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Culture Turin Olympics Ends

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,468회 작성일 06-04-08 20:27


The 20th Winter Olympic Games in Turin, Italy came to a close after 17 days of fierce competition. With a total of 11 medals, South Korea made it to the top 10, the only Asian country to make the cut. Korean short-track skaters surprised sports fans around the world with their stellar performance.

For the first time in Winter Olympic history, more than 80 countries participated, making it the biggest winter sports gala with more than 2,600 athletes honing their skills in snow and on ice.

The Korean team showed who was boss at the short-track skating rink by taking home a total of 10 medals in the discipline. Korea's short-track skaters Ahn Hyun-soo and Jin Sun-yu each won three gold medals, setting a major milestone in the men's and women's divisions. The two became the country's first to sweep three titles at one Olympics. Korean speed skater Lee Kang-seok rose to fame by winning bronze in the men's 500 m competition, a feat not seen in nearly 15 years.

The Turin games, however, weren't without disappointments when law enforcement officials conducted the first anti-doping raid on athletes in Olympic history. International Olympic Committee President Jacques Rogge said although he was satisfied with the overall quality of the games, he didn't feel the same way about spectator turnout. Rogge, however, thanked Italy for successfully hosting the 20th winter Olympics before handing over the Olympic flag to the host of the 2010 games Vancouver, Canada.
As for the medal standing, Germany won 11 golds to claim first place, putting it ahead of the U.S., Austria, Russia and Canada. Korea took seventh place winning six gold, three silver and two bronze medals.

Pyeongchang's Winter Olympics Bid Looking Good
Word at the committee in charge of Pyeongchang’s bid for the 2014 Winter Olympics is that the city now only has Salzburg to contend with. The buzz at the offices in Chuncheon, Gangwon Province is generated by a report that Pyeongchang is second only to the Austrian city in terms of readiness among the seven cities vying to host the games.
The choice will be announced on July 7 next year. “We have decided to put all of our efforts into catching up with Salzburg in the next 16 months,” the committee said Monday after completing a promotional blitz and analysis at the Turin Winter Olympics.
Pyeongchang is virtually certain to pass the first hurdle and make it on the shortlist to be announced on June 22 this year. It ranked second overall in the Bid Power Index by a pollster specializing in the Olympic Games, a mere six points behind Salzburg. The shortlist is expected to whittle candidates down to three. The committee submitted the required questionnaire to the IOC on Jan. 25. Bid Power Index says its analysis is conducted the same way the IOC goes about choosing the winner.

Gangwon Governor Kim Jin-seon last week went to Turin to promote Pyeongchang’s bid. “Now it is certain that Pyeongchang will pass the first test, we need to plan how we can win over Salzburg” in the final selection and fix any weaknesses, Kim said. The first step will be to boost infrastructure since the city lagged more than two points behind Salzburg in terms of transport, accommodation and environment, according the Bid Power Index.

1. What's your favorite competitive game in Winter Olympics? Why?
2. Do you think that only one item(only skating) got medal is desirable thing? korea's sports in olympic, what is wrong?
3. Whether do you think that Pyengchan Olympics will give us good effect or not ? and why do you think so?
4. Do we have something to do to host winter Olympics in Pyeongchang?

Key Expression
I made so easy expression! If you can't remind any word In English please use this!

1. My favorite game is ~
Because that game is~
ex) My favorite game is speed skating, because that game gave us a lot of medal in every Olympics

2. I think that it is~
ex) I think that it is not good. If we can't get medal that part, we can' receive any medals in Olympics

3. only example~
ex) I think that Pyungchang Olympics gives us bad effect, because to make a facility for that, too much money is wasted.

4. we can do somthing kind of~
ex) we can do something kind of participate government's policy.

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