The pains of growing up. > 영어토론방

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Culture The pains of growing up.

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작성자 garsia
댓글 1건 조회 3,951회 작성일 07-01-06 12:41


The pains of growing up.
The Teenage years
It isn't easy to be a teenager. The teenage years are filled

with problems of all kinds. A teenager is no longer a child

but not yet an adult. Teenagers are searching for a sense of

identity. The name for this difficult period is adolescence.
Physical Changes. The name for the period when a teenager's

body develops sexually is puberty. It usually begins at age

11 for girls and age 13 for boys. During puberty boys change

into young men and girls change into young women. By the

time they are 16 or 18, they are capable of having children

of their own.
Adolescence can be a time of stress, because all teenagers

don't develop at the same speed. Some teens worry if they're

not maturing as fast as their friends are. Teens who are

still small when their friends are getting tall are afraid

that they might never grow up.
Peer pressure. Teenagers are very concerned about their

appearance. Clothes and hair styles are very important to

them. They usually feel that they have to wear the same kind

of clothes and hair styles that their friends are wearing.
Teenagers have a strong desire to be accepted by their

peers. Sometimes they do things just to please or impress

their friends. What makes them do those things is called

peer pressure.
Sometimes pleaseing firneds involves taking chances.

Teenagers want to try out new things. They also crave

excitement. That's why many teenagers try drinking or

smoking or do other things which are bad for them.
A sense of identity. Besides growing taller and maturing

sexually, teenagers start to think and feel differently.

They start to make close friendships outside of the family

and get ideas of their own. Teenagers spend a lot of time

talking on the phone with firneds.
Questions for discussion
1. Do you think it's hard to be a teenager? If so, why do

you think so?
2. How important are each of the fllowing things to you?

Tell why.
a. Waring clothes and hairstyles that are fashionable

b. Being able to make your own decisions
c. Being "accepted"(liked) by other students and friends
3. Do you carry a pocket pager or a cellular phone? If so,

4. Have you ever done anything with friends which was "bad"

for you? If so, what was it, and why did you do it?
a. I thought it would be exciting.
b. I wanted to feen like an adult.
c. My friends told me to do it.(peer pressure)
d. Another reason.(explain)
5. Do you somethimes have disagreements (arguments) with

your parents? Is so, what do you argue about?
a. My clothes or hairstyles
b. My friends
c. My behavior
d. Other things
6. Do you always do exactly what your parents tell you to

do? Why or why not?
7. Have you ever made a decision that you later regretted?

If so, did you learn anything from that experience? What did

you learn?
8. When do you think is the best (most interesting) time of

life--childhood, the teenage years, or adult-hood(over 20)?

Why do yu think so?
9. Do you somethimes worry about things? If so, what kinds

of things do you worry about?
이 글은「yes24」www.yes24.com에서 제공하는 정보입니다



Jaewon님의 댓글

Jaewon 작성일

정말 쉬운단어들로 내주셧네요 ㅎㅎ

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