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Policy Food poisining

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,928회 작성일 06-10-22 15:21


hands084.jpgThe furor over food poisoning that has stricken as many as 2,300 students from 30 schools is winding down, with the food provider offering an apology, promising compensation, and pulling out of the business. Still, some of the schools are cutting classes short or delaying final term examinations as a consequence of the company`s inadequate attention to sanitation.

Education authorities have belatedly begun special hygienic inspections of school cafeterias throughout the country. But they have a long way to go until they can be reasonably assured that students will be properly protected from food-borne illnesses.

CJ Food System, the food provider, said earlier in the week that it would terminate all its food-service business in schools, holding itself "painfully accountable" for the food poisoning. In the face of mounting public criticism, it said it would donate food-service facilities to schools free of charge and pay for the treatment of the victims.
Indeed, CJ Food System, the largest operator of school cafeterias in the nation, deserved severe public censure for failing to take proper action and control damage during the initial stage. The company, which sent its staff members on a fact-finding mission to the three schools where food poisoning was first reported on June 16, apparently did not take the case very seriously.

Its insensitivity was evidenced by the fact that it continued to provide food to other schools instead of stopping the entire service immediately to identify the cause of food poisoning and take remedial measures. As a result, the number of victims ballooned to 2,300, the largest number in history.

True, there cannot be any foolproof protection against food being contaminated by pathogenic bacteria, viruses, toxins or parasites. Still, the nation could have taken proper action to reduce the exposure of students to the risk of food poisoning.

But it did not take any effective measures in this regard, even after 337 students were diagnosed with food poisoning in Daegu and another 1,065 students in Ansan, Gyeonggi Province, in 1999. No wonder almost 20,000 students have suffered food poisoning in schools since 2001.
The nation may learn a lesson from the experience of Japan, where almost 10,000 people, mainly schoolchildren, fell ill from food poisoning related to the colon bacillus 0-157 in 1996. Reportedly, in the wake of the 0-157 outburst, the Japanese government overhauled food services in schools, requiring nutritionists and parents to check the quality of foodstuffs every morning.

The nation may also establish an alliance of representatives from government agencies and nongovernmental organizations that can help improve food safety in school. The proposed group may be patterned after the National Coalition for Food-Safe Schools in the United States, a voluntary and informal working group providing food-safety information and guidelines not only to school food-service staff but also to students and parents.

In response to the CJ Food System case, some advocacy groups are demanding that schools terminate contracts on food provision with catering companies and operate cafeterias on their own. But whether or not to outsource food services is a secondary question, given that food poisoning is frequently reported in schools that are operating cafeterias by themselves.
The Education Ministry and the provincial boards of education will have to establish food-safety guidelines for schools and food providers, based on the outcome of their ongoing inspections of sanitation in school cafeterias. If necessary, the National Assembly will have to tighten statutory regulations on food safety after deliberating revision bills related to food provision in schools during its current special session.

It is dereliction of duty for the executive and legislative branches to leave 8 million students exposed to the risk of food poisoning in school. They will have to act promptly to minimize the danger.

* case 경우, 사정, 상황
* food poisoning 식중독
* occur 일어나다, 생기다
* suffer from 앓다, 병들다
* diarrhea 설사
* stomachache 위통, 복통
* symptom 증상
* conduct 처리하다
* close 정밀한
* examination 조사
* track ~을 추적하다
* infection 감염
* route 경로

1. What is the problem in this topic? (Ex. lack of company's responsibility,,.)
2. If you are CEO in CJ Food , what would you do?
3. Many students are in sickness, If you are student who get sickness because of CJ

   what would you do?
4.To solve this problem, what can we do?

   and discuss about government and companys duty in this situation.

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