To all the koreans who talk behind.. > 영어토론방

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Theothers To all the koreans who talk behind..

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작성자 opcTOM
댓글 16건 조회 5,419회 작성일 06-11-24 07:06


When yall walking down da street, sometimes u'll see some korean speaking in english..
don't think that we trying to show off we speak fluent english..
some people lived too long so can't speak korean..
some people feel more comfortable speaking in engish..
and u people talk behind us saying korean should speak korean.
you people call mixed race korean and not many of them speak korean and they look more like forigns..
you talk bad things about us on street and why can't you talk shit to them?
daniel henney is half korean and none of you talk behind him.. why? cuz he look different?
if he looked same.. would you talk shit about him? hell yeah!



baek8496님의 댓글

baek8496 작성일

I couldn't see anyone who speak English in normal talk. Are you living in U.S or somewhere outer of korea ?


파랑새님의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

he's not in korea for sure... he is one of the second generations in foreign countries..

I, myself, is not in Korea either, and I speak fluent Korean.. but i never talk behind those koreans who cannot speak korean.. no.. talk behind? I rather find it cute when they try to speak korean..
anyways.. the point is that those guys in other countries,, canada or the states... or whatever.. who cannot speak English, because they have just arrived,, are seriously stressed out. They cannot talk to friends,, ask questions to teachers... or even things like buying anything froms a store can be trouble.. so for example, when everyone around some korean is laughing, talking in English.. he might they are making fool of him... things like that happens when you don't speak English. so you should understand their circumstances..

I'm not saying that you are the only one that should try to understand... you should convince them too.. your parents generations had really hard time in foreign countries.. Back then, there weren't so many immigrants and they had to do everything themselves.. that's why they had no time to teach you Korean. These days, it is much easy to immigrate, so people do teach children to their kids.

anyways.. when they do talk behind you guys.. try to understand their circumstances... they are seriously stressed out.. But they don’t usually do that… it’s really easy to think someone is talking behind you, when you don’t understand his language… I felt too when I didn’t speak English… If they are really talking behind you… show some effort,, one Korean word per sentence is more than enough.


탐정키드님의 댓글

탐정키드 작성일

a... what.. -_-;


김윤식님의 댓글의 댓글

김윤식 작성일



LOVEgus님의 댓글의 댓글

LOVEgus 작성일

Tomjugkid and Kim youn sic are kidding them?
You can't reply like you are


김윤식님의 댓글

김윤식 작성일

Today in Corea people who can speak English fluently he is seemd smart....and take test well.  So learn English first.  (  I can't English fluently....I didn't learn English early.)
I don't agree this it. Don't go to the abroad early, learn English first is not right I think.


김윤식님의 댓글

김윤식 작성일

hyu.....jar mot ha myun han gle lo ssle su do it get da......<---Conglish


The_Zephyr님의 댓글

The_Zephyr 작성일

what the heck is your point?


opcTOM님의 댓글

opcTOM 작성일

I am a full Korean since i was born. I speak fluent Korean and English cuz ma mom was an English teacher in university in korea. i was born in korea but brought up in other part of the world. I'm not from da states nor canada nor NE western part of the world. I just want to tell people... it's obviously true to speak English to those who's from states or other countries.. and why do people have to talk shit saying 'he's trying to show off his english skill?" what the hell? be smart people!! you don't speak korean to forigners!! they can't understand!!

you don't see people speaking English? go out to the street, doc. well not everyday but the vacation. See those who are suffering from speaking korean. The second generation.. u'll see those who finds problem in what they say.. N mostly.. grown ups.. Korean should speak korean... what the hell... U call dennis kang and daniel henney korean and they can't talk.. why don't ya talk shit to them.. be smart people!!!

Maybe cuz of those who really suck at english shows off that they live in da states(what? 2 months?) speak in english and give really bad impressions to those who studied abroad.
my point... just leave those people alone! you know! It's my life. or none of your business!


