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Education Bodyguard for Students

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 1건 조회 3,799회 작성일 07-03-25 21:00


boys319.jpgPrimary and secondary school students under threat of school violence will be able to request bodyguard protection from this coming April. The shocking report reflects the seriousness of violence and bullying taking place in schools here. According to the Education Ministry Monday, policemen will also patrol schools on an irregular basis to prevent violence among students. The measures, seen as something extreme, also indicate that the school authorities are losing the war against violence.

Some 24 percent of students at primary and secondary schools were learned to have been exposed to classroom violence or bullying. The situation has reached a level that school authorities or parents can no longer deal with. The number of those in need of private bodyguards is increasing in recent years and the hired bodyguards protecting students are expected to be fresh on the scene at schools shortly.

No parents here would not feel sorry for the unwarranted ordeal of young students and many would sympathize with their plight. But, the adults have not been able to protect them from being tormented in school. Violence and bullying in school is nothing new here. It has existed for decades and even in ancient times. However, it was not as serious as it is today. Particularly worrisome is the fact that the number of victims is increasing at a rapid pace.

The number of those who kill themselves as a means to get out of the ordeal is also increasing. However, the classroom problem is not confined to bullying or violence. Some teachers have long cried out that classrooms are collapsing due to the bad manners of wayward pupils. According to teachers, in some classrooms, kids talk back, sit in class openly reading books, which aren’t textbooks, and walk out of class when they feel like it.

Some may feel that we are still far better off compared to that of the United States where some schools have to place metal detectors to check if any of the students are carrying weapons or not. But, we can’t be at ease as the situation here is deteriorating rapidly. Some say that a decline in respect for teachers has brought about this situation while others claim that parents’ blind love of their children is responsible for it. However, it is meaningless to try to pinpoint who is to blame, because the responsibility should be shared by all concerned parties.

Various efforts have long been made to tackle the situation, but all have ended in failure and the situation has now got to the stage where private bodyguards are required. Despite difficulties, the concerned parties should not give up their efforts to improve the situation because it is a crucial matter deciding the future of this country. It is time for all the people to pay attention to what is taking place in our schools.


1. Have you ever seen the school violence in reality?
Let's talk about your experience.

2. These days, school violence is so serious.
What do you think of reasons that causes the violence in school? Let's talk about this problem each other.

3. How do you think about policy that request bodyguard for student?
Let's speak your opnion.

4. School violence problem must be solved.
Is there anything that can be solution except that policy? Let's talk each's opinion freely.

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