“Live Cool and Well” Is it a New Culture or Just a Business? > 영어토론방

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“Live Cool and Well” Is it a New Culture or Just a Business?

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 2,634회 작성일 04-07-09 03:29


To define “well-being” with trendy words, we can say a “cool” healthy culture. Generally, well-being is known as a culture pursuing a healthy life through harmonizing the mind and body and not being tied down to materialistic values. Not to mention, regarded as an elegant taste or a symbol of wealth.

Well-beings are only a few: “I would gladly sweat at the health center for my health.” “My ordinary life is comfortable and natural.” “I don‘t hesitate to buy natural organic food.” These were the general images of well-beings that the people thought of. It turned out that pursuing luxurious brands or extravagant life, or the opposite, living a simple life, all do not associate with well-beings. In short, well-beings are drastic when investing in themselves, but is a group that follow substantiality and not the outer form.

It takes money to well-being: How much do well-beings invest in to maintain their current condition? We asked the monthly cost for well-being. One out of two, approximately 47 percent, answered that they invested “100~500 thousand won.” Following this, 40 percent answered “less than 100 thousand won.” Five percent each answered “50,000 - 1 million won” and “1~2 million won.” Only two percent answered “above 2 million won.”

Well-beings meet at health centers: We asked of the flashing image of well-beings to those who are actually well-beings and those who aren‘t without singling out. The questionnaire presented 15 items currently considered as the culture of well-beings: health center and exercise, diet, aroma and massage. yoga and meditation, organic food, luxury, simple, composure and naturalness, self-complacency, young culture code, preferring luxury brands, considering mental value important, diligence, sensitivity to health information, and others.

The respondents picked out “health center” and “exercise” (14 percent) as the words most related to well-beings. Following, composure and naturalness (14 percent), organic food (12 percent), self-complacent (10 percent) and considering mental value important (7 percent) were picked.

On the other hand, simple (18 percent), luxury (14 percent) and preferring luxury brands (13 percent) were responded as words not related to well-beings, showing that well-beings and consuming do not have a huge relation. Following, diligence(11 percent), young culture code (8 percent) were replied as not related.

Meanwhile, 56 percent respondents said that well-beings are being used commercially. Only 16 percent replied the opposite.

Q1) We could easily meet the word “well-being” such as well-being tribes, well-being apartment, well-being home appliances, and well-being burgers. It is very popular these days. What do well-being remind you? Why do you think people stick to well-being?

Q2) What is your definition of well-being(with more than 3 sentences)?

Q3) The characteristic of well-being trend is not product itself but business marketing. For example, an air cleaner came to the market a long time age. However, it began to sell like hot cakes. It appeals people who pursue healthy life through clean air. So do you think well-being syndrome is a new life style or one of marketing strategies?

Q4) Most of people don‘t think they cannot afford well-being life. The culture of well-being such as fitness center, diet, aroma, massage, yoga and organic food takes a lot of money. Imagine there are two kinds of people. One delivers milk early in the morning. The other drinks fresh and high quality milk every morning. Who is much closer to well-being tribe? MORE CREATIVELY &INITIATIVELY give your answer to us

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Total 1,076건 65 페이지
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