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Culture Golden Pig Year

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,425회 작성일 07-01-01 18:16


famil070.jpgThe year 2007 is the ``Year of the Pig,’’ according to the Chinese zodiac. But it’s not an ordinary pig year, which comes every 12 years _ it is believed to be the ``Year of the Golden Pig,’’ which comes every 600 years, according to fortunetellers.

They say babies born in the golden pig year will have comfortable and wealthy lives.
In line with the myth, signs point to a baby boom next year. Obstetrics and gynecology clinics are counseling more about pregnancy and related industries are eagerly promoting baby products.

However, no one knows exactly what the belief is grounded in, and a growing number of people worry that the myth will end up being much ado about nothing, like this year’s ``ssangchunnyon,’’ meaning ``double Ipchun year.’’
Ipchun, one of the 24 seasonal divisions, is said to be the onset of spring, and the 2006 lunar year had two Ipchun. Many fortunetellers said that a double Ipchun is a rare event, occurring once in about 200 years, and those marrying in the year are bound to enjoy happiness and longevity.

Marriage-related industries have enjoyed great proceeds this year. But as time went by, people began to believe the luck of a double Ipchun year was groundless.
Those believing the golden pig year say the special year comes every 600 years when calculating its frequency using a combination of the Chinese zodiac and yin and yang theory.

But most fortunetellers or folklorists say they cannot find any grounding for the year of the golden pig.
``We cannot even guess where the myth comes from. A Chinese letter representing soil appears for the first day of the first month in the lunar calendar, and the yellow color of soil may remind people of gold. But it is only a saying among people and there’s no academic grounds for it,’’ a member of a fortunetellers’ association said.

Folklore professor Joo Young-ha at the Academy of Korean Studies also said, ``If the year 2007 is the golden pig year occurring once in 600 years, similar records should have been written in the `Taejong Sillok,’ annals for King Taejong who ruled the Choson Kingdom 600 years ago. But there aren’t any, so I guess the term `golden pig year’ has been recently made.’’

Some believe the myth is ploy to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate. True or not, industries related to childbirth are quick to launch golden pig year promotions. A baby product firm has recently introduced goods on which a pig illustration is printed, while toy companies are making toy pigs.

Other businesses, including banks, insurance firms, theaters, gas stations and restaurants, are trying to attract people by presenting golden piggy banks, or gold

bars as lottery gifts.
Many women plan to give birth to babies next year, but some others are not, saying the number of children born in 2007 will be large and they will later suffer from acute competition for school admissions or employment.


1. When 2006 year start, many people(especially couple who have planning to marry) expected lucks because the year has two spring. Is there any couple who got married around you?
2. These myths are nearly groundless. But why people believe these myths ?
3. Now, here comes the point that sets the period of 2006. what were you dreaming of at the beginning of 2006 and how much of them did you make it?
4. What is your plan in 'golden pig year?' ^^


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