Five Tips for Improving Your English > 영어토론방

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Five Tips for Improving Your English

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,382회 작성일 05-01-11 03:56


As Korean students have either already begun or are gearing up for their summer vacations, this long break is a good chance for them to practice their English skills. I have been teaching English to local university students for the past 20 years and I'm often asked to give tips for studying English in a more efficient way.

As usual, this year is no exception to the trend of waves of students leaving Korea to study in English speaking countries. However, this option is not within everyone's financial reach, nor is it as effective as we may have heard in the past. Since there is no ``magic bullet'' for gaining English fluency, I have put together some of what I believe are the most effective and least costly methods of studying English.

These methods will work for any one who is willing to take the time to actually use them on a daily basis. Before going into these, however, it should be noted that Korean students have to make up for years of being taught with inappropriate methods of instruction. Although it may seem like common sense, it's important to mention that no aspect of language learning should be emphasized too much. It's a holistic process.

In the past, local junior and senior high schools were infamous for their over emphasis of grammar, but now they have reached the opposite extreme _ no grammar instruction. Neither extreme gets results when it comes to learning English. Another obstacle students face is a lack of opportunity for practical conversation, as well as instructional techniques that are strictly examination-oriented, so it comes as no surprise that they are unable to handle even the most basic speaking and listening situations with native speakers.

Given these circumstances, what is the best way to study English? The following five tips have been culled from my personal experiences of teaching English to Korean college students.

1. Read English language books, magazines and newspapers. Just as athletes need a nutritious regimen for hard training, so too English students need to read English publications for sustenance _ namely vocabulary and expressions they need to know for communication.

2. Listen to English language radio and television programs as often as possible. This is an almost cost-free practice method that can be done just about anywhere _ in the car, on the beach, at home and even while you are walking. Listening to real broadcasts will expose you to a wide range of accents and dialects and will help hone your overall listening skills. As you have to first understand what the other person is saying, you should never neglect listening practice.

3. Practice speaking English daily and try to memorize as many simple, useful expressions as you can. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, since this is actually a very important means of making progress. Without a degree of memorization it's impossible to learn a foreign language, so you should try to collect a lot of short useful expressions related to your field and practice them until you can produce them automatically.

4. Try to write some simple ideas in English every day. For example, keeping an English diary or sending English e-mails to friends are two easy ways of writing daily. In addition, writing down your thoughts creates a bank of information that you can refer to at any time while you are studying English. As a matter of fact, this is the weakest area for Korean students.

5. Set up long-range language-learning goals for yourself. I have a saying about English study _ ``4/40.'' If a student makes English study a four-year plan while they are in college, that student will likely continue to study English for the next forty years.

We all, students and teachers alike, have to be aware that learning English is not an overnight process, but it may take a lifetime _ as it has been in my case.

If these suggestions are carefully observed, and you are willing to work hard and to be patient, you should soon notice a progressive improvement in your practical English language skills.


Q1) What is English? Define it as one word by using metaphor and explain it to us.

Q2) Which one do you think is the most important tip among the above five ones in studying English? and why do you think so?

Q3) What do you think of studying English abroad? Tell us about the advantages and disadvantages of it.

Q4) Do you have your special methods to improve your English? Why don't you share them with us?

extra Q) What do you think of English Debate club? If you find some shortages of our club, feel free to tell we are.

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.

thingsgon: Here are the answers
1. what is english?- MONEY(because the more you know english well, it will bring you
sucess in a faster, and easier way:you know i don' t want to define english something
like what i said, but our society(this current situation) makes me .)
2. Number three i think, other tips are also very useful, but speaking can cover all the other tips,
it can have equivalent effectiveness of other 4 tips, because when you speak in english
you are listening to a language, speaking a language , you can practice sentence structure
grammer skills, you make conception before speaking which can improve your english
comprehensional capacity. by communicating each other you will learn some new words,
new expressions, so obiously. if you just remeber them and pratice. it is hard to put all five
tips in to practice, thus maybe speaking can be better, if you are going to choose one.
3. Studying english abroad, it has different effect on different people, some will accept,
and adapt to their new environment without difficulty and distress whereas some find it hard to get accustomed to their new language, and culture. consequently, the first group will
enjoy their studying while the second group is lost. But in my opinion, studying abroad
is good actually, most people around you are foreingners, you just have to use english
to tell them what you want otherwise you'll never get what you want properly,
so that makes you to unavoidably use and study english,
but you can exprience as much as studying abroad , only if you try hard,
look , search for any chance to learn english with ardent passion,
if you want bad, then work bad, it depends on one's endeavor.
yet i can't say studying abroad is bad nor good,but one thing true is goings abroad
does makes you think widely.
4.well, no there aren't any special method i use to improve my english
but i frequently talk to myself in english about world's events, new news,and on some
5.umm, english debating club is a superb site, it helps me with my english skills
so much. but i hope this club will provide us with more fresh news, like what had been
going on lately.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

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