Love Is... > 영어토론방

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Love Is...

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,509회 작성일 05-04-26 06:03


Love is...
Alicia's mother died when she was a child. Her father is a psychiatrist and she is a dancer. Her skin is white and her expression sever, as if her premature development has made her mistrustful of the glances she attracts. She always occupies the same place in the bar exercises, next to a window, in the Decadance Academy. Her dancing mistress, Katerina Biloba, and ex-ballerina and lonely like Alicia, Alicia makes the academy her home and Katerina her most solid emotional reference.

Benigno went over to the window, pulled back the net curtain which had gone out of fashion over twenty years ago and for that reason now seemed modern, and looked out at the street. He ran his eye over the buildings opposite, he looked at the Decadance Ballet Academy diagonally across from his house, to the left. Placed there by fate so that he could contemplate it at his ease. That was the first day he was Alicia dance. She was an adolescent with very white skin who wayed in time to a soundless music(he couldn't hear it). After delighting in contemplating her face, her long neck, her shoulders, her breasts which were firmly outlined beneath her lycra top, Benigno thought that he wanted that adolescent for himself, fell in love.

Alicia's room is decorated with personal objects, thing she had in her bedroom at home until, one rainy day, she was knocked down by a car. It was the first thing Benigno told her father: "Bring me something of hers, something personal.." "What kind of thing?" the confused father asked him. "Things that she has in her room.. so that when she wakes up she won't feel she's in a strange place."

In her house, before the accident, Alicia had lava lamps on both her bedside tables. She was reading The Night of the Hunter and page 115 was turned down at one corner, as a marker. She also had an alarm clock and a photo of her parents when they were young. And two tiny, brightly colored boats souvenir which Katerina brought her froma trip she'd made to Salvador de Bah to see the Bahian women dance. And a photo of Katerina. All these objects returned to her, on both sides of the bed again, in her room in the clinic. Th alarm clock was still working but the marker in the novel hadn't moved from page 115.

In the clinic after Alicia had the accident and became comma, Benigno takes care of her, nurses her for years. He never leaves her and does everything for her. He washes her, changes her clothes, read books to her, takes her out for a walk, gives her a massage and everything. He helps her physically but also metally. As Alicia was a ballet student, Benigno goes to see ballet concerts and tells her about it although she's unconscious. He believes she'll hear and feel everything. Her father comes once in a while, but Benigno is with her always.

And one day, doctors who come to check Alicia finds something strange. She's changed. She became pregnant. It is obvious that it was Benigno's doing, and Benigno is sent to prison. And not long after Benigno was sent, with miracle, Alicia finds conscious and is recovered from her comma completely. That's a story of "Talk to Her"

1. Liking vs Loving:
In his book Liking and loving, Rubin (1973) pointed out a common ground of love and liking: both being attitudes that a person holds toward another person; both being invisible packages of feelings, thoughts, and behavioral predispositions within an individual. However, the content of love is not the same as that of liking. Love is composed of three elements: attachment, caring, and intimacy. "Attachment" refers the powerful desire to be in the other's presence, to make physical contact, to be approved of, to be cared for. "Caring" is the willingness to sacrifice oneself for the sake of the other person. "Intimacy" is the union and bond between these two individuals. What makes liking different from loving, according to Rubin, is its emphasis on evaluating the other person. That is, we like some one only if we think of that person as good intellectually and morally, and worth our respect. Through empirical procedures, Rubin has developed scales measuring love and liking, which provided support for his theory.

2. Companionate vs. passionate love:
To Hatfield and her colleagues (1978, 1988), the two basic types of love are passionate love and companionate love. "Passionate love" is defined as a state of intense longing for the union with another and a state of profound physiological arousal. "Companionate love" is the affection we feel for those with whom our lives are deeply entwined. It is believed that passionate love, based on a human biophysiological system shared with other primates, is a powerful emotion that can be both blissfully positive (when love is reciprocal) and despairingly negative (when love is unrequited). Companionate love, on the other hand, is achieved only between partners who are able to positively reinforce each other's intimate behaviors. Although most people hope to combine the delights of passionate love with the security of companionate love in a single relationship, actually to do so may be impossible.


1. Have you seen 'Talk to Her'? How do you feel after you know what it's about?

2. What is your definition of Love?

3. Do you think Benigno's action is really love?

4. How would you feel if you were Alicia? Would you accept him?
    Would you accept his action as real love?

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