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Society Part-time job

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작성자 토론실
댓글 5건 조회 7,036회 작성일 07-01-14 19:10


cooki021.jpgThis year's top issues in the part-time job market were ``high-class part-time jobs paying 25,000 won per hour'' and ``the boom of jobs related to the World Cup.''

In a recent survey conducted by the employment Web site ``Career,'' 17.5 percent of the 1,803 people seeking part-time jobs said they were most interested in part-time jobs that pay up to 25,000 won per hour.

Those who had the so-called ``noble'' part-time jobs worked as monitors for new products introduced by companies, before market distribution _ they try out new products ranging from cosmetics to food and drink.
They are paid an average hourly wage of 25,000 won, which is a very high rate for a part-time job. Considering a product test show organized by advertising companies takes about three hours, they usually receive 75,000 won a day.

Sports program lecturers at culture centers, hair models for hair-related products, and clothes models were also jobs through which part-timers can get a large sum of money _ about 10,000 to 20,000 won per hour.
On the other hand, those working at convenience stores received the least amount _ 2,500 won per hour. The payment is even lower than 3,100 won, the minimum hourly salary regulated by the law.

About 15 percent of those surveyed said jobs related to the World Cup were also highly desired. Those who worked as cheerleaders, security guards and sellers of cheering souvenirs like red T-shirts, and those who helped broadcast stations could make money and enjoy the feast at the same time.

Part-time jobs in the marriage industry have also boomed this year because 2006 is believed to be the luckiest year for weddings. The number of recruitment on the Web site for part-timers at weddings was 238 per day for the first half of last year, but increased to 595 per day during the same period this year. Those filming wedding ceremonies received between 40,000 won and 60,000 won a day.

With a growing number of job-seekers wanting to become public servants, part-time jobs at public offices were also popular because they could provide valuable experience.

A growing number of people who already have regular jobs also sought part-time jobs for their spare time on the weekend.

1. Have you ever worked a part-time job? When? And what did you get through part-time job?
2. In your case, why you work as part-time job? To get money, or to get experience? Or is there any other reasons?
3. Now, many young age students try to get a part-time job. What do you think about part-time job of teenagers? Is it good or not?
4. If you have a chance that you can choose any part-time job, what kind of job would you like to do?



Nadia님의 댓글

Nadia 작성일

1) I got through so many part-time job specially when I was in university.
    My first part-time job was a waitress in restaurant where thier main dish was lobster.
    So I could somtimes had the dish in free.ㅋㅋ
    After then I experienced instructor, cook in pizza restaurant, interpreter in russian, columnist...
    Among them I also got through 'noble part-time job'
    That is intherpteter when I participated in a exhibition by kotra.
    After exhibition a boss of company proposed to me to work one more hour.
    And I took 100,000won per hour. That was so great~ㅋㅎ
    But exept that, almost of the part-time job made too small money..ㅠ,,ㅜ
    Nevertheless I think that experience was not bad to me.

2. In my case, I worked to get my pocket money.
    But I think part-time job'spurpose had better be  to get experience.
    Because these days to get the job is too difficult,
    so it is good for someone to get though the job connected with their future job.

3. I think teenagers had better study unless they must work for living.
  Because it is more useful for them to study than to work in part-time job for their future.
  And sometimes teenager's job could be called 'labor exploitation'.
  Their pay is almost less than legal pay.

4. I'd like to do anything connected with using russinan language.


박덕주님의 댓글

박덕주 작성일

for me.. i served in the restaurant and the pub. and taught elementary students in Enlish institute. they didn't pay me much money but with the money that i earned i could live and buy what i needed. and also i got so many experience. Serving in a restaurant was tough job among those. well, i didn't study very hard while i had a part time job, cuz i got easily tired after i finished working. so.. i think students.. especially teenagers don't need to get a part time job.


김연용님의 댓글

김연용 작성일

1 I have a experience to do part time job and now I'm doing it .in my case, I had apply for being a tutor.
2, Frankly speaking my parents don't have ability to get a money anymore. However, I want to graduate from the university and I want to go abroad to get a experience. For these reason, I have to get a money myself. So I'm doing part time job now.
3, I don't think  part-time job of teenagers is bad. In my opinion doing part-time job is good experience for them. Surely If they want to just get a money through the part-time job, it is not reasonable. So What I want to say is that part-time job of teenagers is good experience for them, If they can control the time and mind.
we don't need to prevent they from doing part-time job because of few student.
4, If I have a chance to select part-time job, I will select that kind of part-time job such as tutor, counselor. The reason why I want to get a taht kind of part-time job is that I'd like to meet many people and also I wantto help many people using my knowledge and tact in speech.


sails님의 댓글

sails 작성일

1. I have not a experience to the part job because my work, research of company, is so busy, so actually I have no time. But If I have some time, I really wanna do a part job.
2. There are variously the part job and we decide that anytime, anywhere. Some people wanna money and some people wanna good experience, and if we have lucky, we get to the both. In my opinion, on of the most important thing is that how hard time for get you money that is worth of money.
3. Especially in case of student who no money and have a hard time to go school, they have no choose. But I oppose that teen-younger students do part job. Of course, it is important that younger have a good variously experience though the part job, but they would not focus on the school. In this case, government and school try to seek to the student, and endow some chance that part-job to legal.
4. For example, such as library, book store, servering in restaurant and so on....


WFF님의 댓글

WFF 작성일

3. I think it all depends on what kind of the part time job they have. In Korea, we know there are tons of tons jobs here. and I surely argee with that there are lots good places to work. and They work so hard and satisfy what they've done. However, some of teen work which they are involved in crime or illegal activities are keen to work coz of high wage. I'm especially worrying this part but if they work the place where they can learn bright side and help themself with the money I believe there are hundreds useful things they can learn.

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