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The school problem

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,978회 작성일 05-04-10 21:55


In response to increasing violent acts among school children, the government decided yesterday to create an amnesty period for students who have perpetrated violence. Students who turn themselves will not be punished. But those caught after the amnesty period could face criminal charges for gang involvement. Police said they will start a rigorous investigation into school violence issues starting in May.

During the next two months, victims will get government support, officials said.
Students who wish to be protected from the further assaults can go to the police while the Justice Ministry will provide legal help for those seeking legal compensation against those who committed violent acts.
The Education Ministry will help student victims transfer to another school if the victim wishes to move. The new measures come after police have found school violence has increased by the day. In South Gyeongsang province recently, a 15-year-old had to regularly bribe his gang member classmates. If he didn't, he was taken to the boy's room, his clothes stripped off and he was tortured with a lighter.
When the Seoul Education Office conducted a survey of over 5 million first graders to twelfth graders, one out of 10 students answered they had experienced violence sometime at school.

Four government offices decided to intensify their measures against school violence, including the Culture, Education and Justice ministries along with the National Police Agency.
A teacher has been found to have wrongly assisted two students on their tests, the Gangnam District Office of Education said yesterday.
"The physical education teacher at this middle school, identified as Mr. Han, 42, wrote the answers for two freshman female students on the mid-term exams taken last October," an audit team from the district announced.

The middle school did not report the wrongdoing to the district education office, according to the audit team. The disclosure came about after someone tipped off authorities, officials said.
After the tests were over, Mr. Han secretly changed the answer sheets of the English, social studies and math exams of the two students. However, the wrongdoing was exposed when Mr. Han accidentally included the old answer sheet together with the new answer sheet. Instead of reporting the incident, the school failed the two students and warned Mr. Han.

"The two students seemed unable to go into ordinary high school because their school records were so low, so I changed the answer sheets to improve their grades," Mr. Han allegedly told investigators.
The parents of the students denied they gave bribes to Mr. Han, saying the students did not need to improve their school records. One of the students was an amateur golfer and was guaranteed a slot at an ordinary high school as a "special achievement student."
Mr. Han has since been removed from his post, officials said.
The Gangnam District Office of Education said it will request his dismissal from the Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education. The office also said it will reprimand the principal, vice principal and other school officials for failing to report the incident.

A principal of a high school who accepted money from a student's parent directed a teacher to boost the student's grade. A teacher who was treated with luxury entertainment by a student's parent smuggled out test papers or corrected answer papers and gave awards to students who deserved nothing. A university admissions director smuggled out test papers to help his son gain admittance to his college department. With education in Korea so tattered, it is difficult to know where to begin to look for a cure.
We believe only few teachers and parents who falsified school records. The majority of students are still studying hard and sacrificing their sleep to get better marks. There must be a much larger number of teachers who take pains to give fair evaluations of students' grades.

However, the cheating on the College Scholastic Ability Test and the falsification of school records by teachers that were exposed late last year left deep wounds in the hearts of good students. How absurd it is that a teacher copies, for another student, the answer papers of a student who studied hard. If a student's position in his class dropped because other students' marks were trumped up by teachers, how unfair it was for the student. If the practice of cheating on school records goes on, it is not possible to implement a university admission system that will depend mainly on school records, starting from the 2008 school year. Who would take such school records seriously? Parents will intervene more over school records and controversy over the records will never end. And universities will lower the weight school records have in the admission process because it will be difficult to evaluate students with inflated or fabricated grades.

When school marks lose credibility, how can school records be accepted as admission criterion? It will only heighten distrust of the university admission process. What matters is how to restore credibility to school records. The Education Ministry's answer is banning teachers from proctoring. But that can't solve the problem. Senior educators whipped their own legs in an act of penance, but it did not work. We have to improve the qualifications and moral standards of our teachers. Through a teacher evaluation system, unqualified teachers should be driven out and a large-scale cleanup of the education community should be launched.


1. How was your school life so far? Did you enjoy it or was it a nightmare?

2. Have you ever experienced violence at school?
   (the hitter or the victim?)Have you ever treated unfairly by teachers?

3. What other problems does school have?

4. What do you think should change to resolve school problems?

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