Teacher evaluation system > 영어토론방

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Education Teacher evaluation system

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,916회 작성일 07-01-01 18:12


schoo170.jpgThere is an old Korean saying that a pupil does not dare step on a teacher’s shadow, indicating the respect that students are supposed to show to teachers.

However, now Korean teachers will be evaluated by students and their parents as the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has launched a new teacher assessment system in 48 designated schools nationwide on a trial basis for 10 months.

Kim Yong-ok, a renowned philosopher and professor at Sunchon University, who specializes in Confucianism, wrote an article opposing the new system on Oh-my-news, the Internet-based news service recently.
``I will choose to die if I am to be evaluated by my students. The dignity of teachers is the core of the core in Confucian values. The system will shatter this,’’ he said in the article. ``I don’t believe that the new system will improve the quality of teachers,’’ he added. The nations’ major teachers’ unions of the Korea Teachers’ and Education Workers’ Union (KTU) and the Korean Federation of Teachers’ Associations (KFTA) have opposed the system, claiming that it will create distrust among teachers, students and their parents.
The new system allows teachers to evaluate other teachers’ performances based on educational curricula, class preparation and contents.

Under the system, students and their parents are also supposed to measure their satisfaction with their teachers, while their parents will take part in the evaluation of their children’s satisfaction level at schools.
The KTU and the KFTA have argued that the current performance assessment system usually made by school principals for promotion and personnel management is already operating.

Unionized teachers have urged the government to abolish the current assessment system and adopt the new system.
They have argued that the system cannot succeed without their agreement and cooperation if it is really intended to enhance the capacity of teachers in education.

Lee Soo-il, head of the KTU, called for the government to come up with legally binding measures such as increasing the number of teachers, reducing working hours and improving the current promotion system to improve teachers’ working conditions.

The KTU plans a mass rally against the government’s policy on Dec. 1 unless the government accepts its demands.
However, the ministry said that the system is designed to raise the competitiveness and professionalism of teachers, citing other advanced countries such as Japan and the United States, which have already used similar programs.
The system, which will begin with a scheduled workshop with the relevant officials participating in 48 schools, is seen as difficult to implement.


1. There is 'lecture(or professor) evaluation' in university system.
Do you participate in this system actively? And do you think this system is effective for promoting quality of the lecture?
2. Then when you were middle/high school student, did you satisfy with teacher's lecture or teacher's character?
3. People who oppose to this system insist that this system will damage the dignity of teacher.

Do you agree with this statement?
4. Do you agree with adopting 'teacher evaluation system'?
If so or not, why?


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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