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Noble labor unions

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,041회 작성일 05-09-09 00:43


Korea was industrializing in the 1970s. Park Jung-hee, ex-president, maintained his dictatorship on platform of economy development. The Korean government gave priority to enterprises in order to improve the economy rapidly, while suppressing labor unions that demanded workers' rights.
Labor Unions played an important role in the revolution against the dictatorship in June 1987. From then on, the new government started accepting their demands. The power of the unions increased after the governmental change. However, some unions have been using group power under right of group activity since the government, which supports the labor unions, was set up. Enterprises had no choice but to contend with strike-induced losses.
Asiana Pilot Union (APU) strike was recently ended by the government. Many nicknamed the APU the 'Noble Labor Union' because it wanted unreasonable things and took about a month off despite the economic slump and passenger's damage.
Nowadays, people take a dim view of labor union strikes such as 'summer walkouts' because the unions seem motivated more by selfish interest rather than worker's rights. Their walkouts are thought to have a bad influence on the economy. Moreover, some union executives have committed crimes, thereby reducing trust in the unions.
Asiana Pilot Union Strike
APU started the strike on July 7th because they failed to reach an agreement about better working conditions with Asiana Airlines, the second largest Korean carrier. About 250 of the 527 union members participated in the strike.
The workers demanded that the retirement age be raised from the current 54 to 57, that they have voting rights in promotion committees, and that 'deadheading'time (flying to departure point in passenger's room) be included in working time. In addition, they wanted the carrier to stop its alcohol checks and to drop the TOEIC score requirement for promotion.
The workers were on strike until August 10th, but the carrier and union were unable to come to an agreement. Finally, the government declared it would begin taking legal measures to invoke emergency arbitration. The union was obliged to halt the strike right away.

Opinion in Favor of APU
People who agree with the APU's claims have said that, although pilots earn about 100 million won a year, they are qualified to earn that amount because they have to devote so much time to aviation and English studies. Pilots have insisted that the deadheading time be included in working time, since Korea Airlines and other foreign carriers admit it as working time, and pay an allowance.
Pilots believe the Asiana Airlines promotion system lacks integrity. When they fly airplanes, pilots often make little mistakes that can influence their prospects for promotion. APU supporters have asserted that the carrier creates a disadvantage for the pilots who join the labor union under the plea of the mistakes. Therefore, the union has demanded that workers have the right to participate in the promotion committee in order to clean up the system.

Opinion against APU
Public opinion about the strike has not been favorable. Most people think the strike harmed the economy because Korea is in an economic slump. From the tinme the APU started its strike on July 17th after talks broke down with the carrier, 81 out of 168 domestic flights and 4 out of 7 Asiana cargo flights were stopped as of August 8th. Finally, more than half of Asiana's domestic flights, all of its cargo flights, and about 10 percent of its international flights were canceled until the strike was ended.
According to Asiana, it has lost over 200 billion won in sales, while related tourism agencies and exporters lost 153billion won. In addition, because the strike started in the summer holiday season, the carrier put non-union pilots into domestic or international flights to carry passengers, so export was heavily harmed.
In Asiana, a captain's yearly income is 120million to 170million won, and that of a co-pilot is 80million to 100million. Many think the striking pilots do not need to be paid as much as they are demanding. Moreover, the demand th stop alcohol testing, and to drop the TOEIC score requirement can place passengers in jeopardy. Some see the 'Noble labor unions' as selfish.


1. Have you ever heard about 'Noble labor unions' before?

2. What is your opinion on APU ?

3. What would you do if you are the member in APU ?

4. What do you think the appropriate solution is?

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