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Life after death

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,492회 작성일 06-01-13 05:42


Not long ago anybody who talked about life after death was considered to be a bit weird. But that's not true anymore. Thanks to television talk shows and the media in general, people aren't afraid to express their beliefs about the subject anymore. Everything has been brought into the open by TV documentaries and popular movies such as 1990's blockbuster Ghost.

Even people who say they don't believe in any kind of life after death admit they have no answer to the mystery of life. They can't explain why we live at all if there is nothing but darkness beyond the grave. Why should we strive to have good lives, to love, or be kind to others if life has no deeper meaning?
Modern science can supply the answers only up to the point of physical death, but beyond that it is no help.

Out of Body Experience.
There are thousands of people all over the world who claim to have already experienced a dimension beyond the physical world through what is called an out of body experience or OBE.
According to them, it is proof that the spirit survives the body. People who have had OBEs all say their experiences totally erased any fear of death from their minds.
Naturally, skeptics insist that OBEs are nothing more than vivid dreams. But if that's so, how could so many people all have the same exact dream? The skeptics have no answer.

Near Death Experience.
Almost every person who has an NDE reports the same scene and series of events. They find themselves in a long dark tunnel which has a bright light at the end of it.
They describe the light as being "filled with love and everything good". They say they are not alone but are surrounded by friends and relatives who have already died.
People who stay there longer say they saw their whole lives pass in front of their eyes - not just important events but every second beginning with their birth. According to them, it doesn't take a long time to view because there is no sense of time there.
Most people return to their bodies reluctantly because they want to stay there. They return thinking that they have a mission to accomplish before dying.
Several psychics, also called mediums, have written books on the subjects of OBEs, NDEs, and dying. All of them insist that death is nothing to fear and that what we call death is actually birth on the Other Side, That's the place there we spirits go after our bodies die. They say that death is a happy event, not a sad one. It's only sad for the people left behind.

Life on the other side.
According to the psychics, the Other Side is our true home because it is eternal and this physical life if just temporary. They say that on the Other Side we have bodies, denser than the ones we have here, and we lead the same type of lives that we lead here except without pain. fear or inconveniences. We have jobs and homes.
The psychics describe a world full of love, but without marriage or children. Everyone is in perfect physical condition and has the body of a young adult.
That world occupies the same space as ours, but we can't see it because everything vibrates at a higher frequency. Animals can see it, just as they can hear sounds that we can't hear. According to them, small babies can see it too.

1. Do you believe about life after death?
Tell why you think so.
2. What do you think about each of these(Out of Body Experience, Near Death Experience)?
Are they possible? Why or why not?
3. Do you think psychics can really communicate with dead spirits, or are they just liars?
If so, why can they do it while the rest of us can't? If not, why would they lie about such a thing?
4. Have you ever read any books about these subjects?
If so, did they influence the way you think about life and death?

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