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Culture Steve's Diary 5

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작성자 토돌이
댓글 1건 조회 2,559회 작성일 06-09-08 15:56


I really can't believe it's the first week of September.

It feels like just yesterday when I quit one of my jobs to concentrate on writing books. That was the end of last year. However, my wife started a business out of the blue and I couldn't do anything let alone write a book. Taking care of my kids and just trying to feed them two meals a day was a challenge.

I guess the experience taught me how hard being a housewife was, and I finally talked my wife into quitting her business last July. I've always known that my wife was not happy being just a housewife, and I was planning to set up something

for her once our kids grew up a bit. My boy is in 6th grade and my daughter

is in 3rd grade, and I didn't think they were old enough. So I convinced my wife that kids still needed her. I also needed her in order to do my work.

Anyway, I finally got to really start concentrating on writing books.

I think two of my books will finally be published this month. They say the publishing industry is having one of the toughest year here in Korea, and some people question if I should continue to write books, but I really do enjoy it. Besides, do you know this story about two vendors who sold water in a desert? There was only one source for water in that desert - a big oasis. One guy worked really hard to go back and forth to get as much water as possible while the other guy built pipelines. Of course, in the beginning, the guy who worked hard made more money, but eventually when the water pipe was completed who do you think made more money?

For me I would really like to build as many water pipes as possible, but there are always offers from people who try to lure me with instant gratification. I know it's more agonizing for me to write books because you never know how books are going to end up. And perhaps taking jobs that pay certain amount money might be good, but I'll take my chance.

I also met a few students from the graduate school I teach. They were the first class to graduate and I have special feeling for them. It was nice to see that they were woring hard to achieve their own dreams. This week's diary seems a bit boring, doesn't it? My brain isn't functioning cause I've been writing all weekend to finish my books.

The mornings and evenings are pretty cool now, and I just love it. I hope you'll all have a great week.

Steve Jung



파랑새님의 댓글

파랑새 작성일

Good luck.. that's all I've got to say.. and I hope your books will be successful

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304 Culture
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300 Economy
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299 Education
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297 Education
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