Korean work ethic > 영어토론방

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Korean work ethic

페이지 정보

작성자 토론실
댓글 0건 조회 1,887회 작성일 04-07-09 01:48


Before the economic crisis began it was said that the workaholic Japanese were the only people who could make Koreans look lazy. Koreans became known for their industriousness, and it was the diligence of the Korean people that was mostly responsible for the country's rags to riches economic development.

But for a while, it seemed that Koreans were becoming lazy. A poll taken in 1996 showed that most Korean workers said they'd rater have more time off than earn more money. Koreans companies started to adopt 5-day work schedules, and by the end of '96, most large corporations had eliminated Saturdays entirely from the work schedule.

The trend toward a 5-day workweek came about mainly because wages had risen so much that Koreans goods had lost their international competitiveness. Employees had no choice but to try lowering their labor costs by reducing the number of working hours. Workers were happy to have more time off.

But along came the economic crisis and everything changed. The IMF deal required Koreans companies to become more efficient by cutting their bloated payrolls. All of a sudden everyone started to worry were thankful just to have jobs and didn't care about having time off. But with office staffs cut, fewer people had to do the same amount of work that used to be done by more people. The 5-day workweek continued in most companies, but the reason was to save money by reducing employees' working hours.

An even bigger change has taken place in Korean's employment system recently. The traditional life long relationship between employers and their employees is all but dead. Just as in Japan, Korean workers developed lifetime loyalties to their employers, expecting to remain with the same company from the time they were hired until they retired. Their companies became their extended families and their coworkers their family members.

But no more. Now Korean workers switch companies whenever they find better jobs, and Korean companies lay off employees according to their needs. Company loyalty is no longer expected, and workers are free to come and go.

These changes have been made necessary by the economic crisis, which is forcing companies to streamline their operations in order to become more efficient. They also have the effect of giving Korea a westernized system of employment, which is a drastic change from the past.

Q1) What is your opinion of Korean workers. Explain your opinion.
*Koreans are basically hard working people.
*Koreans are basically lazy.
*Koreans are not lazy, but they're not very hard working either.

Q2) Which system of employment do you think is better? Tell why you think so.
*The traditional Korean work ethic which tied workers to their employers for lifelong employment *The western style which workers can change jobs easily and more to other companies

Q3) How did the old system of lifetime employment play a role in causing the economic crisis to happen? Explain your opinion.
*It didn't have anything to do with causing the crisis.
*It had some effect on causing the crisis.
*It was one of the main causes of the economic crisis.

Q4) Is the change to a more western style of employer/employee relationship causing Korean workers to become more westernized in their thinking? Tell why you think so.

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Total 1,076건 67 페이지
영어토론방 목록
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