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Law School In Korea

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,981회 작성일 05-05-25 22:08


A presidential judicial reform committee's decision to establish American-style postgraduate law schools has stirred fierce opposition from universities and law professionals nationwide. While voicing opposition, the universities and law professionals are against the plan for different reasons.

The total number of law school students has become the main subject of the controversy again, as the committee did not settle the number in the final plan it announced Tuesday.

The Korean Federal Bar Association called the judicial reform committee's decision "deficient and unreliable" for not clarifying the total number of law school students.

"The total number of students should be settled according to the committee's former proposal which was to set the number based on the number of those who pass the present judicial examination," the association said in a statement it released.

On Tuesday, the committee confirmed its plan to set up schools in 2008 in eight to 10 universities and to limit the number of law students below 150 per school. But it did not settle the total number of law school students, handing the decision over to the Ministry of Education.

The bar association also said, "It is wrong to give the decision to the Education Ministry. The discussion should include judicial officials and law professionals in order for the plan to run properly."

Although the committee has not settled the total number of students, experts say that the number is likely to be about 1,200 - as the bar association insists - based on the committee's allowance of eight to 10 universities to have law schools, and with at least 80 percent of the students passing the American-style bar exam, which will be held from 2012.

Universities and civic groups also voiced opposition as they have insisted that at least 3,000 students should be educated in order to achieve the purpose of the law school system.

The council of nationwide law professors also released a statement, criticizing the committee for coming up with a plan which is a "tool for law professionals to hold onto their vested rights."
"We refuse to agree with the committee's proposal which is made in a discussion between a few law professionals, disregarding the public opinion. Also, the plan contains several legal fallacies that make it impossible for us to go along with it," the statement said.

The push for a new law-school system came after long criticism of current legal education because of the intense competition among undergraduate law students and the authoritarianism of legal experts. Under the American law-school system, students pursue various majors in college before applying for law school, which prevents unnecessary early competition, and also gives students a broader education. The increase in legal professionals has caused concerns over competition among lawyers, but the Roh Moo-hyun administration has been pushing for more open access to the legal sector to meet growing domestic demand. The measure is also to prepare the country for the opening of its tightly-controlled legal market to outside competition under the World Trade Organization's plan to open up the service sector industry.
The presidential committee plans to submit the bill to the National Assembly in June, but a bumpy road ahead is expected with universities also vehemently against the plan to set up an evaluation committee to review law schools.

The committee has decided that while the Education Ministry determines the eight to 10 universities that will set up law schools, those universities will be evaluated and reviewed by a committee set up with members of the bar association every five years. Under the plan, the education minister can cancel the approval and hand it over to a runner-up university if a school fails to match the association's standards.
Universities fiercely oppose the plan, asserting that the bar association is ineligible to be in charge of the evaluation and schools could be ranked unreasonably.


1. Have you heard about Law Schools? Do you know what it is?

2. Why do you think Korea is trying to accept Law School?

3. Do you think Law School is necessary in Korea?

4. What effect or impact will Law school bring?

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