The rebirth of Chunggyecheon > 영어토론방

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The rebirth of Chunggyecheon

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,017회 작성일 05-11-21 19:25


Chunggyecheon was reborn on October 1st. It took two years for it to come true. The Seoul City Government expects that the stream becomes not only a place where locals relax but also a place that attracts tourists. The city government organized remarkable events such as a Marathon, Walking Festival, and is planning a walking tour program connected with the Seoul City Tour Bus.

Ordinary Citizens
For ordinary citizens, the rebirth of Chunggyecheon seems to be good news. Families would enjoy holidays there, and children would experience nature by frolicking in the brook. Also, it would be a good dating course for couples.

Near Chunggyecheon, there are various places for entertainment. People can go there after enjoying the park. Between Dongdaemun and Dongdaemun Stadium Stations, shopping malls such as Doosan Tower, APM and Miliore are located near the stream.

To celebrate the rebirth, many events were held. The 'Chunggyecheon Restoration Celebration' was opened on October 1st. The 3rd Hi seoul Chunggyecheon - Han River Marathon was held on the 2nd, while 'Walking in Chunggyecheon' happened on the 3rd. The Seoul City Government has plans to develop the Chunggyecheon into a tourist attraction. It will create a waking tour program via the famous sights near the stream. Tourists could see Gwangtong-gyo(Bridge), Supyo-gyo(Bridge), a spot for doing laundry in the past, and the Beodl Swamp. among other things.

Street Vendors
When the Seoul Government was about to demolish the Chunggye high level road, street vendors demonstrated and claimed their right to make a living. When the relocated market began operating in January 2004, about 30 thousand people on ordinary days and 100 thousand people during holidays visited the market mostly out of curiosity. However, the number of both visitors and vendors dropped dramatically after February 2004 because, among other things, only 10 public waterworks and 7 public toilets were available, which proved to be very inconvenient to the people at the market. In April 2005, vendors built pavilions to intercept sunshine and they set up electronic equipment to make shoppers feel more comfortable. Since then, visitors and vendors have come back and the market has become a common destination for many local families as well as foreigners.

The truth is, the Seoul City Government didn't set up any counterplans for street vendors before demolishing the read by the stream. The city's argument was that the street vendors were conducting business illegally, thus it was not the city's responsibility to relocate them. This made the vendors, numbering about 70, so they gathered in front of City Hall on July 9, 2003 to protest as well as to sell their goods. About 3000 vendors from the whole country demonstrated on December 3, 2003, complaining that the government has removed about 1500 stalls by force since November 30.

Now, merchants at Dongdaemun Market are worried about traffic jams. The district around the market is one of the busiest spots in downtown Seoul, so many cars always crowd this area. In addition, after the construction, the road by the market shrunk to inly four lanes, causing bottlenecks in traffic. The basic traffic counterplan of the Seoul City Government is to decrease the use of cars by changing the public transport system. The government expects that new bus system, including the addition of bus lines and the creation of specific bus lanes, would entice the public to use public transportation. Moreover, to make the trip to Chunggyecheon easier, the city changed the route of yellow buses and the Seoul City Tour buses, which circle downtown. The city also started offering free shuttle bus service.


1. Have you ever seen or gone to New Chunggyecheon? How do you feel?

2. What kind of changes are in chunggyecheon?
What do you think about Chuggyecheon to compare between before and after the rebirth?

3. What would you do if you are a vendor or merchant of Dongdaemun?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the rebirth?
4. Chunggyecheon has still many problems (water, environment, traffic...etc),
What should be changed to resolve these problems?

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