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Culture Anonymity and Netiquette

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,435회 작성일 06-10-22 15:54


death16.jpgA fierce debate has been raging over whether to make it compulsory for internet users to use their real names on internet bulletin boards. Should anonymity online be eliminated? Is anonymity a curse or a blessing? The government is revising related laws to restrict anonymity on the web sites of public agencies.
One side thinks that the citizens of the Net should be confident enough to state their beliefs without hiding behind pseudonyms. The other side feels anonymity is vital for protecting freedom of expression. While security-conscious individuals and law enforcement authorities call for the ban of anonymity on the internet, advocates of privacy support it.
Ironically, both those for and against anonymity have the same motivation _ to protect democracy and freedom of speech.

Those in support of anonymity claim restricting channels of anonymous communication in cyber space would be violating the right to free speech guaranteed by the constitution. They say open discussions on sizzling national issues would be impossible without the protection of identities. They often cite anonymous whistle blowers as a good example for the necessity of anonymity.

Those against anonymity argue that it is often abused to illegally move secret information or spread groundless rumors, libeling innocent people or organizations. The spread of false information is so hazardous that it could possibly ruin the veracity of the web as an information network. Anonymity has had its place in our lives and society for long since well before the age of Internet.

It has often been used, and desirably, for one to confess his or her secret love, express gratitude, and encourage or praise people who live honestly and diligently. It is also a good tool for students to make difficult recommendations to teachers and especially to make friendly advice to buddies.

Above all, anonymity is exceptionally brilliant in case of making donations to the needy, making people feel it’s still a beautiful society to live in.
Yet, the latest social trend raises questions over whether to allow anonymity on the internet due to its so many risks.
In short, as far as anonymous writing in cyber space is concern edit’s still a free world.
Shielded by anonymity, a number of netizens not only make excellent points in online forums, but also go out on limbs with radical notions without fear of reprisals. These are the obvious benefits of anonymity. They can express without fear their views that they are reluctant to say when facing others.
Online editions of most newspapers are full of diverse opinions of anonymous readers about crucial issues of the nation for their own heated debates.
Regrettably, however, many of the Internet users appear to be lacking basic etiquettes on the Net by attacking those with different opinions with vulgar words or profanity. The problem of profanity on the internet is that, among others, the victims are unable to know exactly who are attacking them.

Speaking ill of other people hidden behind anonymity on the ground that they have different views is both cowardly and mean that can not be justified by any excuse. How can one strike back against those with no names? Cursing at others in their face is less cowardly in that it offers a chance for counterattacks.
A society where people lack respect for others and etiquettes can only be desolate. Without netizens’ proper display of behaviors the internet is nothing but a bleak cyber world.
Only about a decade ago, there was no internet and people had no problem with the issue of anonymity. The problem of the lack of netiquette has gone too far. Nobody has the right to utter profanity at others on the Web anonymously. One should only offer healthy criticism. Profanity is not criticism.

The vicious trend is only adding to the already worsening conflict and distrust in this society that stem from selfish interests. We need to seriously consider implementing mandatory measures to ban or sharply curtail online anonymity by tracing Internet surfers.

1. When you use internet, what do you do usually?
2. Have you ever seen person who is suffered from anonymous attacks on cyberspace?

   Or have you ever attacked someone?
3. In your opinion, what kind of advantages/handicaps we get by using anonymous system?
4. Do you agree with using anonymous system on cyberspace?
   If so or not, why?

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