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Shrinking Population

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,740회 작성일 05-04-01 02:30


According to the Ministry of Government Affairs and Home affairs, the population of Korea was 48,387,700. Comparing to last year's population record of 48,229,950, only 0.32%, 15,757 has increased.

This increase rate in population is recorded as the lowest since 1974. Observing the past 3 year's population increase rate, 0.60% in 2002, 0.43% in 2003, 0.32% in 2004, the increase rates are recorded as the lowest due to the lowering birth rate. According to the population statistics of the last 30years, the only year which the population increased over a million was in 1977, when 1,110,077 increased. The average of population increase rate shows 2.30% in the 70s, 1.43% in the 80s, 1.11% in the 90s slowly decreasing, but in 2000 the average dropped greatly to 0.58%.

In populations by provinces and cities, present population of Kyoungki province first exceeded 10million and outnumbered the population of Seoul. Kyoungki province's population increased 279,378, Seoul's decreased 33,031 showing a tendency of decreasing population every year except the year 2000. Kyoungki province's population increase rate won the first place followed by Kyoungnam, Daejon and Ulsan. According to the results of last year's movement of population announced by the national statistical office, people moving in to the metropolitan area increased steadily for the past few years, but showing Seoul's decreasing while Kyoungki province showed a continuous increase. The population decreased provinces and cities were Busan, which decreased the most of 38,680, followed by Junnam, Kyoungbuk, Seoul, Gangwon, Incheon and so on.

In England, Kent County Council(KCC) has found that population changes have led to growing numbers of empty primary school places. KCC's scrutiny committee wants to know how the problem will be addressed. Committee chairman Mike Eddy said: "We've not enough young children to take primary school places which will ultimately affect secondary schools." He said the problem was less severe in housing growth areas of Ashford and Kent Thameside, but provision needed to be addressed across the whole county.

Mr Eddy said: "There is a fall in the number of children across the whole of the country and it's particularly severe in certain parts of Kent." He said the impact would be less in Ashford and the Kent Thameside area, but that even there, falling numbers would still be a trend. "One of the problems we have is that if we have a very small reduction in the number of children at a primary school, it is not the case that we can just take out a class, because a class is a complete year group." He said any decisions made by KCC were affected by the Schools Adjudicator which had highlighted the lack of a plan for the whole area.
"It is all very well picking on what you think is the weakest school, or the one with the least effective business case, but the reality is you have got to look at the whole provision within an area." He said the recent case of Ripple Primary, where the council had planned to close the school, but the adjudicator backed a campaign to keep the school open, had done the county council a favour. "It is forcing KCC to look again at how it approaches potential school closures," he said. "What we have to do it look at the whole of the provision across an area," he said.

Low birth rate and aging society leads to lack of population to produce (age15~64) and causes lack of labouring population, increase of responsibility to support senior citizens, drain of National Pension which are serious problems for the reproduction of the society.

As bad as the situations are, the government are trying hard to resolve the shortage of labour, permitting immigrant workers, examining for the use of women power, presenting a reform bill of the National Pension to block the drain of the pension fund. Despite these efforts, injury and damage cases of foreign workers are happening continuously, use of women labour is building a structure of low wage. Also the reform bill of the National Pension which was presented as a basis to resolve the lack of fund and the aging society, not as a plan to strengthen the power of the pension, is only giving the people a bigger burden. Nothing seems to be going well.

The government and society is presenting new resolve plans to rise the birth rate. The government passed a new bill of giving money and a subtraction of tax when the third child is born. Also in the Kyoungbuk province, the city will offer 2million won when a child is born, planting a tree with the name of the child plus giving full economical support till the child goes to school. This policy aims to rise the birth rate of citizens but also to make a green forest with the trees of the children.


1. How many brothers and sisters do you have? How many children do you want to have in the future?
2. What disadvantage of damage do you think the low birth rate will bring?
3. What policies or plans do you know to increase birth rates?
4. What kind of policies or solutions can increase birth rates?

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