Why we study English? > 영어토론방

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Why we study English?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,994회 작성일 05-09-09 00:39


Studying English is not an option but an essential need for students. It is a common opinion that students need a second or third language, preferably English. But most students have problems in studying English. Several years of studying English at school only make students remember, " I"m fine, thank you, and you?" The English language is a real source of mental stress. This stays with you from the university entrance exam all the way up to a job interview. So they are studying it much time at a library. Especially students of the graduating school and planning to enter the business field need excellent English ability.
It is no exaggeration to say that Korea is suffering from a syndrome called the 'English Craze.' There are hundreds of English textbooks on the shelves of the nation’s bookstores grabbing our attention to buy. New English institutes spring up constantly, all claiming to have found a new miraculous way of mastering the language in record time. But before buying those books and registering at those institutes, the big question that we should ask ourselves is, "Why do we have to study English?"
Today we live in an interconnected world, where it is easier than ever before for people to interact and trade with each other. However, for us to communicate effectively with those from other countries, we need to have a common language. That language is English.
About 400 million people use English as their native tongue, another 400 million speak English as their official language, and in 85 percent of the international organizations English is the only official language. Not only in the OPEC dominated by Arabic nations but also in most international organizations of Europe and Asia-Pacific region, English is the only official language.
Most scientific journals are published in English and many lectures are given in English in lots of European universities. With English illiteracy we cannot enjoy science, medicine, technology, art, culture, social information, etc. provided by the Internet, and people who are ignorant of English finally cannot help but become poor people of knowledge.
Economist, a weekly published in Britain, showed that by 1995 in the headquarters of the European Union in Brussels, Belgium, 70 percent of all the papers were written in French but now 70 percent of all the papers are written in English. So it is not surprising that even in France and Germany they are doing their utmost to learn English.
Learning English, therefore, helps us to understand and be able to communicate with people from many countries, even non-English speaking countries. If a Korean wants to do business in Thailand, what language will the Koreans and Thais speak? Probably English. Learning English does not mean that we support all American policies. It is a way to help us to understand and communicate with others and be internationally active and aware.
Human beings have always needed an universal language in culture, science and diplomacy in order to develop their full potential. From the medieval ages up to 17th century Latin played the role of it in Europe, Arabic did the same in the Arab world and Chinese characters did so in East Asia.
Afterwards, it seems impossible for another language to emerge in the future to replace English that is spoken by numerous people around the world. Once English becomes the most common language used worldwide and it is used as a legitimate tool for political, economical and cultural exchanges between countries, it is hardly replaced with any other language, regardless of whether the U.S. loses its hegemony in world affairs.


1. Are you studying English now?

2. Do you like English? If you don't ,why do you study?

3. Can you speak English well? If you can't, what do you think the problem is?

4. If you can't help avoid studying English, What is a good way to study English?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.
김창익: 1. Of course, I study English now, every day. I'm living in Korea too.
2. Yes, I like learning English so much. Because it's fun. As my English skilll's developing,
I can do better understand what's going on around world, like you said. Knowledge is power
especially in this kind of information-oriented world. To get knowledge faster and more efficiently, I need to absorb the information directly from text books or news or any type of media that is written in English but not translated in Korean yet. It can save a lot of time. Because at least
,if I have a great skill to understand English, I don't need to spend my precious time in hiring
somebody who can translate those script for me. Plus, I can save my money too. Wow, as I
give more thought to the benefits from learning English , I can come up with countless reasons and benefits to master English.
3. Not much but not bad though. I can speak English alright. -[09/20]-


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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