cruel, or rude language.욕하는.

abuzz : 와글와글, 왁자지껄

abyss : the bottomless pit of old accounts of the universe: 심연, 혼돈

academic conference : 학술회의

academic pressure : 학업부담

accelerate : bring about earlier, speed up : 가속하다, 촉진시키다

accelerate : speed up : 촉진하다

accent : emphasize, stress : 강조하다

accentuate : bring out ; stress : 강조하다

accept : to take or receive, esp. willingly : 받아들이다.

accept(ing) : take as satisfactory or reasonable : 용인하다

acceptable : good enough to be received :허용하는.

acceptance : act of accepting with approval; favorable reception:수락

access : a way of approach : 접근, 출입

access : get at, approach : 접근하다, 접속하다

access to : means of entering; way in; entrance. 가까이 할.

accessible : able to access, able to reach : 접근할 수 있는

accessible : that can readily be entered or used : 접근하기 쉬운

accession : the act of entering upon or attaining to a position : 가입

accident free flight : 무사고 비행

accidental : happening unexpectedly or by chance : 우연한, 우발적인

accidentally : by chance : 우연하게

acclaim : to welcome or proclaim with applause : 환호하다; 환호, 갈채

accommodate : make fit or suitable, adjust : 수용하다, 용납하다

accommodate: to have enough space for. 수용하다.

accommodation: living quarters provided for public convenience:숙박시설

accommodation: something that helps, or makes an action easier:편의.

accomodate : to provide with a room in which to live or stay.수용하다.

accompany : to go with as an associate or companion : 수반하다

accompany : to go or occur along with : 수행하다, 동반하다

accomplice : an associate in crime : 공범

accomplice : someone who helps another person commit a crime : 공범

accomplish : bring to completion, achieve : 성취하다, 이루다

accomplishment : the act of accomplishing something : 성취, 업적

accord : RECONCILE : 합의

accord : agreement, consent : 일치 , 조화

accord : an agreement, willingness to act : 일치, 합의

accord : to give or allow : 주다, 허용하다, 일치시키다

accordingly : therefore, so : 그럼으로, 따라서

account : a statement of reasons or motives : 근거, 이유

account balance:계정잔액. 회계전표.

account for : ..의 비율을 차지하다

account for : give or be a satisfactory explanation for : 설명하다

account for : to give an explanation or reason for : 원인이 되다.

accountability : answerability : 책임(있음)

accountable : answerable : 책임있는

accredit : to authorize officially : approve, endorse : 인정하다, 간주하다

accrue (from) : come by way of increase : (이익, 결과가) 생기다

accumulate : heap or pile up : 모으다, 축적하다

accumulate : to make or become greater in quantity or size : 축적하다

accumulated deficit : 누적결손

accurate: conforming exactly to truth or to a standard : 정확한

accusation : a charge of wrongdoing : 비난, 고소

accuse : charge (someone) with doing wrong : 비난하다, 고소하다

accuse of : charge someone with doing wrong : 비난 (고소)하다

accustom : make used : 습관들게 하다

accustomed : make used : 익숙한, 길든

ache : a continuous pain : 아픔.

ache: to feel pain; 고통을 느끼다, 아프다.

achieve : to gain by work or effort : 성취하다, 달성하다

achievement : the act of accomplishing something : 실적, 업적

achieving : accomplishing : 성취하기, 달성하기

acid rain : 산성비

acknowledge : admit as true, recognize as valid : 인정하다, 시인하다

acknowledge : confess; admit the truth; 고백하다, 인정하다.

acknowledge: recognize the fact or existence; 인정하다.

acknowledgement : recognition : 인정, 시인

acorn : a pale oval nut that is a fruit of an oak tree; 도토리

acquaintance: a person whom one knows.아는 사람. 알고 있음

acquiesce: to accept a plan, statement without open opposition:묵인하다

acquiescence : agreement tacitly : 묵인

acquire : to come into possession of, get : 획득하다

acquisition : an acquiring, something acquired : 취득, 구매

acquisition : something acquired : 획득, 병합, 취득

acquit : declare not guilty of a charge : 석방하다, 무죄를 선언하다

acquittal : a judgment of not guilty : 무죄방면, 석방

acrid : sharp and biting in taste or odor : 신랄한, 혹독한

acrimonious : exhibiting strong animosity or resentment : 신랄한

acrimonious : proceeding from strong animosity or resentment: 신랄한

acrobatic : performing of an acrobat : 곡예적인

acrobatics : performing of an acrobat : 곡예, 서커스

across the length and breadth : 남김없이, 샅샅이

across-the-board : applying to all : 전면적인

act; a law made by a government ; 법령, 법안

acting : temporarily taking over the duties : 대리의, 대행의

activate : spur into action : 작동하다, 가동시키다

active : engaged in or ready for military or naval operations: 현역의

activism : a doctrine of taking a direct action for ends : 행동주의

activity :something that is being done, esp. for interest of education;

actuary: statistician : an insurance planner : 보험 설계사.

