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The X-file

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,359회 작성일 05-03-12 01:49


Lawyers for show business personalities and entertainment agencies are drawing up lawsuits seeking damages over unauthorized release on the Internet of "X-files" containing lurid and other private insights of 99 celebrities.

Rumbles from the controversy continued to rattle the entertainment world because the 113-page document lifts the veil on the celebrities, including sex scandal rumors. Show business experts say disclosure of the report, commissioned by the nation's top advertising company Cheil Communications and drawn up by Dongseo Research, is expected to wind up at the center of massive lawsuits.

A number of TV celebrities, including actress Kim Min-sun and actor An Jae-wook, told a news conference yesterday that they were hurt by the disclosure of the report.

But they did not say what countermeasures they will take. Cheil said it believed someone from the research agency leaked the internal report-drawn up as reference material for TV advertising contracts-on the Internet, Yonhap new agency reported.

Most entertainment managing agencies and entertainers are moving to take collective legal action, a group of lawyers of the Hankyul law firm told a news conference on Thursday. Although the committee formed by representatives of concerned entertainers said settlements have not been determined yet as petitions are still not finalized, experts said the amounts were likely to be astronomical considering how many major celebrities are involved. The lawyers said they are going to file suits against both companies at both penal and civil levels for libel and violations of privacy and will present a petition possibly next week.

They said they will also take legal action against journalists and reporters who were interviewed for the report, and are seeking legal recourse against internet users who have distributed the document.
Cheil Communications released an official statement on Wednesday, apologizing to the celebrities for the unintended release of the document. It said the report was strictly for internal use and was incomplete, and thus not meant to be publicized. Cheil also said the file is presumed to have been leaked from the research company. They declined to comment on any legal plans.

Celebrities who were featured in an internal report for an advertising agency, went on the offensive saying they did not want to be niewed as products. The Korea broadcast performers' union was particularly angry that they were numerically graded by the agency, Cheil Communications, in terms of how appropriate they would be as spokespersons for advertisers seeking endorsements of their products. "It is sad to learn that rumors were spread publicly as if they were true," said An Jae-wook, a Korean actor who was included in the 113-page report compiled on the private lives of 99 top Korean celebrities. Kim Min-seon, an actress who was also included in the report, wept as she said, "I am worried about what people will start thinking of me. Please do not judge us by the report." The two celebrities said they came to the press conference held by the performers' union on behalf of other celebrities mentioned in the report. The dossier included allegations of illegitimate births, drug abuse, violent behavior, orgies and homosexual relationships. Hankyul, a law firm representing most of the celebrities who were named in the report, released a statement Thursday saying it is considering legal action against the ad agency that "collected false information and let it slip through their fingers." "The agency cannot be forgiven for drawing up a false report that defamed celebrities' reputations," read the Hangyeol statement. "It shows how inferior the state of human rights is in Korean society. "It also called for all related material to be deleted from web pages and said measures should be taken to prevent similar incidents.

Cheil Communications released an official apology and is reportedly preparing for possible libel suits.


1. Do you know about the X-files? Have you seen it? If you have, what did you feel?

2. Were the X-files right to make or wrong to make?

3. Who is responsible for this 'X-files' case? (Cheil Communications? the employee who leaked it? the netizens who spreaded it? or else?)

4. Will the impact defame celebrities' reputation for a long time or will it cool down shortly? What can be done to prevent cases like this one?

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