Fairytales Live On in Summer TV Dramas > 영어토론방

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Fairytales Live On in Summer TV Dramas

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작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,848회 작성일 04-10-04 14:13


Local television dramas, however, are going back to the easiest and the most obvious of plots. It's the good old-fashioned Cinderella story, one that has been used far too many times, but five dramas currently airing seem to have fallen victim to the formula.
TV Land makes bumping into a billionaire by chance look so easy and falling in love with them the next easiest thing. He, her knight in shining armor, sweeps her off her feet and she teaches him the true meaning of love.

SBS' weekend drama, "Pariui Yonin (Paris Lovers)," the most watched drama on TV today, is just one example. Arrogant Ki-choo, played byPark Shin-yang, is next in line to inherit his family's automobile empire and is in need of a Korean maid who can accompany him to Paris for a short stay.

That's when Tae-young (Kim Jung-eun) enters the picture. A film student desperately in need of a job, cheerful Tae-young walks into Ki-choo's life. And when Kichoo needs a date for a party with business associates, Tae-young is asked to do more than what was originally in the job description. He supplies her with an evening dress, appropriate shoes and a diamond necklace, and though the two feel a connection that night, nothing else happens because it's just all part of the job.

The two return to Korea to find that Kichoo has been arranged to marry another girl and Tae-young is in even deeper financial trouble as she learns her uncle has put the family in debt. Tae-young turns to who other than Ki-choo, who ever so easily offers her a job at his company. After that she runs to Ki-choo whenever she finds herself in sticky situations. Ki-choo's father and fiance are set to rip these two apart but from how it looks at this point, the ending to this "Pretty Woman"-like miniseries seems obvious.
"Hwangtaejaui Chotsarang (The Prince's First Love)," which airs on MBC, is yet another drama that has chosen the traditional knight-in-shining-armor plot. Yubin (Song Yu-ri) finds herself caught in between two men - one, the pompous heir to a hotel resort and the other, adark handsome executive at a mobile phone company. The audience probably won't find out which guy she ends up with until the finale, but whoever she chooses, the television program is bound to draw up a happy ending that is determined by a man and his money.

In order to get her framed sister out of jail, Hye-duk (Park Ye-jin)makes the biggest sacrifice for her family in "Chagun Assidul (Little Women)" on SBS. Hoping that her marriage will help her family financially, she is practically sold off to get bail money for her sister Mi-duk (You Sun).
"It's been done too many times," Kang Hye-ran, director of the Association for Fair Media Action, recently said. "An even bigger problems that these drama make it look as if men who are well-off are the answers to these girls' prayers."

Just last week, the National Statistical Office reported that the average marrying age for the South Korean women rose to 27.3, in keeping with the improvements in women's social status and better opportunities at the work. But you wouldn't be able to tell this trend from the summer television dramas, where modern-day knights in shining armor still reign supreme.

1. Have you watched the dramas mentioned? Do you like it or not? What is the reason?
2. What is your favorite drama? What is attractive points of the drama?
3. There are so many Cinderella story. Have you ever heard such kind of story in our real life?
4. Why do we(especially girls) love such Cinderella stories?
5. Do you want to be 'a prince in armor' or 'Cinderella'?

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