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Morality in decline

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작성자 토론실
댓글 2건 조회 3,295회 작성일 06-01-13 06:04


Many people blame the entertainment industry for the decline of morality that has occurred over the past few decades. Most people over 40 agree that morals in western society have been in a downward spiral for the past few decades. We see it everywhere in the violence all around us, in the promiscuous behavior of the young generation, in the road rage on our highways, and in the general disregard that people show for one another.

Kids don't respect their elders the way they used to, and they think nothing of cheating on exams. Vandalism is common and computer hackers get enjoyment out of messing up other people's computers. If young people think this is way things have always been, they're wrong.

Not long ago, the worst things that American kids did in school were to chew gum or pass notes to their friends during class. Now sexual behavior and carrying knives or guns are the main problems. Some schools now have metal detectors at their entrances and pass out condoms th the boys.

Dress codes used to be strict, but today fashions focus on showing as much skin as possible.
In the old days students danced at school dances, but today what passes for dancing is more like simulated sex on the dance floor. They call it "freak dancing". Dancers rub against each other in sex positions. Most schools have banned it, but students say they just "having fun"

The USA isn't the only country experiencing a breakdown of morality. In Japan and Korea the recent trend is for middle-aged men to pay $100 or so to spend 2 or 3 hours having sex with teenage girls. South Korea now has an all-sex cable channel, but just a few years ago that would have been unthinkable.
Many people blame the entertainment media-movies, TV, the music industry - for the decline of morals in society. Many movies are filled with unnecessary violence and sex. Even computer games are centered around killing the opponents.

Pop stars, who are the role models for teenagers, have to be sexy in order to become popular. TV news channels sensationalize their news programs with video scenes of violence to steal TV viewers away from the other news channels.

The result of society's preoccupation with violence and sex is that the public has become desensitized. Scenes that would have shocked audiences 30 years ago don't surprise anybody today. Nobody is shocked by public nudity. Naturally, most producers of entertainment media claim they're only giving people what they want. They say that their artistic creations only portray life as it is and that they are not responsible for causing it. They say they wouldn't produce if people wouldn't buy it, and they're probably right.
Another possible reason for the decline of morality is the breakdown of the family caused by rising divorce rates. Meanwhile, the digital generation is producing a generation of social misfits who can interact better with computers than with other human beings.

1. Do you agree that society's morals are low?
If so, what makes you think so?
2. People say that sex and violence in movies and TV brings down moral values. The producers of those shows say that they are just giving people what they want and that they're not to blame. Who's right? Tell why you think so.
3. Who is more to blame for the low morals of young people-parents, the schools, or the entertainment industry? Tell why you think so.
4. Do you think it's important whether society's morals go down or not?
Does it matter to anyone? If so, how?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.



Chany님의 댓글

Chany 작성일

영어 아주 못하지만, 공부할겸 한번 해보겠습니다.

1. Yes. That's true, like this what you wrote. All kind of society show me that.
2.  Does people said movie and Tv brings down moral values? So, the producers must have made pretty movie n TV? It is just kind of Art. The problem is not belong here. The people have to find the other reasons.
3.  This time make it right that. All of thing made it. It's natural.
4. I think it's not important that actually. Now the stituation is never critical.
Time will make them good I Think. Don't worrrrrryyyy.


Julie님의 댓글

Julie 작성일

For the first question...   Although no single person can ‘affirm’ that society’s morals have fallen during the past few decades, I believe most people would ‘agree’ on the decline in morality. I think the mass media is largely responsible for decreasing tendency of morality. The media has been steadily producing contents that are more stimulating, violent and sexual in order to attract viewers. This has led people to become desensitized. They, now accept things that seemed, in the past, unacceptable. For example, audiences are no longer shocked at sexual scenes on TV programs or at language abuses. More importantly, copycat crimes that stem from a certain plot or a scene of films or dramas stated to occur. Certainly, the media, in some part, has been giving a great deal of ideas to potential criminals.

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