acupuncture : curing diseases by pricking certain parts of the body: 침술

acute : critical, serious : (상태, 변화가) 심각한

acute : sharp, pointed, containing less than 90 degrees : 예리한, 극심한

acutely : very greatly, severely : 크게, 격심하게

ad hoc : formed for a particular purpose : 특별목적을 위한, 임시의

ad hoc committee : 임시 위원회; 특위

ad hoc: concerned with or formed for particular issues, 특별의

ad infinitum: without end; for ever: 영구히, 무한히.

ad nauseam: to an annoying degree, esp through being repeated:지겹도록

adage: a saying often in metaphorical form; proverb; 격언, 금언

adamant : not giving in, unyielding : 완강한, 불굴의

adamant : unshakable or immovable especially in opposition; 단호한

adamant: Inflexible, unyielding, 견인불발의, 굳은 의지의

adamantly: unshakable or immovable especially in opposition : 불굴의

adapt : make suitable or fit : 적응시키다

adaptability :the ability to change to fit changed circumstances :적응력

add : to put together with something. 더하다.

add to : increase : 증가시키다

add to : to say also. to increase. 추가하다.

addict : devote to something habitually, hook ; 중독되다

addiction: compulsive need for and use of a habitual drugs : 중독

addictive : habit-forming : 습관성의

additional : added or derived from something outside : 추가적인

additional point : 가산점

additionally : in addition : 추가적으로

addle: to cause to go bad; to become confused: 썩다. 혼란시키다.

address : direct one's attention or efforts to : ...을 힘써 다루다

address : to deal, to handle, give talk, greet; --을 부르다, 말하다, 취급하다

adept : highly skilled : EXPERT : 숙달한, 숙련자

adequacy : the quality or state of being adequate : 적절,충분

adequate : good enough in quality, ability, etc.: 적당한, 충분한

adequate : sufficient, satisfactory : 족한, 충분한

adequate: good enough in quality, ability, etc.: 적당한, 충분한

adhere : to give support : maintain loyalty : 신봉하다

adherence : faithful support for a religion or political party : 충실

adherent : a supporter or follower : 신자, 신봉자, 지지자

adjacent (to) : very close, touching or almost touching : 접근한

adjourn : to suspend indefinitely or until a stated time:휴회, 산회하다

adjust : to change slightly in order to make suitable for : 맞추다.

adjust :to change slightly in order to make suitable for :순응하다.

adjusted terms : 조정된 조건, 완화조처

adjustment : making or becoming suitable : 조정, 조절

administer : to mete out : DISPENSE : 투약하다.

administrative and logistical support : 행정 및 군수지원

administrative branch : 행정부

administrative service : 행정서비스

administrative support staff : 행정지원인력

admirable : very good. worthy of admiration. 칭찬할만한.

admire: to have a very high opinion of someone: 감복하다. 찬탄하다.

admission : an acknowledgment of the truth of something : 시인, 인정

admission fee: 입장료.

admit : allow to enter, permit : ...에 입장(가입)을 허락하다

admit : to permit; allow.허용하다.

admonish: to scold or warn gently: 주의를 주다.

admonition : a mild rebuke, a warning to correct some fault : 충고, 경고

ado : bustling excitement ; fuss ; trouble : 소동, 야단법석, 헛수고

adolescent : young teenager of about 13 - 16 :13세부터 16세사이의, 청춘

adopt : to approve formally. accept.받아들이다.

adopt : to choose to follow,



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[1] 세부내용

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(2) 이벤트 내용

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Total 1,076건 50 페이지
영어토론방 목록
341 Education
Bodyguard for Students 
토론실 hit:3799 03-25
340 Diplomacy
339 Society
Rising Suicides 
토론실 hit:4165 03-25
338 Society
being irreparable exposed information 
서희 hit:2838 03-08
337 Policy
Electronic Bracelets 
토론실 hit:5100 01-14
336 Policy
답변글 Re..Electronic Bracelets 
토론실 hit:2463 05-17
335 Culture
Domestic Violence 
토론실 hit:3891 01-14
334 Society
Part-time job 
토론실 hit:7037 01-14
333 Politics
332 Culture
The pains of growing up. 
garsia hit:3951 01-06
331 Culture
Golden Pig Year 
토론실 hit:3425 01-01
330 Education
Teacher evaluation system 
토론실 hit:3916 01-01
329 Education
열람중 Theothers
English News Paper Word 
토론실 hit:14256 12-25
327 Wellbeing
Excessive Diet Leads to Anorexia 
토론실 hit:11660 12-10
게시물 검색



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