Embarrassing Haircuts > 영어토론방

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Embarrassing Haircuts

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,049회 작성일 05-05-25 22:05


A teacher walks around the classroom with clippers in his hand as he peers intently at students' hair.
Then he gives a compulsory haircut to a student whose hair is too long.

Korean adults have memories of this in schools decades ago, but juvenile advocacy groups say it is still happening now, an act that youngsters criticize for being "humiliating."

When students decried hairstyle restrictions in 2000, the government advised schools not to discipline students in a shameful or humiliating way. However, "Idoo," a group leading the movement against restrictions on hairstyles, says haircuts are still done in a humiliating way at some schools.

"We have continually said that regulations on hairstyles should not come with the compulsory haircut, but the problem has not been resolved yet," Idoo representative Lee Joon-haeng told Education Minsiter Kim Jin-pyo on Monday.

As Idoo is preparing a rally for youngsters on Saturday, a week after about 350 students took to the streets protesting new university admission guidelines, Minister Kim invited students for talks to soothe their anger about the school system. About 70,000 signatures have been amassed on an online signature-collecting campaign, calling for abolition of restrictions on hairstyles. The Idoo Web site shows about 100 photographs of students' hair partially cut by teachers and looking ugly.

One student has hair looking like a narrow and bushy expressway left on the crown of his head. "In a gym class, a teacher punished us by making us do push-ups after cutting some students' hair. I'm sick of this," wrote a male junior high school student in Seoul.

A petition was also submitted to the national human rights watchdog earlier this month, saying forced haircuts violate the rights which dictate human bodies should not be damaged. Human rights groups further called for students to be allowed to participate in the process of deciding school rules on hairstyles. "The problem lies in not whether regulations on hairstyles exist or not, but in that students' opinions are not reflected in the rules," said Ko Geun-yi, a human rights advocate.

Each school has the autonomy to decide hairstyle regulations. The rules can range from a short crew cut for boys to shoulder-length hair for girls. Park Il-woo, a female high school student said, "Not all school teachers compulsorily cut students' hair with scissors. In my school, the teacher just advises us to keep our hair neat and in a ponytail." Jin Yeon-ju, a junior high school teacher said, "Until last year we used to cut students' hair with scissors, but not anymore because students showed their discomfort."

The Education Ministry said 65 percent of schools nationwide revised their rules in 2004 after listening to student opinions.


1. Have you ever had your hair cut or restricted by school?

2. Why do you think schools restrict their student's haircut?

3. Do you agree or do you disagree restricting student's haircut? Why?

4. What other restrictions are there in school? How do you think they should become?

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