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Society Rising Suicides

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 4,165회 작성일 07-03-25 20:48


death38.jpgRising Suicides
Positive Prevention Measures Needed

The number of suicides has drastically increased over recent years - some 84,000 people killed themselves in the 10-year period between 1996 and 2005. It is a warning signal that something in our society is seriously wrong, so wrong that people want to destroy themselves. Those who committed suicide in that period amount to the equivalent of the population a small city.

According to statistics from the National Statistical Office (NSO), the number of suicides which stood at 6,460 in 2000 jumped to 12,047 in 2005, doubling in just five years. Suicide is the No. 1 cause of death among males in their 20s and the suicide rate is especially high among the elderly as their numbers increase.

A more noteworthy thing is that the number of suicides among the self-employed which was 468 in 1996 increased more than twice to 1,016 in 2005, indicating that economic difficulties are mainly responsible for their suicides. The most horrible thing people can think of is dying. But a growing number of people here commit suicide for one reason or another. Our government is doing nothing to address the problem.

However, though belated, it is encouraging that the government has lately kicked off a campaign to reduce suicides that now outnumbering deaths in car accidents. The government measures include providing health insurance coverage to those attempting suicide, making agricultural chemicals less toxic since people in rural regions rely on such chemicals to kill themselves, installing fences on rooftops and parapets together with massive anti-suicide campaigns.

Experts say that it is possible to control the number of suicides with relevant measures. A case in point is Finland. Its suicide rate per 100,000 stood at 30.3 in 1990. But, thanks to its suicide prevention projects that started in 1993, it reduced the rate to 20.3 in 2004. In addition to economic reasons, there are a variety of other factors driving people to commit suicide and the causes are expanding according to changes in the socio-economic environment. The solution to the matter is not simple.

Moreover, the number of Internet sites soliciting people to commit suicide and teaching them ways to kill themselves is increasing. The rampant growth of such evil sites is believed to have played a major role in increasing the number of suicides. Additional factors behind the rising number of suicides include overwork and unemployment, an aging population and health problems including mental disease.

Considering the relationship between the rising number of suicides and the economic situation, simple campaigns, no matter how intensive they may be, may not be effective. The most important thing is for the government to improve the overall economic situation.

1. According to the statistics from News&Joy, 32% of adults have felt about committing suicide after the accidents, entertainer's suicide. Related to this, what do you think these things give us especially the entertainer's suicide compared to normal people's.

2. These days, the suiciding rate is increasing more and more so let's think about the cause of suicide including the (latent)factor of making entertainer kill theirselves.

3. After these accidents, people can be separated two groups such as "human's life is the most valuable thing so it can't be permitted. vs "choosing one's life is totally depend on one's so we can't interfere that problem. What do you think about that??

4. Let's share the ideas about how to prevent the suicide.

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Agei님의 댓글

Agei 작성일

1. Entertainers have a lot more influences, and power than regular people to those who love them
Therefore, they have responsibilities about them. By suiciding themselves, they can kill (not directly) somebody elses.

2. too much schedule for one day, one person, too much pressure from fans as a entertainer, current waves of suiciding in this society

3. human life is the most important, and as I said q.1, sombody elses can be influenced by them even if they are not enteriatner. suiciding is one of the worst things humans can do

4. No clue about this, because of too many problems surrounded this which it can be work, relationship, school, familly .... and so on.

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