Living in Seoul > 영어토론방

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Living in Seoul

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,451회 작성일 04-07-09 03:43


- idea 1

Seoul is one of the largest cities in the world. There is over one fourth of the Korean population in Seoul, and most Korean companies are in or near Seoul. This concentration in Seoul has caused many problems in both Seoul and the other cities. Traffic in Seoul is terrible, as well as high rent and environmental pollution. Because of diminishing populations and shrinking companies, local governments just don't have the money. So they cannot build new bridges, schools and theaters to meet the needs of residents. So the residents move to Seoul. The problem has been aggravated. Today even education is also making us to leave our hometowns. People who did not studied in Seoul are not welcomed at all by the potential employers. Career and education, what else is more important in living than them? To settle this problem, companies and educational institutions, like universities, should be given incentives, such as tax redemption, cheap sites and financial supports, when they move to local provinces from Seoul. This movements can develop provinces and Seoul citizen want to live in other cities. So, concentration to Seoul can be softened.

- idea 2

After spending 27 years in seoul, I've now been living in Chinju (Kyonsang-Nam province) for 4 years. Which place do I prefer? Seoul, absolutely. In Seoul, I can keep my anonymity. I can visit clean and current theatres from time to time, can register at a private institute that I need to go to (I am preparing for the GMAT, but cannot get help from a private institute, because there aren't any here), can set up a study group (I cannot here, because nobody-as far as I know-prepares for the exam), and so on. The worst thing is the fact that I cannot be anonymous here. Even though just a few people know me, I feel as if every Chinju citizen knows me. You know, there are just 300,000 people here (compare this with the 11 million people in Seoul!), and there has been little outflow or influx of population. It means that there are many people who have lived together in one place for a long- long-long time, thus know each other very well, even lots of private things. Just imagine that somebody whom you don't know already knows who you are. It's horrible. The surprising thing is that no one cares about that here. It is natural for them. Then what on earth is the difference between they and I? It is experience or familiarity. I had lived in Seoul for a long time, and they have lived in Chinju for a long time. They are familiar with such phenomena, while I am not. This is the difference between them and me. Thus, my conclusion is that preference depends on person. You can choose your environment, as you like.

- idea 3

There are considerable gaps between Seoul and other cities. The differences are not only in infrastructure but also in the attitude of the residents. I live in Pusan, the second largest city in South Korea. But it is common to hear that there is a 10 year gap between Seoul and Pusan. That is true. For example, buildings in Seoul don't compare with those in Pusan and most of the performances and the exibitions are held in Seoul. Therefore, the facilities and accomodations of Seoul are naturally better at making a good first impression to visitors. It is easy to see why young people gather in seoul. It seems as if Seoul is the area of opportunity to other city's people. Im my opinion, there are merits and disadvantages. The way I see it is that there are more disadvantages than merits. The heavy traffic and pollution are not good for our health. It is quite atrractive to live in a laid-back hometown atmosphere. We should not confuse reality with an ideal

1) Where is your hometown? Where were you born and have been raised? Share some of your happy memories about it. If you were born and have been raised in Seoul, tell us about your happy memories when you visited your relatives in the country

2) What are the different characteristics, you feel in your daily life, between people who Seoul born and other region born? Share some episodes?

3) An old saying goes "Send horses to Cheju-do and send men/women to Seoul." Do you think this saying is reasonable or not? Why do you think so?

4) What do you think Seoul would be like in 10~20 years? Do you think the gap between Seoul and other cities will keep widening? If so, what would like to do, if you were the policy maker?

이 글은「대학연합영어토론동아리」www.pioneerclub.com에서 제공하는 영어토론 정보입니다.


등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Total 1,076건 64 페이지
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