Necessary Cloning vs Dating a Clone > 영어토론방

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Necessary Cloning vs Dating a Clone

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,206회 작성일 05-06-19 23:35


(Agreeing opinion)
After Dolly was cloned, governments everywhere scrambled to outlaw human DNA cloning research and the debates on the ethics of such research exploded.

I have yet to find a valid argument against human DNA cloning that isn't already covered by current laws or common sense.

The most common arguments against are:

1. Clones won't have souls.

2. Cloning is contrary to God's will and is dabbling in His Domain.

3. Clones won't be unique humans and will not be able to have individual identities.

4. Clones will be bred and killed for organs.

5. Clones will be bred and used for cheap or free labor.

6. Clones will be selectively designed for specific traits like height, intelligence.

I don't consider points 1 and 2 to be valid since we've never proved that anybody has a soul, or that God exists. As a nation, we're precluded from creating legislation based on religion. Any religion.
Point 3 shows a misunderstanding of cloning. Cloning produces an individual as genetically similar to the original as twins are to each other. If clones would have no uniqueness or individuality, then one of every set of twins should have the same deficiency. In the case of a clone being created from an adult, the clone would be at least 18 years younger than the original and would be influenced during its development by a completely different society than the original - even more uniqueness than twins.
Points 4 and 5 are already illegal. Killing a human, whether it's a clone or not, to harvest organs is murder and is already illegal. Using humans, whether a clone or not, for free labor is slavery and is already illegal.

Point 6 assumes that we will someday be able to select specific traits in our clones. The genes that determine these traits most likely also control other unrelated traits. So, if we try to select a specific hair color in a clone, we might also be changing a vital protein somewhere else in the clone. But assuming that we will be able to select specific traits safely, why shouldn't we? In spite of the covers of fashion magazines, we're not all attracted to the same thing, so we won't be creating legions of Brad Pitts and Cindy Crawfords.

As methods of reproduction go, cloning has to be one of the most expensive and problematic. It won't overpopulate the Earth any more than in vitro fertilization or artificial insemination has thus far. Governments won't spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a cadre of high-tech super-soldiers when they can spend a tenth the money and get ten times the number of regular soldiers that die just as easily. Using cloned humans for organs doesn't make any sense when you consider that the clone would have to grow to adulthood if you're planning on harvesting the organs for an adult. Most people in need of organs don't have 15 years to wait.

Some nation somewhere will drop its anti-cloning laws, or conveniently ignore prosecution of these laws. It may have already happened. A human will be cloned in the near future. When the story breaks, many will be surprised that the clone is indistinguishable from any other human. Maybe then we can get past irrational dogma and fears and start using the science behind cloning to make human existence better.
(Opposing opinion)

I picture myself sitting in a swanky restaurant on the Rue de Canal taking part in sexy sweet talk with some Spaniard en route to Berlin. I am oozing with contentment. This man is ambitious, intelligent, humorous, and possesses an overall sex appeal that leaves me yearning for the later part of the evening to unfold. He starts asking me about my parents and siblings and I'm thinking, wow! A family man, too! Someone really is listening up there. And then the bubble bursts.
He is a clone--an outcome of a highly monitored and orchestrated scientific procedure. And, as quickly as I was eager to pursue a Parisian romance with this man, my mind swells with many unanswerable questions.

What if he really is the one? We start dating and I fall madly in love with him only to one day realize that there may be two or three just like him living four blocks over. Or even worse, his future siblings could be stored on the third shelf of a bar fridge in some seedy downtown laboratory. As if trying to find the one isn't a mission in itself. And now a whole new dimension of is he the best one of the ones plays itself into an already confusing dating arena.
Bottom line--clone man is simply a poor time investment.
Having said all that, perhaps successful cloning experiments could result in increasing the number of present day Brad Pitts, Ben Afflecks, and similar scrumptious desserts of the sort. The young women of today are the Cougars of tomorrow. They can request the cloning Gods to create such worthy species who, twenty years from now, will have developed into carefully sculpted works of art.


1. Have you seen any books or movies or articles about cloning? How did you feel?

2. Do you agree cloning or opose cloning?

3. Will you accept a clone organ if you or you family were in a fatal emergency?

4. What would you do if the person you love and the person you wish to marry is a clone?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.

susan77973437: Well. I've never thought about cloning seriously...but i'm sure that this will make big changes in the future, if it is right or not. And we have to prepare them for better our life. Maybe we'll have many trials and errors and have to find the best answer. -[07/03]-
susan77973437: Well. I've never thought about cloning seriously...but i'm sure that this will make big changes in the future, if it is right or not. And we have to prepare them for better our life. Maybe we'll have many trials and errors and finaly we'll find the best answer. -[07/03]-
susan77973437: 이런 삭제 기능이 아직 없군요...한번 올려 본건데....두 글다 삭제 바랍니다. 수잔^.^;; -[07/03]-


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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