Japanese Army Ran "Comfort Woman System" > 영어토론방

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Diplomacy Japanese Army Ran "Comfort Woman System"

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 4,015회 작성일 07-03-25 20:56


nudes48.jpg"Japan Boiled Comfort Woman to Make Soup"
Japanese Army Ran "Comfort Woman System"

"The Japanese killed a Korean woman and boiled her flesh in a big pot," said a former North Korean comfort woman in an interview. "They lied to us that it was beef soup and we ate it." The 83-year-old Park Young-Shim said that the Japanese killed some of the comfort women just because they were not cooperative in serving sex to the Japanese soldiers.

South Korea's news agency YNA reported on April 27th, her case quoting a witness' account article from the April 27, 2005 edition of the ethnic Chosunshinbo newspaper of the pro-North Korean Association of Koreans in Japan called in Korean "Jochongryon."

"One day Japs came and said that because we are nearly starving to death, they would treat us with beef soup," said Park. "So we ate it and they said with a big chuckle that the soup was made out of the meat of a Korean woman."
"Japs are really like animals," Park continued. "They butchered one of the comfort women who refused to serve sex for them and they boiled her flesh in a pot."

She said that she was 17 when she was taken by Japanese police in Nampo, South Pyongan Province, North Korea in 1938. She was working as a housemaid in the city. She recounted that in March, 1938 a Japanese policeman showed up in front of her and put her on the train, taking her somewhere in China. She said that the Japanese cop said "I will introduce a good job to you." She put up a strong resistance but to no avail.

Later she found that it was Nanjing in China where the Japanese took her.
Park recalled that there were many Japanese military installations. There was a "comfort station" called "Geumsuro Comfort Station" about 500 meters away from one of the Japanese military posts. The station was a three-storey brick house and in the house each room had one bed which measured 2 by 2.5 meters.
"I was extremely shocked when I entered one of the rooms. I was wondering and worried about what's going to happen to me soon." Park remembered.

"A little while later, a Japanese soldier came in and I realized what would occur to me," I resisted with all of my strength," said Park.
Park was kicked and beaten all over her body but she resisted to the end. Eventually, the Japanese soldier drew his long sword from his waist and threatened to cut her neck. From then on she had to deal with some 30 Japanese soldiers per day. Every time she became sick or too tired and she refused to have sex with them, she was beaten severely. She still carries some scars on her body left by the sword of Japanese soldiers.
"I became so sick and I took some opium but the pain did not go away," said Park."I tried to take my own life on several occasions but it was not even possible."

During the course of the war between Japan and China (1937-45) and later the Pacific War (1941-45) she had to move from one comfort station to another in the Japanese military installations within mainland China.
Finally, the end of the Pacific War between Japan and the US appeared to bring her freedom. With war's end Korea was liberated from Japanese colonial rule (1910-1945). Yet her following years were not met with happy or at least normal days. She was not able to come to her hometown immediately. In the years later with the help of her Chinese friend she was able to come back to North Korea.

In the home country she had to undergo a couple of medical operations including one to remove her womb. She still suffers from a heart ailment, nervous tension along with pains all over her body.
"I still wake up in the middle of the night when I recall the past nightmare," said Park. "I cannot die before they apologize to me and other comfort women."


1. Have you participated the demonstration for comfort women?

Let's talk about your experience in relation to comfort women freely.

2. The Japanese deny the suffering of comfort women unlike the Germans.

As you know, the Germans confess their own error and compensate for the damage.
Then, how do you think what makes the Japanese be so shameless?

3. Let's talk about the Korean's attitude for the rude Japanese, for example in political aspect.

4. We must solve the problem until comfort women die. Let's share the solution you have.

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