Beggars! Is it right to give beggars money? > 영어토론방

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Beggars! Is it right to give beggars money?

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,109회 작성일 05-03-22 00:20


Is it right to give beggars money?

Have you ever met a beggar in Seoul?
The answer would be 'yes' to anyone with no doubt. Start from Seoul station to Shin-chon.
The distance of the two place is close and takes a short time to go. But while you go, you will probably see more than three people holding a small basket pitifully asking for money. There are so many beggars in big cities of the world including Seoul. Even in the most developed and economically centered city like New york and London, beggars are everywhere begging for pennies. The way they beg for money and where they beg for money is quite various.

The most popular place for beggars to beg for money is the station. (Train stations and subway stations.) A beggar can ride the subway with you and beg money inside. They use music like hymns to get attention and sympathy and walk on and on begging for money. Inside the station outside the subway, you can also see beggars gravely doing their job. They bow flat down on the ground with a small basket in front of them. And people passing them gives coins or sometimes paper money to them. Big cities, where people move busily to their destinations, public transportations do a crucial part of the flow of people. People go and people come to their destinations using public transportations like buses and subways. These places are good to make a nice little spot to do one's job as a beggar.

The ways how beggars beg for money are various.
They can walk along the long subway with a basket in their hands or sit on the ground with a basket in front of them. These methods are old and very common. One of the strangest case I saw, was when a beggar danced in front of almost everyone in the subway with a very happy face, but still with a basket. People laughed and some people grinned at his unusual action. But a lot of people gave him money for his effort. As the world change, beggars change their way of doing their jobs as well.

Beggars are people who don't have enough money to buy houses, food and clothes. And there are so many beggars and people with no homes in Seoul. These people might have been fired from work or might have lost everything because of debts. It's very hard to get jobs these days, even 3D jobs are full. In a situation like this the disabled are even harder to get a small job. All they can do is beg for money or wait for the society for give them dinner in the evening. Poverty passes on to the next generation. If the parents are poor, the children are likely to be poor in the future, or the child has to do twice or triple the effort of normal people to free himself from poverty. No matter what reason, it is obvious that they are in need of any help they can get. People who thinks this way gives money to these poor beggars and tries to help them.

But there are people who doesn't trust beggars and disagree giving money to them.
Some beggars are known to be under a certain gang. They work and beg all day long, in normal condition or disabled whatever their conditions are, and gives almost everything to the gang. No matter how much they try and how much they earn, most of it will be taken away. Some beggars who look disabled are known to be fake. They use human's feeling of sympathy for the disabled to get money. They disguise themselves as if they have physical problems, and injuries and beg for money. Many scenes and stories like these were reported in Newspapers and TV programs, and more people now distrust beggars, asking theirselves if it is right to give beggars money.

There are many welfare societies helping beggars and the homeless.
They provide them food, clothing and sometimes medicine. But it is always not enough. These societies need money to help the homeless and the poor but there aren't enough sponsors to help them financially. Also, although welfare is becoming important everyday, Korean welfare system is very young and isn't strong enough to help people who do not pay tax at all. As the Korean proverb goes "Even a nation can't rescue poverty", will poverty be an hopeless eternal homework for us, or can we, with even little money, overcome this crux.


1. How often and usually where do you see beggars?

2. Do you usually give beggars money? If you do, how much is the amount?

3. Do you think it is right to give beggars money?

4. What can we do to help beggars and the homeless? (yourself, society, nation..)

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