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Culture Domestic Violence

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,891회 작성일 07-01-14 19:15


Domestic Violence - It Should Be Dealt With as a Crime  
A noted TV couple has caught people by surprise by divorcing 10 days after marrying. It was because of the husband’s violence against the wife. The TV footage showing the famous actress wife lying on a bed with her eyes blackened and nose broken was enough to shock people. She claimed to have had a miscarriage due to the violence. Despite a denial by the husband, it seems obvious that severe acts of violence took place.

To our regret, it was a scene epitomizing the reality of rampant home violence here. It is said that the violence between them was present even before the marriage. But it is hard for an actress to make public such a thing in consideration of her public image. Her patience must have come to an end. It is nothing new for entertainers here to commit or fall victim to such violence. Some years ago, a famous female comedian hit the headlines of entertainment pages after being beaten by her husband with a baseball bat.

It shows how easily women can fall victim to domestic violence despite their social status and how widespread home violence is in our society. Traditionally, wife beating was common practice at home here. There is even an old saying which goes “wives and dried walleyed pollack should be beaten once in three days.” Husbands’ beatings had long been accepted as a means to control wives, long immersed with the notion that men are superior to women. With that background, victims were reluctant to make public their suffering even to their close friends or relatives, much less to police. That’s why home violence has long been regarded here as a private affair that has nothing to do with crime. The police are still reluctant to intervene in such violence for the same reason. But, the reality is that one out of three husbands were found to have beaten their wives, according to a recent survey.

The concerned authorities are in urgent need of seeking drastic measure to stop the violence. Home violence should be dealt with as a crime. There is no difference between the beatings at home and beatings by gangsters on the street. It is needless to emphasize the physical or psychological trauma the victims have to put up with. The victims, if exposed to continued violence, could go so far as to kill their persecutors.

Another awesome fact is that children brought up in such homes are more likely to commit the same violence against their families after growing up. The matter should be approached from the viewpoint of safeguarding our society. The government is asked to be more positive in dealing with the affair.

1. Recently, There are many articles about domestic violence in broadcast. 
    Then have you heard about domestic violence through broadcast or any other way ?
2. After you hear about domestic/date violence, how did you feel?
3. Few years ago, many people did not care about domestic violence because people think it is private problem.
    Especially, women who suffer from domestic violence hid that fact. Why this situation is occurred ?
4. But nowadays domestic/date violence becomes issue of society. 
    Why domestic violence is seen as social problem, not private problem? 
    And to prevent this violence, what kind of efforts are needed?


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