A blind date among Korean University students > 영어토론방

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A blind date among Korean University students

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,094회 작성일 05-12-17 13:12


How popular a blind date is.
A blind date is one of the most exciting and interesting parts among korean University students. Participating in blind dates is more common and popular than you can imagine.
Some even do it twice a day in their freshman year, someone who is in his freshman year does it once a week or once a month. But as his/her grade goes higher, the chances he/she can participate in a blind date are less frequent. Anyway students feel like to do it whenever they want it and they seem to want to be hang in there until they graduate.

The difference between" So-gai-ting" and "meeting".
Generally, there are two types of blind dates in terms of the number of people who participate in. In other words, if there is only one man and one woman who participate in the blind date, that is called "So-gai-ting." In the other one, which is called "Meeting", there is no limit in number of people who can participate. But the general number of people in Meeting is from 3 to 4 from each side.
Generally we do "So-gai-ting" to meet someone we can go out with in the future. But we do "Meeting" to meet new people and enjoy one day with them as well as to find a girlfriend/boyfriend. So if you do "so-gai-ting", you have a 50-50 chance. If you like your partner, then good for you. But if you don't, you feel like you are wasting your money and time. You have to take a risk to do "so-gai-ting".

How do we decide our partner?
There are also many kinds of ways how we do blind dates. In other words, there are several different types of methods when we meet our partners. For examples. The most common way is by a matchmaker. There is person A. He knows both person B and C. And person B and C don't know each other. Then A is supposed to be a matchmaker. He hooks up B with C. He sets up everything including time and the place. In this case, person B and C have no choice to choose a partner. In some way, they are very lucky. But they are really taking a risk. And a very important thing here is that even if two of them don't like each other, they have got to be kind to each other not to make the matchmaker feel bad.
Another way is called 007 meeting, a boy(B) is waiting with a flower or any noticeable things, and a girl(C) comes, if she thinks he is a nice guy, they meet and date, without a matchmaker(A). In the so called 'Insurance meeting', a matchmaker supply meetings to someone until the match is successfully established. In 007 meeting, the matchmaker doesn't show up in the place where person B and
C are supposed to meet. Generally in a blind date by a matchmaker, he shows up in the place and introduce each other and stay there for about 10 minutes or more to have them feel more comportable. But in 007 meeting, all person A has to do is let person C know about the appearance(height,clothing,weight,age,and name) of person B and let person B have information about Person C. In the place, person B and C have to find one another. To make sure that they find each other.

There is also a very brave way to get to know someone you are interested in. That is called "Hunting". It's not in the category of a blind date. But some who are brave really do it. If you want to get to know one girl or boy and go out with her/him, just tell her/him that you want to get to know her/him better. You don't have to take a risk you have in a "so-gai-ting because your target is the one you are really interested in, and feel like to get to know. But the big problem here is that the person who is targeted by you could be embarrassed. In addition, in Korean culture, hunting is not regarded as good manner in society because Korean culture has been dominated by conservatism as well as we are not get used to it.

1. Do you know how Korean students meet their date partners (Boy/Girl friend)? And if you have a boy/girl friend, how did you meet your partner?

2. Have you ever participated in any kind of blind date? If you have, how was it? and why did you do it? Share your experience

3. Are you using other methods, like parties, clubs, internet sites to meet someone? If you are, what kind of it?

4. What is your opinion on 'A blind date' ? And what has to be there for you to agree to meet your date partner again?

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