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Policy Electronic Bracelets

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작성자 토론실
댓글 5건 조회 5,099회 작성일 07-01-14 19:20


roman176.jpgElectronic Bracelets -
Measure Protects People From Repeat Sex Offenders

The Justice Ministry has decided to lock electronic bracelets on repeat sex offenders. It tendered a bill to that effect to the National Assembly. We welcome the decision as an effective means of protecting people from sex criminals. It is a system that has already been in use in other countries, including the United States, and its effectiveness is being reviewed.

We believe that the system will have the dual effect of protecting innocent people from sex offenders and deterring criminals from committing more sex crimes.

However, some civic organizations are opposed to the idea on the grounds that it violates human rights. But the opposition seems absurd when we think of the unbearable suffering on the part of the victims.

It is undeniable that our society, having a long tradition of male dominance, used to be tolerant toward sex crimes, justifying them as a mistake resulting from a momentary impulse. But we should consider that the consequences of the crime are life-long and can sometimes drive the victims to commit suicide.

The electronic device making it possible to monitor the sex offenders around the clock would be useful protection from the habitual offenders that are around us. It is natural for people to feel a degree of apprehension when an offender is released back into the community on parole. This device is the answer. It can also play a role in discouraging sex criminals from committing another crime. Offenders will know they are being closely monitored, and this in itself will serve as a deterrent.

According to the bill, only those who commit a crime within five years of being released from prison after having been imprisoned more than twice for sex crimes would have to wear the bracelets. However, the ministry must be discreet in finalizing the scope of those to be subject to the system. The utmost care and a thorough review are needed to minimize possible abuse.

Now the early introduction of the innovative system depends on lawmakers. It is a matter closely related to the safety of the community. Politicians should implement the smart justice system as soon as possible.

1. When you hear about sex crime, how do you feel about sex offenders and victims?
2. Because our 'sex crime penalty law' is very tolerant, this sex crime occur
    repeatedly. Then, in your opinion, 'Electronic Bracelets system' is effective to prevent sex crime?
3. Do you agree with Electronic Bracelets system? If you so or not, why?
4. Except electronic bracelets system, is there any way to prevent sex criminal?



임군님의 댓글

임군 작성일

1. a rape love of ill body.
2. love belongs to emotion and custom behavior.
3. agree. also auto-anastasia injection too.
4. to marry or child-care service.


Sarah님의 댓글

Sarah 작성일

1. i feel so sorry for the victims when I think of how much they must be suffering and how it will probably be something they can never erase. I get angry at the sex offenders and also how they need some help. >.>
2. Yes. It will discourage the sex offender to repeat the crime and hence protecting other potential victims from harm.
3. Though some people are going against it for restriction of individual rights, I believe since the actions of the sex offender first invaded another person's rights, the right should be nullified for the offender.
4. However, I do believe mental counseling at a hospital would help more than the bracelet. In other countries such as in the United States, facilities of mental counseling is provided for sex offenders to help them stop their actions by figuring out what really drives them to do it.
4. I disagree with 임군. sex offenders do NOT do what they do because they have sudden "impulses" or get "aroused." It is caused by the want of making someone feel vulnerable to them and the want of sadistic control. They do not rape or molest because they are "turned on" or for the pleasure of it. They do it so they feel power and control of the other person. Marrying is not going to help because there are many cases where a husband rapes his own wife (husband having sex with his wife without her consent and with her resistance is called RAPE.) I also don't believe child care service would work because like I said, sexual offense is about power and control so child care might even be more of an provocative for the rapist.


anything님의 댓글

anything 작성일

1. I suppose the raper does deserve punishment, but putting electronic braces to track them down is kind of violating one's right for privacy.
2. No, because criminals could do what I would call, 'hit and run'. Which is, that the sex offenders could rape a person, then quickly run away, because it would actually take time to track down the location, and time for polices to get to the place.
3. No, because I believe that it's not only useless, because the time it takes to track down the location, and also because it could be violating one's right for privacy.
4. I suppose you could just lock them up for a long, long time. Or even have some under-cover polices following where ever they go, because following a person could be exceptible when the police is granted permission from the high court.


Pill님의 댓글

Pill 작성일

1. I guess sex offenders must be punished for his misdeed. That is universal justice for human being. Even though those punishments are some kind of violation of human rights, It's justified by victim's agony. They are not part of violation but justice. The more punishments are harder, the more victims are safer.

2. Of course. This system of electric bracelet is more effective than anything else. And It works to deter criminal from committing a crime. According to some surveys in US, it reduces sexual abuse. I think it's powerful punishment I've ever seen.

3. I disagree with anything, It's not the privacy rights but public rights for society. In seeing the constitution of Korea, despite guaranteeing privacy rights, it should be restricted by public welfare. This is the limit of privacy rights .


fdsg님의 댓글

fdsg 작성일


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