삼무님의 댓글의 댓글

삼무 작성일

The Korean language evaluation some point pat Ass smallness


파랑새님의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

... you don't really look like someone who's willing to discuss. you come here and write what you want asking questions.. and don't even listen to the comments? what kind of attitude is that? if you are really here to discuss then you are gonna have to listen first.
I talked about their circumstances rather indrectly.. if you can't get it i will be straight. koreans who don't speak English are really really sensitive about their English. It's like calling black people black. It's ok to call a black person black if you are black.. But if you are white and call him black, you are in trouble.. why??? isn't that unfair?... well there are so many things(basically circumstances) that have cause such illogic or unfaire situations. This is like a subtle custom that people really don't talk outloud... And talking in English to such koreansd,,, you can think of it as a kind of subtle custom.. I know it sounds unfaire or illogical to you guys second generations, but you have to understand that too.


Sarah님의 댓글

Sarah 작성일

OMG i have the same exact problem. i just came from NY 4 months ago.. i lived in the US since i was in third grade and truthfully, I speak english a hell lot better than korean and its more comfortable you knoe? i totally get wat opcTOM is saying.. when me and my sis is out on the street, we obviously speak in english. we get these nasty stares or jus stares of wonder. i also understand that native korean people feel extremely sensitive and all to the second generation speaking english but the second generation can't help it if we feel more comfortable speaking english. i feel like korean people on the street just judge by what language we speak. its already bad enough getting use to this country and trying to adjust and having random people stare holes into our heads is not that fun. there have been times where i wished i actually LOOKED "american" or whatever so people would jus stop judging. And also to add to what opcTOM said, if ppl arent gonna be nice, they should atleast leave us alone. but they dont.

on the other hand, i know what 파랑새 is saying..but i dont speak english to korean people and i also know its messed up if you do. i really dont think second generations would speak english right up front to koreans who dont knoe english well. and when we do, is because we dont knoe how you say it in korean. like last time i went to the FACESHOP to get eyemakeup remover. i didnt knoe how to say it in korean so i kinda jus said it (embarrassed believe me.) and the helper lady or whatever started asking me o y do you speak like that? were you in a foreign country? and the whole time she was asking those things, she has a nasty tone to it, like "WHY do you have dat english accent???" so yea. we dont speak english INTENTIONALLY to native korean speakers.

i think this is a debate with no answers or right sides.. jus gotta understand each other. >.>


파랑새님의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

I know what you're saying. And if anyone talks behind you even when you have to speak English, then that guy is exceptionally sensitive. I know that second generations don't speak English intentionally to intimidate koreans or to brag about your English, if you guys do, then that's another problem.
(No offence, but you guys can actually look guilty if you emphasize INTENTIONALLY like that, because we already know you don't intentionally do that)
Even though you guys don't intentionally speak English, like I said before it's like a subtle custom.. like calling black people black. Even if you don't intentionally call black people, I mean even if you are not trying to intimidate them by calling them black, if you call a black person by black, then you are in trouble.
there is no debate with no anwers or right sides.. you already know this because you said it in the next sentence. Understanding means sharing a common boundary between thoughts and this boundary is the answer. an answer doesnt have to be extreme.


고스식구님의 댓글

고스식구 작성일

wow... toronsil's people are awesome,, --;;  i want to joy it.. but my english is terrible.. i can just say ....awesome people you are...


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

I can totally understand that! I was born in the USA and I came to Korea when I was in fifth grade.
I feel comfortable in speaking english, and I have a friend who lived in America for 7 years, so she and I
speak english everyday-even now. Yet, the other kids say bad things about the 2 of us, and that really
sucks! I mean, it's not like I can't understand Korean?! But they don't think twice-they just speak what's on the top of their heads...And that totally hurts my feelings. I do occasionally cuss in front of them-I get really
pissed off sometimes.


달콤살벌girl님의 댓글

달콤살벌girl 작성일

oh, and 고스식구 ? Don't worry-nobody is perfect, and everybody will understand. I think that we are rather free
to say what we wish. Just tell everybody what you think!! HAHAHAHA

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