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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 3,085회 작성일 05-11-21 19:32


Do you remember the movie 'Yong-Gu and DaengChiri' in 1989? It had an incredible story and was immensely popular even though the genre was not comedy but horror. This film contained images of various ghosts from the west and the east. The computer generated imagery(CGI) work was a bit shabby but since there was a lack of films for children at that time, the film was nonetheless a box-office hot despite its technical shortcomings.

These days, CGI films are extremely popular and make big money. But there is a group of people out there who are not so fond of technically superior movies and prefer instead low-budget and flawed movies that are often called B-movies. They are B-movie fanatics.

If you don't understand this example at all, you may want to consider one movie that made quite a splash with the general public. It is the digital short film, released in 2000, 'Dachimawha Lee', This rustic movie, which was led by the unknown actor Im Won-hee, did not make an impression in local theaters but on the internet, it was embraced by people. The film presented interesting ideas as well as an engaging hero.

What is the identity of the B-movies?
Originally, the birth of B-movies came in the 1930s, when cheap B-movies were screened together with expensive and glossy Hollywood movies as part of a double feature. These low-budget movies came to be known as B pictures.

These B-movies employed unknown actors and used very low budgets, which could be seen in the movies' inferior production values. Thus, the B name came to carry another meaning-B as something minor, of lesser quality and lower than A.

But after the 70s, B-movies were revaluated. In its early forms, the B-movie had destructive and decadent content and ham-handed low form. The movies were about gangster, the noir, and the scary, which had been long dropped as subjects of major films. These became the common features of the B-movies. But there are common features of B-movies that have been studied and analyzed by sociologists. B-movies simulate repressed instincts of violence and sex. This simulation was also used to draw attention away from the inferior aspects of filmmaking, such as a low budget, unknown actors, and outdated technology.

The proliferation of B-movies is said to have spawned a so-called B-culture, which involves a group of people fascinated by the flawed and the second grade. These are people who are tired of everything 'A' represents-perfect, huge, and expensive. They like the rawness and imperfections of 'B', which for them are much closer to reality. This group is getting bigger and is slowly reaching mainstream status.

The B-movies as an Art Form
It used to be that a B-movie would involve a low-budget and unknown actors wearing cheap costumes to pass for monsters and ghosts. But the growing fascination with B-movies these days is spawning a new generation of filmmakers.

Park Chan Wook, who directed 'Old boy' and 'Sympathy for lady Vengeance,' is often referred to as a B-movie director. Also, 'Pulp Fiction,' directed by Quentin Tarantino and winner of the Golden Palm Prize in Cannes Film festival, is a famous example of a mainstream movie using B-movie conventions. Undoubtedly, these examples are major productions with budgets that reach millions of dollars. However, they have taken the subject matters and other usual conventions of B-movies and elevated them to a new art form. Their appeal lies in the fact that while they are still considered blockbuster, mainstream films, they offer viewers refreshing visuals and storylines that are not the usual stuff of major Hollywood productions.
With the merits of B-movies rediscovered, film producers and movie enthusiasts alike are paying attention to the B-movie formula. For the producers, there is a viable and possibly profitable market that can be explored and for viewers, there are fresh stories that are engaging and fun to watch.

The B-culture is not yet mainstream but it is slowly gaining ground. It is only bound to grow as more and more people are getting sick of mainstream products that are lifeless and unoriginal. There is simply much room for growth for the B-culture.


1. Do you like watching movies? What kind of movies do you like?

2. How do you choose the movie when you decide what to see? Do you have any standards to pick?

3. Have you ever heard about the 'B-movie' or 'B-culture'? How do you think about that?

4. Why do people go crazy about B-movies? What do you think about it?

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